View Full Version : Did someone enter my dream?

14th August 2011, 06:50 PM
Hi, Had a strange dream the other night that woke me up.
I dreamt that my partner and I went on a weekend retreat so I could learn more about astral travel.(this is a subject that I never discuss with him- he has no interest and I think is scared of the unknown.)
We were in a dingy building, people were around but no one spoke .There was no one offering information as to where the meetings took place, how to find rooms and where to get food.
Iwas wanting to go to the loo.Franticaly searching for some but everytime I found one and was just about to sit down a door would open leading to the outside where people could see me.
Next thing I,m in a room with other people (husband there but in a kind of daze just sitting doing nothing)
A fairly ugly menancing woman came up to me and looked straight at me and put her face right in front of mine and said 'What exactly do you expect to get from this?'
When she got so close I felt a small electric shock all over my body, This actually woke me up. I didn,t think that in a dream you had feelings.
Was this an unwelcome visitor in my dream or was I the unwelcome visitor?
Any suggestions?

14th August 2011, 10:29 PM
Hi, Had a strange dream the other night that woke me up. Hi Susan. I want to start out by saying that this is my interpretation, and not 'gospel'. Even though I do believe that we sometimes dream in collective places, and therefore it's very possible to have others in our dreams, in this case I don't see any of the members of your dreams as anyone other than members of your 'self'.

I dreamt that my partner and I went on a weekend retreat so I could learn more about astral travel.(this is a subject that I never discuss with him- he has no interest and I think is scared of the unknown.)
We were in a dingy building, people were around but no one spoke .There was no one offering information as to where the meetings took place, how to find rooms and where to get food.
Iwas wanting to go to the loo.Franticaly searching for some but everytime I found one and was just about to sit down a door would open leading to the outside where people could see me.
Next thing I,m in a room with other people (husband there but in a kind of daze just sitting doing nothing)
A fairly ugly menancing woman came up to me and looked straight at me and put her face right in front of mine and said 'What exactly do you expect to get from this?' I think it's possible that this represents your desire to get more out of your subconscious life, but your own lack of trust in what you'll find- doubts about the value of what you are undertaking.

When she got so close I felt a small electric shock all over my body, This actually woke me up. I didn,t think that in a dream you had feelings. I do, all the time- it occurs to me that it's possible that the shock was vibrations you were feeling, reintegrating.

15th August 2011, 08:22 AM
Thanks CFTreaveler,
I recently had a discussion with someone who was worried for me when I told her of my experiences. She started to preach to me how I may never be able to get back into my body (I know that this isn't true but I just let her ramble on).
This dream occured after speaking to her.
I,ve just spent the whole of Sunday reading again SETH SPEAKS by JANE ROBERTS. Good book and I think this will take away the fear factor that I never had before speaking to her.

15th August 2011, 05:09 PM
Hi Susan,

thanks for sharing your dream experience with us here, i am currently going through another 'spiritual processing' phase of mine at the moment and was very impacted by this part of your dream story:-

'A fairly ugly menancing woman came up to me and looked straight at me and put her face right in front of mine and said 'What exactly do you expect to get from this?' '

I thought 'Wow, that sounds just like me'...
I'm glad CFT felt this person was not another, but an aspect of self instead

I have one of Jane Roberts's books i think it is called 'the nature of reality' never thoroughly read it, although i have flicked through it once or twice over the years

16th August 2011, 11:27 PM
The "fairly ugly woman" brought to my mind the idea of a guardian challenging one's readiness or sincerety before allowing you access to a new part of knowledge, either about the world or about yourself. The character could arise from a deeper part of oneself, or could be a guide taking a scary form to test you. A defensive and insecure aspect of yourself -- perhaps scared of change -- could also be the origin of this character, as CTTraveler suggests.

17th August 2011, 12:19 AM
i generally only get the tingles in a dream when a spirit is near my physical body. it's the same sensation whether i'm asleep or awake.

17th August 2011, 05:54 PM
Thanks everyone, I must admit that this felt different to vibrations I have previously felt. This was more tingly.
Must tell you about last night but I think I should post on the OBE section as this wasn't a dream. Will do now.

18th August 2011, 03:49 PM
Hello, susan.

This could be a self aspect indeed. It all depends on whether you think you have a side that wants a justification, approval or permission for all its deeds. I think so because of what she said - she could represent an archetypal Shadow in this regard, a not-integrated side being at odds with your goals because it is being created by a conflicting value system you have inside you, from authority figures, family members or someone else who had influence on you.

If you don't have a history of that it could alternatively been a thoughtform. If a person is trying to influence you while awake, there might be some reverberation at night. They think of you when going to sleep or have unprocessed energies relating to you, and this creates the thoughtform. The thought form (possibly a mix of both emotional and mental energy) will then drift towards you in nonphysical reality, connect with your energy field and release its energy (maybe the tingle felt). I had my dreams slightly influenced several times by people who strongly wanted something from me - even up to the point of manipulation. These dreams felt influenced and I actively resisted the influence in them. It has to with desire (astral) and will (mental) creating these forms when somebody wants something of you, and be it only for you to behave according to their beliefs.

You probably portrayed the woman in your dream as ugly, as unprocessed energy (the Shadow) or unconscious influence thoughtforms are seldom experienced as something positive. The ugliness is the picture for how the energy contained felt to you.
