View Full Version : The moped

11th July 2011, 09:40 AM
I bought a moped, one of those slow ones that only does 30 km/h max, but was unsure of the fuel needed for it. Did it run on normal fuel or on some kind of special fuel? Tried to contact the previous owner but realized I had no adress, just a faint memory of a brown house in a far away suburban middle class area.

I brought my moped to one of those small portable living box-cabins construction workers use as cofee rooms and temporary sleep overs. It belonged to my parents, and therefore, I would be welcome there. The heat was on way too high inside, I tried to turn it down to no avail. (Last couple of days I’ve been having a high fever and illness, perhaps it’s related)

Unknown people walked in and passed through the cabin, seemingly without respect to the property or my integrity. I started doubting I had the sole right to the place. I felt homeless.

Outside, it was cold and snowing. I woke up.


Would appreciate any input on this!


11th July 2011, 10:46 AM
Hello, John.

About the moped - it could mean a slowdown in your progress (ability to move forward), together with the assurance there will be progress. You're not sure yet if you have to do something special to propel yourself forward during this phase or if your "regular" activities are enough.

The small cabin could stand for a limited or limiting sense of identity. You perceive others as trespassers, and since you cannot have your "residence" for yourself, you feel homeless. Homes can serve as symbols for identity or self. The self-concept can allow for the presence of outside influences up to a level of identity that is more flexible (and hence less limited/limiting). But it seems that at the moment you would threatened in your sense of self (homeless) by such a development and would need a period of adaptation.

Here you are worried about respect for your property - this is the identification mechanism of the ego itself. Through "I am X" or "This is my Y" you build a self through identifications. Similarly, you are worried about the integrity of this self. Also, this property comes to you from your parents. This might indicate belief structures and values "inherited" from your parents. The "heat" might result from the friction you experience with this inherited concept of self - whether from your parents as your first educators or in a more archetypal sense inherited as a son of humanity itself. (A bit related to the Zen koan: "What was your face before your parents were born?" designed to challenge the self concept.) First developing such an ego self and then learning to transcend its limitations is a universal human challenge, practically "inherited" by being born human.

Winter, finally, is a period of rest and integration. The outside becomes indistinct (covered with snow) and one turns inside (the warm hearth). During such a period you rest and review the experiences from the seasons more associated with activity.

I would recommend you a book I am reading currently as well - Tolle's "A New Earth". A worthwhile read and also dealing with self, identification and so on, issues - IMO - present in your dream.


12th July 2011, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the interpretation, Oliver. Things seems to have calmed down a bit now, the weekend was pretty rough.

Neil Templar
12th July 2011, 04:29 PM
I would recommend you a book I am reading currently as well - Tolle's "A New Earth". A worthwhile read and also dealing with self, identification and so on, issues .

I second that recommendation. That book really made a big difference in my understanding of self, very helpful indeed :)