View Full Version : Programming Experiment 8: Accessing Akasha / The Higher Self 'Main Frame' Computer

2nd September 2011, 06:40 PM
I tried this first experiment after I was kind of inspired by Monroe's talk about 'going inward' (instead of outward) and 'accessing the mainframe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jOP9GVM31c#t=4m40s)' as he called it. I am now further inspired by aunt claire's thread about the Akasha. So I will try to access (in dream state... or lucid?) to get impressions from the entire Akasha and/or my personal "soul library" somehow.

What I got from my first attempt, on August 9th, after induction by affirmations and some previous meditation was commented images and scenes of a life as a settler in a foreign country.

Memorable for me was the 'commentary track' that was underlying the 'silent movie' I saw. S.o. seemed to explain to me what was going on in this man's life. It was even a kind of interactive dialogue going on (such as "oh look, what's he doing there" - "well, this is.."). Unfortunately, my memory of the details is not the best, everything is too fragmentary. So was this interactive 'commentary track' also a 'download' - or better: 'live streaming' - from the Akasha, next to the shown 'movie'?

First I was a kind of witness of a raid on a bank or a public building (railway station?), where "Wild West" bandits with big guns enter it and shoot or threaten the civilians. I belong to the civilians who flee from them and I start to run. S.o. is behind me. Don't know if I managed to escape. There was no fear involved though, rather like a movie.

Then a second scene (which has the interactive commentary thing going on) I am only an on-looker. Again it could be the "Wild West". This man seems to be a cattle breeder. He is standing there with another man at a fence and watching his cattle.
He has longer hair til the neck and wears a typical „wild west“ hat, boots, trousers held with suspenders, he's got a brown sun-tanned face. His anmials however, look strange. I 'am told' by the commentator that they are happy with him as their owner. I am also told that they are called 'Muldras' (or similar). I tried to find sth about this name on the internet, maybe even an expression for an animal or totem or whatever in Native American language, but I did not obtain any clue about it, so far. Maybe it is sth with "mules" but they did not look like mules. I am also told that he has problems with 'the authorities' for keeping too many of them.

2nd September 2011, 06:56 PM
I tried again two days ago but I did not get sth directly related to 'akashic information'. However, I had dreams about (as so often!) being in school or university.

This time, it might have been related to my new goals: I was in class and the teacher let us do a test. I was trying to decipher letters and numbers. Well, we all know what an enduring and impossible task this can be in the non-physical (dreams or lucid, doesn't matter).

The teacher even gave us calculations. The more I looked at them, scrolling with my eyes down the sheet of paper and turning it around, the bigger the number and the easier the calculations became, as if s.o. "interactive" intelligence could measure the difficulty level I could deal with. I remember one instant where I could decipher a "1 / 2 =". And in my mind (but not in the dream with a pencil) I then of course put a decimal 0.5 in there. There were other scences surrounding this school class, but less relevant to the set theme, as it seems.

Yesterday, I was training for an exam at the university. I was trying to get together some phone numbers of people who seemed to be tutors or other types of benefactors. I also saw some numbers again on a paper. The exam was then not long away (a few days) and so I was preparing for it.

Is that a good sign? Do I get training to be able to 'read' sth? Will there be an important test soon? Well maybe. But, on the other hand, I have been disappointed so often recently. So let's wait and see. Maybe I will ask for more reading training in the meantime. ;)

2nd September 2011, 06:58 PM
I have some experiences where I can read a lot and others where I can't- but it had not occurred to me to ask for training (although it's possible that what we need to learn is to receive rotes in a conscious manner) who knows.

2nd September 2011, 07:10 PM
I have some experiences where I can read a lot and others where I can't- but it had not occurred to me to ask for training (although it's possible that what we need to learn is to receive rotes in a conscious manner) who knows.
Whenever I could read sth, the words themselves did never make too much sense to me. Yes, I also hope that the 'reading' is just metaphorical, in a way. I do not really want to 'be reading books' in libraries all the time, I still think this is an impossible task, even for skilled projectors and meditators.
I hope they can upgrade the technology for me to more interactive and 'multimedia' types of reception. Still, I hope the 'literal' reading training (if it is at all what I think it to be) might now also serve to train me to receive and interpret/decode 'rotes' or movies, audios, pictures, or whatever type of information the larger consciousness system's databases throw at me. ;)

3rd September 2011, 12:50 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

Think of it this way - there's never a book, there's no writing, no formula and no calculation. There's just your mind making sense of an experience that happened on an energetic level.

