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View Full Version : All religions will pass, but this will remain:

11th April 2006, 03:01 PM
simply sitting in a chair and looking in the distance.

This quote by Vasilii Rozanov opens the first chapter to Richard Holloway's "Looking in the Distance - The Human Search for Meaning."

Richard continues:-

"I gave my life to that search. I became a priest, then a bishop, then a primate. Now, forty years and many battles later, it has passed and I am left sitting in the chair looking in the distance.

What remains is the innate compulsion to go on asking the unanswerable question of life's meaning. And it is the fact of its unanswerability that makes the question so compelling."

This book is for "those of us who are living out there in the place where God is absent, defeaned by the clash of claim and counter claim, as the rival explanations are fired over our heads."

Excellent read. I'd recommend to anyone who is genuinely seeking!!