View Full Version : The Twins

Neil Templar
9th May 2011, 03:57 PM
i met twins. two girls, both wearing red dresses.
one had a young child in a push-chair, the other didn't.
i was talking to the second girl, without the child...
we got on well, there was chemistry between us. she was beautiful, physically, exactly the "look" i am attracted to.
i felt i was beginning to fall for her...

i was in a large space, lots of people around..it was like an airport or a train station...
thru the crowd i saw the twins, they saw me. they came over to me, as they got near, i floated up into the air and spun round above their heads.
hehe, showing off. :wink:
i landed, and my favourite twin was there smiling at me.

i said to her "you are so cute"
"so are you" she said, "even with those dull clothes on you're wearing!"
i looked down at what i was wearing. my jeans, and a hoodie, which itself has the entire spectrum of colours in the design.
i started to wonder what she meant about my "dull clothes"...

i woke, still wondering...
what could that mean?
a suggestion that i'm not "shining" as brightly as a could?..
maybe she was trying to help me become more lucid?... i had set an intention to be as lucid as possible before falling asleep..

9th May 2011, 05:23 PM
Maybe you had solicited the 'wrong' twin - the other may have thought you were brilliant :!:

9th May 2011, 07:37 PM
i woke, still wondering...
what could that mean?
a suggestion that i'm not "shining" as brightly as a could?.. That's what I thought, in respect to your energy body. I can pm you with what I thought, because it's unsolicited. :D

10th May 2011, 09:32 AM
I'm inclined towards the lucidity explanation.

Neil Templar
10th May 2011, 02:59 PM
CF, yes please do PM me :D
Beeky, i thought so too.
actually, the energy body and the lucidity were in equal measure in my mind as i woke... :roll:

10th May 2011, 03:42 PM
Sometimes the energy body you're in is referred to in the same way as clothes, and you can even "take it off" sometimes. The appearance of your clothes can tell you about the state of your energy body at times.

a hoodie, which itself has the entire spectrum of colours in the design

This might also be a hint for your clothes representing your energy body - the whole color spectrum present, just as with the chakras.


10th May 2011, 06:14 PM
This energy body stuff has become quite a fad (not saying it's fruitless but a little overworked maybe). Anyway, nothing has been said that argues against my original inclination - you, Templar, simply chose the 'wrong' twin.

Energy bodies aside (that's another issue) the dream speaks for itself. 8)

Neil Templar
11th May 2011, 10:25 AM
Maybe you had solicited the 'wrong' twin - the other may have thought you were brilliant :!:

well, if she did, she wasn't very vocal about it. she didn't even look at me once, we never spoke...

11th May 2011, 10:33 AM
I have to confess, I've been wondering sporadically throughout my day if she looked like Kylie Minogue. :lol: Probably would have been better if I'd just been reality-testing. :P

I love it when you call me Beeky!!! :lol: :lol:

Neil Templar
11th May 2011, 10:39 AM
I have to confess, I've been wondering sporadically throughout my day if she looked like Kylie Minogue. :lol: Probably would have been better if I'd just been reality-testing. :P

I love it when you call me Beeky!!! :lol: :lol:

hmmm, that would've been interesting. i did have an encounter with a Kylie Minogue in a previous experience... but no this one was brunette.

11th May 2011, 11:15 AM
i did have an encounter with a Kylie Minogue in a previous experience.
That's the one I was alluding to. :lol:

Neil Templar
11th May 2011, 11:23 AM
yeah, that was quite a significant experience too. while i was "connecting" with the Kylie being, my consciousness was flickering between awareness in two different bodies. the "other", was one in which none of my inner senses had been used before...
looking back, i wonder if that moment of connection with that being/energy, acted as some kind of "power-up", allowing me to move into the next energy body(vibrate higher)...
hmm...i'm gonna have to go back and look at that one again. i discussed it with Kurt too. he had a few insights that added to what Oliver had already suggested regarding the experience...

11th May 2011, 11:26 AM
Cool 8)

11th May 2011, 01:59 PM
hmmm, that would've been interesting. i did have an encounter with a Kylie Minogue in a previous experience... but no this one was brunette.

Danii, too?

Good lord! :lol:


12th May 2011, 09:01 PM
Maybe you had solicited the 'wrong' twin - the other may have thought you were brilliant :!:

well, if she did, she wasn't very vocal about it. she didn't even look at me once, we never spoke...

So, there you go. Your higher self doesn't speak to you, beckon you; any 'person' who would is 'of this material world'. To reach beyond you must choose 'the road least attractive'. There it was, but you declined not knowing imaginging that the girl with a load was, in fact, your sponsor and guiding angel.

Just my thougths, friend. I have thoughts but I don't always clain them as mine. :(

13th May 2011, 08:32 AM
Just my thougths, friend. I have thoughts but I don't always clain them as mine.

Don't be sad, Eyeoneblack. You're well respected and your ideas well-considered. Sometimes, it's easy to feel overlooked.