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30th June 2011, 01:49 AM
Enhance your Dreamlife is a free e-book by the excellent Ryan Hurd.

30th June 2011, 03:31 PM
Thnx for the link B - i have it marked for a proper read later on.:)

On a similar note (not to hijack ofcourse)- to date i have one experiment down regarding "Enrichment of Dream Life".I think this would be a good place to share the story.It's quite a ride so buckleup!.Here goes.

A few years ago in a very remarkable winter that marked a chapter , the blizzard of all blizzards was predicted arriving , the sort you hear about coming on the radio , the kind they hand out beeping warnings online when you log into check mail - all that jazz , i'm sure you get the idea.
As the winter finally broke in , turns out the airlines got qued in and cancelled a lot of reservations on account of wild weather.Bummer - now i was "incarcerated in-campus".
The dorm had almost emptied out (i wasnt a local) so i decided to utilize the pin drop silence (miracle for a hostel) and engage in yet another metaphysical project.With exams ending and sleep deprivation at an all time high , the heaters humming loudly radiating warmth in the room , the added all time drowsiness making it further impossible to step outside - all this combined to form the perfect atmosphere for what seemed like the ideal situation to initiate a "dream" project.
The study-mode from exams still hadn't worn out so I started off with research , forum scouring and laying foundations for the experiment , establishing parameters and making log-sheets.
As the research gained momentum a lot of synchronicity too started building up (im not going to get into detail since most of us here know what im talking of).Let me hint the tip of iceberg though ; hearing the same thing in different tones in a certain number of times , numbers aligning , things matching in exact moments etc etc ( this was infact the gong sounding).
Anyway i went about blithely with the experiment.With the storm raging the only times i was heading out was to eat or to buy things of mundane use and that sadly meant the only* other person was a friend living off-campus.Yet another bummer.
At about this time a strange thing happened , for a number of days i had a strange feeling of having something "amiss" - everytime i would go out to get something i would come back feeling empty handed.
The study was now in progress.There were a number of things i had to get.While out on the town i had inadvertently run into a health store.There on the shelf was sitting the very thing i had needed (i had to date the strongest deja vu ever while i picked this bottle up).Now this is very generic OTC stuff (a vitamin combo used by bodybuilders to "boost" mostly) : ZMA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZMA_%28supplement%29) : it's just 3 simple things : Zinc-Magnesium-Aspartate and vitamin.B6 (at that point in time i vaguely remember thinking "oh okay this is good for dreaming too" and that was that).
I started taking it nightly.First thing to strike was the incredibly amazing Vivid Detail.I mean it was stellar - so much so that while napping if i woke up for a short bit i'd immediately want to get back to dreaming - the dreamscape was that* lusciously rich.Colors,texture,the starkness of it was through the roof.Imagine a delicious meal you just cant get enough of.
Next to come was lucidity ,the quality started picking up pace and so did the duration of it.
Now is probably a good time to mention that i got the only few precog-dreams i've ever had (very minor stuff though).
By this point in time i had started to understand a few things : dreams aren't exactly easy subject to definition - they have a life of their own.
I'm going to illustrate this with "triad" of "dream-reality-nexus" that i had somehow became caught in -

Dream One - I am in a hospital-"like" environment surrounded with a great deal of tubing,electric equipment and whatnot.Except the strange part is that i'm also put down with strapping all on limbs.As the dream starts there's invariably a team of (people? beings? doctors?) who "put me down" with an injection and run a series of scanning appratus over me (i'm "fuzzed" out/bleary vision).I very distinctly remember (clear as daylight/absolute lucidity) this one time as the dream starts i catch the leading (person?) communicate to the others on this "team" "Okay he's here -let's get started".Suddenly a white light glares open and a large unbearable buzzing sound generates.
Dream Two - I am "running away" and i invariably get chased after.It's night and the dreamscape fluctuates (sometimes the road is gritty sometimes its grassy and the route changes).Although being "chased" is a common dream-theme for me , this time its different because in these dreams an "end sinister" awaits me.The endings are the same with white glares flashing and buzzing noise.
Dream Three - This isn't exactly a dream this is "nexus" part - continum of dream module into real life.But i dont know what exactly is going on here (this dream-reality-nexus lasts only a few days before i dedcide to terminate the experimentation).A lot of things that have absolutely no logic , rhyme or reason are starting to creep into my awake-non-dream reality and by doing so the boundaries between the slee-awake cycle are fading.

At this point i decide to terminate the project altogether and chuck ZMA bottle right out the window (literally).

Before we proceed to conjecture i have to pause and add that i wasnt only taking ZMA but was practicing a whole set of dream-exploration modules.
Now for conjecture -
*Attraction by intention of "other selves" engaging in similar psychonautics "otherwhere" where accelerated dream-conciousness is serving as "windows" of interconnection simulating a self-perpetuating interconnection.This triad can be viewed in alternate as having in itself "default points" of intercommunication.
*ZMA sensitivity : hyperacute response to dream conciousness where elevated serum levels of metoblites garner wave-length and sufficent plasma levels enagage a particular wavelength a dream-dream-nexus is placed.When plasma levels decline a dream-reality is generated.When half-lives are exact middle-cuts "dream-awake-reality" is generated.
*Higher Engineering :If Outcome Vs. Intent of Endeavor are juxtaposed - what is the actual possibility of extrapolating accurate result?.If subject objects to reality as a)concrete b)static then what is actually constituting premise? what is actually now the force of government?- the subject experiencing it as such or the higher forces engineering it to be so?.

In any event that was the last of poking and proding reality.....i ought get back on track though.I would however suggest googling ZMA+Dreams.There is a pelthora of documentation on this.

The best of life is had when truth ♥♥♥♥♥s fiction :twisted: