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9th April 2006, 03:45 PM
Hi All,

I just started trying out NEW, specifically, the mobile body awareness. I did this on my legs the other night - fell asleep before I could get to my upper body. :roll:

Anyway, the day after my legs felt pretty fatigued, then my feet got so hot! Those dogs were bakin', lol.

Anyone have anything to share about this?

11th April 2006, 11:15 PM
Hi All,

I just started trying out NEW, specifically, the mobile body awareness. I did this on my legs the other night - fell asleep before I could get to my upper body. :roll:

Anyway, the day after my legs felt pretty fatigued, then my feet got so hot! Those dogs were bakin', lol.

Anyone have anything to share about this?
I suppose it's a quite common symptom. :D
When I did NEW on my feet for the first time I felt... I don't really remember what I felt :D
Anyway, I'm happy for you Scy :wink:

12th April 2006, 01:14 AM
Thanks Jaco :)

Man, this stuff ain't no joke! I did my upper body and my arms were pretty achy afterward. Last night, after doing it for a while before I went to sleep - I felt body vibrations, similar to pre-OBE sensations?

12th April 2006, 10:25 AM
if i work on the subnavel chakra or the throat chakra long enough then it begins throbbing first. then it grows fater and faster until it vibrates. i think this feels similar to pre OBE vibrations because these vibrations are energy sensations. before you project the energy body seems to be very active.

12th April 2006, 02:23 PM
Hey scymitar, maybe you need to back off for a while to the symptoms ease then try again. If you're new to new, your body will be adjusting to the changes, sort of like if you start do stretching exercises you need to start off slow or you will feel pretty slow the next day.

Not a bad idea. :) I do tend to go into things with a bit too much vigor sometimes and can overdo. Uh ya, how's that balance workin' out? lol

14th April 2006, 02:31 PM
like balancing a plate of jelly on a pin :)


Nice visual!