View Full Version : good ole GCSE's

21st July 2011, 05:38 PM
"Submarine (http://www.tiff.net/filmsandschedules/tiff/2010/submarine)" isn't another insipid coming of age thing.It flaunts some stylistic devices, such as titles and sections and self-aware narration, but it doesn't try too hard to be desperately clever. It's a self-confident work for the first-time director, Richard Ayoade, whose purpose I think is to capture that delicate moment in some adolescent lives when idealism and trust lead to tentative experiments. Because Craig Roberts and Yasmin Paige are enormously likable in their roles, they win our sympathy and make us realize that too many movies about younger teenagers are filtered through the sensibility of more weathered minds.

(def worth a watch if you got time to shoot) -i was totally transported to my O'Levels ..all that adolescent angst compounded with social pressure
this is a flick snippet that Oliver (protagonist) flips out blithely :
"During a routine search into my parents bedroom amgonst mum's things i found a book "The Teenage Paranoid Delusions" , after this is I started slipping in a certain select pharses into conversation with her
*My body has been replaced by a shell
*My internal organs feel like they are made of stone
*I've been dead for years"

22nd July 2011, 10:28 AM
Sounds interesting.:D

24th July 2011, 08:47 PM
it was! - you ought put it on your 'to watch' list , it has the sort of humor that'd appeal to those of us in academia http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/aktion/action-smiley-024.gif

25th July 2011, 11:52 AM
Ah, well, all kinds of humour appeal to me. I like humour!