View Full Version : Strange crown sensation

7th August 2011, 12:08 AM
I have noticed that when I receive big news that's bad I get a burning sensation in my crown is this normal?

7th August 2011, 07:42 AM
It clearly is for you. It may just be a blood thing related to excitement.

8th August 2011, 12:18 AM
so nothing Related to the chakra?

8th August 2011, 11:12 AM
Well, I don't know. My crown chakra sensations are like cobwebs but that doesn't mean yours are. What does your intuition tell you?

13th August 2011, 03:20 PM
Idk, maybe both.
Also when I'm walking into some peoples homes or other places, I get a feeling that I walked through a cobweb and its all over my face.

14th August 2011, 01:00 AM
It sounds like you're very sensitive. If these sensations happen continually in reaction set circumstances, I would assume they're energetic and not a sign of anything neurological. It's possible they'll develop with energy work and may even become a useful source of information.;)

15th August 2011, 03:45 AM
Ahhh interesting, it must have been really funny though to watch cause Id freak out trying to get the webs off. Thanks for all the help beekeeper.

16th August 2011, 07:12 AM
You're welcome. Please let us know if anything new develops.

15th September 2011, 03:25 AM
Something new whenever I hear someone giving their confession of something,like something on tv, for example there was a man telling of his experience of when he was a small child in a horrible car crash with his mother, and he said when he woke up he looked over at his mother and saw a blue glowing light next to her, and stayed with him the entire 5 days without food and water, and when he said he believed it to either be an angel or a mother looking out for her child, my brow and crown pulsed and energy ran up my back, maybe this is like a truth indicator or something idk??

15th September 2011, 04:14 AM
Hey Darron, if it turns out to be a 'truth-indicator'.. pass it this way could U, geeez, i could certainly do with one of THOSE ! :lol2:

Do you have active / activated Kundalini energy Darron ...? :mrgreen:xX

15th September 2011, 06:55 AM
Yeah, having a truth detector is an ongoing fantasy for me. Flick a bit this way will ya!:-D

Jokes aside, you should see if you have opportunities to test that theory. I suspect it may also be empathy related.

Do you ever see spirit?

15th September 2011, 07:56 AM
Yeah, having a truth detector is an ongoing fantasy for me. Flick a bit this way will ya!:-D

Hahahaha:lol2: ..... :heart:.... thanks xX

16th September 2011, 12:56 AM
idk if my kundalini is activated, it may be though cause a few times in the past I would wake up with raging electricity rushing up my spine, maybe the face rush has to do with empathy.
And now when I close my eyes I will sometimes see geometrical patterns.

16th September 2011, 05:49 PM
Glad you said dunno and maybe,

i have heard it said that if you have Kundalini activation, you will surely 'know' of it...... BUT i hope that this view is wrong, i 'know' NOW that i have been being 'switched -on' kundalini-wise,,,,, BUT i donot want my daughter to have to go through what i have, and donot want her dying and being drained of life-health, because she is without 'kundalini-activation' in / or throughout her system.... Thanks Darron, your reply helps and is very, very much appreciated ..... Go U!

I just got some Beatblockers from the GP. to save me suffering in migraine agony... what a relief to get some help to relieve pain... Also i'd like to share Me & my deceased Dog. Tod's~SONG xX

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfqEisOIMJc (x)=X

16th September 2011, 07:18 PM
And now when I close my eyes I will sometimes see geometrical patterns. I'm a bit concerned about this- does this happen after they've been closed awhile and you're in a 'trancy' state, or
Does this happen at any time you close your eyes, even if up and about?
Or, just in a relaxing state?

17th September 2011, 05:58 PM
it happenens when im in a trancy stage, or extremely relaxed.
And I've been tested for glaucoma.

17th September 2011, 06:33 PM
Ok, then all is well.