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22nd August 2011, 09:40 PM
Something or someone has been trying very hard to possess me over the last few months. I've been feeling constantly tired, there's an overwhelming pressure pushing into my mind, and I'm slowly losing ground. I'm losing my sense of self, and I feel like I'm becoming someone else.

When I try to resist this force I get energetically attacked, which just weakens my mind and energy further.

Ive tried everything I can think of to take care of this problem but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

23rd August 2011, 07:59 AM
Ive tried everything I can think of to take care of this problem but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?
What is that "everything" you tried so far?

23rd August 2011, 08:23 AM
Something or someone has been trying very hard to possess me over the last few months.

It sounds like overshadowing/ possession but it's a good idea to ascertain if it's by someone living or someone departed and earthbound? Consider the exact circumstances of when it began. Does it get worse when you're with a particular person? Is someone new hanging around you a lot? Did it start after you were weakened by an illness? Perhaps it began after you visited a place that gave you the heebie geebies?

I've been feeling constantly tired, there's an overwhelming pressure pushing into my mind, and I'm slowly losing ground. I'm losing my sense of self, and I feel like I'm becoming someone else.

This is a definite sign of overshadowing. Are you hearing any voices?

You can use Robert's countermeasures. Go to "Home" (top left) to find Robert's webpage, "Psychic Security" and then "Articles."

When I try to resist this force I get energetically attacked, which just weakens my mind and energy further.

This is to be expected, I guess but you must continue to resist. It's important not to submit to any negative ideas that feel foreign to your usual thought processes, especially ones that put you down and make you feel as though you are worthless. Pray if you believe in God or angels. Ask your guides to protect you and lead you to help. Shield yourself and do visualisations where you repair your aura.

Ive tried everything I can think of to take care of this problem but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Tell us what you've done so far.

27th August 2011, 06:41 PM
Sorry it took so long to respond. I've been very sick lately.

I've tried everything I can think of, as this has been going on for some time. I've taken salt baths, called on guides, done meditation and mantra, tried out right attacking the force, used crystals, done ritual, prayed, and have probably done many things I can't remember.

I don't hear thoughts as much as I feel like I'm being overpowered and destroyed slowly. Thoughts and patterns that are not my own are pushing into my mind, and slowly taking me out. I am feeling more and more like this other person. I also feel extremely cut off from parts of myself, higher parts especially.

Also I feel as if some kind of force is on me to prevent people and guides from seeing what's really going on.

27th August 2011, 08:45 PM
If you have access to clergy I recommend that you have someone bless your room. I also like water fountains- try running water countermeasures when you get this feeling- the hose trick is very good for instant results, or just as an experiment.


28th August 2011, 04:18 AM
Hi Jackofhearts,

None of the techniques you listed are effective techniques.

You need to follow this book:


28th August 2011, 10:56 PM
D.O., I don't know why you say such a thing, because many of the things he has listed (such as salt baths and prayer and ritual) are included in PPSD. The hose tech I quoted is also in this book.

5th September 2011, 02:41 AM
this problem has taken a really bad turn. I have been very blocked from my higher energies, especially the energies in my crown. Recently I feel like my mind has been plugging into the energies of those around me and using their space. This is completely against my will and I cannot control it. Normally I would just think of my own space and my mind would retreat back there, but my space has become extremely blocked so my ability to control what's going on is almost nill.

I feel so pressed. And there is so much energy in me that's not mine. I'm very frustrated as nothing seems to work, and I'm afraid to lash out at waht's blocking me because I feel all these other people's energies within me, I don't want to hurt them.

Is there anyone who can do anything for me? Or any advice on what I should do? It's getting very hard to cope.

8th November 2011, 12:54 PM
Try laughing a lot. Put something funny on TV or think of the funniest thing you ever knew and keep laughing. Walk around a lot. The negs hate this and it weakens them. They want you to be upset. It's temporary but relieves it and puts you in a better frame of mind.

9th November 2011, 12:32 PM
Does the intruder have an identity signature, so that when you feel it again, you know it is the same source?
How different is its vibe from your own?
Can you distinguish if the force is human, non-living human, astral entity, or something else?
Do you get any clear thoughts from it?
Does this intruder sensation include feelings? (or is it neutral)

I have only let one other person inside my boundaries and that had some pretty severe side effects (24/7 telepathy, two minds sharing one body). It is possible to maintain more sporadic telepathic communication with other people, but your concept of them should (IMHO) remain outside the boundaries of your physical being, or it can quickly become overwhelming.

10th November 2011, 11:18 PM
Does the intruder have an identity signature, so that when you feel it again, you know it is the same source?
How different is its vibe from your own?

Nice technique, not just for angst situations but also for identifying "friends" in the subtle realms. Handy also as a tool to track stuff as well, to extend ones awareness along a specific vibe to source.

11th November 2011, 11:25 PM
this problem has taken a really bad turn.
If you haven't yet read the stickies in the defence forums, especially the cord cutting thread, I suggest you do. You might find something that works.

10th January 2012, 07:18 AM
It's been quite a while since I last posted.

This situation has gotten really serious, and I'm here to ask for help. Please, if you don't feel comfortable don't get involved. I feel this problem has become very dangerous.

Anyway, recently I feel as if I'm becomming absorbed by this person who has been attacking me. He's very powerful. I feel like I'm becomming him, and sharing in his power. It's making me very unstable and dangerous. I don't know what to do. If anyone has any skill dealing with this sort of thing let me know, but don't get involved unless you are prepared for this situation.

I don't think this person intends to do this, but he clearly doesn't have control of himself.

11th January 2012, 11:11 PM
I checked your previous posts. How is your breathing? Has it improved? How is your sleep? Do you suffer from sleep apnea?

I once came across some info about chakras and walk-ins and will see if I can find it. I assume possession is pretty similar to the walk-in phenomena, except it is done without permission. (Added: Just search for chakras and walk-ins and you will find it. You might find this blog post interesting: http://hermitsjourney.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/orbs-chakras-and-walk-ins/)

One advice I liked was by a woman who suggested psychics set clear boundaries for paranormal work and experiences. To intend clearly to only communicate at a specific time and fixed duration and a set location and for whatever to leave you alone the rest of the time. Basically, to announce (telepathically) ESP office hours.

14th January 2012, 08:30 PM
I checked your previous posts. How is your breathing? Has it improved? How is your sleep? Do you suffer from sleep apnea?

Can spirit possession cause sleep apnea?

To threadstarter:
Maybe you should ask for help at one of the psionics forums. They can scan you to find out what it is, they might even be able to help you remove it.

14th January 2012, 10:40 PM
Can spirit possession cause sleep apnea?
I have no idea. The poster has complained about a difficulty breathing in previous posts. I was concerned that he might be suffering from sleep deprivation because of it and was going to suggest something like breathe right strips. There are a few different products that can help open the air passages and it might help him get a good night's sleep.