View Full Version : full body bounce

25th August 2011, 05:35 AM
hi guys
what do you guys imagine for full body bounce.......?
Mr. bruce just said move your awareness but he didnt mention ,how to do it
like how would you imagine blue energy ball for full body bounce.......would you imagine a big ball enveloping body or something else....?
pls share your methods.......

25th August 2011, 08:58 AM
My English is not so good...but as I understand Mr Bruce´s advices....that imagin a blue disk or ball wrapping and going through
your whole body from feet and up to head...and when I do this...I do feel the gentle blue light moving throug the tissue and through bone´s too...and when I see injury with my inner seeing...I stop and start to wrap it with a bandage...and then go back to make the blue disk continue up and down from feet and ut to head....I do imagin like a disk or a blue membran what wrappes my whole body and goes through it both in and
out side....I hope you understand how I mean :)


26th August 2011, 02:06 AM
well you want to be aware of your body.

the discs and rings are a tool to be aware of a section of your body. so if you want to imagine something complex you can but be careful to do that at the right time because then you're not as aware of your body.

your energy goes where your awareness goes, so put it (your awareness) on your body if you want to summon energy into it. put your awareness away from your body if you want to project, or imagine/dream something if you want to phase. more or less that's my simplified 2c!

does that help?

27th August 2011, 05:34 AM
My English is not so good...but as I understand Mr Bruce´s advices....that imagin a blue disk or ball wrapping and going through
your whole body from feet and up to head...and when I do this...I do feel the gentle blue light moving throug the tissue and through bone´s too...and when I see injury with my inner seeing...I stop and start to wrap it with a bandage...and then go back to make the blue disk continue up and down from feet and ut to head....I do imagin like a disk or a blue membran what wrappes my whole body and goes through it both in and
out side....I hope you understand how I mean :)


27th August 2011, 05:38 AM
well you want to be aware of your body. the discs and rings are a tool to be aware of a section of your body. so if you want to imagine something complex you can but be careful to do that at the right time because then you're not as aware of your body. your energy goes where your awareness goes, so put it (your awareness) on your body if you want to summon energy into it. put your awareness away from your body if you want to project, or imagine/dream something if you want to phase. more or less that's my simplified 2c! does that help? well i know that but in bounce you have to move your awareness quickly......

27th August 2011, 05:38 PM
You can start slow and increase the speed as you progress particularly.
Personally, I prestimulate and get feeling, then move quicker and don't worry about feeling, just awareness, that is, knowing where things are.
As you progress you get 'better' at it, so no worries.