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10th May 2011, 02:53 PM
I'm spotting this trend where Kundalini is very frequently posed as "the most coveted awakening of all" the creme de la creme of spirituality .. the panacea to all your lowly mortal problems with the added bonus of psychic-super-powers unleashed!....hype of that sort isn't helping the situation , i think more people might be drawn to experimentation towards this end.
This article helps clear away some of the perpetuated hype as you gain understanding to the fact that Kundalini is an inherent energy placed within us all.
IMO having your Kundalini blow-up doesn't equate to "instant illumination".The processe(s) of awakening,activation,ascension,rising,gathering and descension are longstanding and require assiduous commitment and dedication.
I very highly suggest the reader to pay attention to how the article ends*.

"Kundalini is known by many names, and there are many ways to approach this, including those you describe here, and others like Yoga, etc.

Kundalini is an energy seed that exists in everyone, regardless of race or tradition or belief.

Kundalini energy, when awakened, begins to evolve a person to a higher level of consciousness. There are obviously many levels of consciousness and ability. How this evolution occurs, the speed it happens, and the end result, will obviously vary according to the individual undergoing the process. Some people with natural clairvoyant ability, will develop advanced minds eye vision ability. Those without this natural ability, will still develop some clairvoyant ability, but not to the extent of those with stronger natural ability preexisting.

The above obviously depends on how far a person evolves. Kundalini, once awakened, will evolve a person as far as that person is capable of evolving. For most, this invovles releasing the inner genious. Many will stop far short of ascending beyond normal life, but all will evolve a type of inner genius.
Kundalini, once awakened, involves a whole new level of energetic development. The awakened energy will take one so far. It is up to the individual how far this goes. By this, I mean it depends upon many variables, including the makeup, beliefs, and practices, of an awakened individual.

Once awakened, kundalini is a whole new level of spiritual and energetic development. This must be practiced and evolved to attain the higher levels.Kundalini is not a raise once and its done phenomenon. Once triggered, it must be evolved through further practice.
Some awakened persons are happy to evolve some inner genius, and they may never go beyond this in one life. This can and often does happen naturally. An artist, for example, may experience kundalini awakening. This will be triggered by creative work and will involve the awakening of inner creative genius. Such a person may have few spiritual aspirations, and will thus never spiritually move beyond the genius artistic level.

Kundalini is a natural energy that exists in everyone. Everyone has this potential, to evolve to become more than they were. Some people will want to go all the way, to ascend mortal life, etc. This is possible for some, but not all, as it depends on their inner energetic and psychological makeup, and if they are ready for such a leap. Many try but few succeed. But all will evolve to become more than they were.

The vampiristic approach that you mention seems to be a way to sidestep natural kundalini evolution to achieve a kind of false immortality. But this would be very conditional and given the predatory nature of such a person, this would corrupt a person and turn them into a kind of demon. This may in fact be the origin of many demonic types.

The energy body is what it is. Many approaches will trigger kundalini energy. But how far this can go will depend upon the individual. To ascend beyond mortal life and consciousness, and stay sane, would require extensive inner work, spiritual development, and energetic practice. :arrow: There are no safe short cuts*.

As for the assemblage point... I have experimented with this, with varying results. This does appear to exist and one can come to grips with it using body awareness. Results are variable. If played with, it will tend to shift you into different realities. Most of these involve different aspects of your self, in parallel universes. If this point is manipulated, expect anything minor reality shifts to major shifts. I do not know of any way to accurately predict the results of manipulating this.

Robert Bruce"

original post : viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3198&p=23903 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3198&p=23903)

11th May 2011, 12:36 AM

I was born with strong psychic abilities. Since K, they've been off the charts. I have been putting conscious thought into identifying and organizing them. My healing/natural psychotherapy have grown much as well. It's a bit overwhelming to organize so that it can all be used properly and efficiently. But with love as an anchor, I see no true obstacles. :)