Math is generally considered hard by many people, so being given a math test is the mind's translation for learning something that is hard and/or complex. If they give you simple equations, you know that you are at the start of learning a skill. So, you're not sitting in a class room learning to do 3rd grade math again, you're actually learning something which is as basic a skill as that kind of maths is in school. You just have no better representation in your mind to tell you what is really going on, so your mind chose this picture.

Of course it not only tells you about the degree of advancement involved, it also tells you roughly about the kind of skill. If you read out words with great difficulty, you probably can only trace basic energetic events. If you compute a calculation you have gone a step beyond that - you assign meaning to what you've read and combine it into something else - the result of the calculation. In other words, this represents the next stage of refinement in information processing.

You could also see a whole page but not be able to discern the words. This could mean that you are not able to discern the details about the information you are receiving. If you can piece together words but the overall sentence makes no sense, it might be that the individual interpretations do not match the context they are in (a sentence is a context to all words within it). And so on.

I would say many of these scenarios are training sessions, and what you can take from them is some reference to what is learned and at what level. In my experience you don't have to piece everything together like this later on. The information is just taken in in any way that seems most natural to you. So, you remember looking at a signpost and knowing where you are, but you cannot recall reading the actual words. You are handed a book and knows what it means. Etc.

Similarly, when you're out exploring and would experience trouble reading a signpost, it would not mean that you need to learn read again in the astral, or recall your physical reading skills in the astral, it rather would mean that the basic orientation inner senses Kurt described so aptly are not functioning fully, and hence you do not have access to the information you are looking for. Your mind translates this to not being able to read the signpost. Again, there is no signpost, there's no writing and there's no physical-style-reading involved. There's a representation in your mind that approximates the energetic experience.

So, I guess the multimedia will come when your inner senses are ready. Till then some frustration might come and go. I have many dreams recorded where somebody throws me a ROTE and I think they wanted to play ball. :lol:


3rd September 2011, 12:55 PM
PS -

Is that a good sign? Do I get training to be able to 'read' sth? Will there be an important test soon? Well maybe.

If you ask for acquiring a skill and then this is followed by more training, I'd say your intention was honored.

3rd September 2011, 09:36 PM
since accessing the AR is my current undertaking as well i will just interject that an immediate connection per se is an ambitious mark (the process of such access imo* is cumulative)
to illustrate the point language/arithmetic can denote a rationalized modality of thought (more amenable to interpretation) , on the other hand if you interiorize yourself into akasha & open your common genomic DNA lies mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) which extraneous to the nucleus itself,with it's maternal transmission it is the most pristine of preserved common hertiage (eve) , now the problem is, we make this more easier to understand (more amenable to interpretation) by depicting adam and eve with bellybuttons drawn on them still.
But this doesn't undermine the fact that akasha can't choose oneriomancy as it's vector plate to gain access to practiontioners sensibilities or ...maybe infact just adds to it :)

4th September 2011, 11:23 PM
Again, there is no signpost, there's no writing and there's no physical-style-reading involved. There's a representation in your mind that approximates the energetic experience.
I see, good point, yes. It's a bit what I meant (expressing it less eloquently ;)) by saying I hoped that "... the 'reading' is just metaphorical ...". Still, I think that for the time being I might be restricted to solely experience it as (often frustrating) reading attempts as I might not be sense-wise evolved enough yet.

if you interiorize yourself into akasha & open your common genomic DNA lies mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) which extraneous to the nucleus itself,with it's maternal transmission it is the most pristine of preserved common hertiage (eve) , now the problem is, we make this more easier to understand (more amenable to interpretation) by depicting adam and eve with bellybuttons drawn on them still.
That's an interesting point, I remember that a lot of speculation is done about the spiritual implications of DNA. I read a book about genetic population/migration research and finding the 'mitochondrial Eve' by Bryan Sykes some time ago, so I know a bit what you are referring to with mtDNA and 'eve'.
But tell me more, what do you exactly mean (involved techniques, process, method, philosophy) by "interiorizing oneself into Akasha by opening one's own (mt)DNA to it?" *scratches head* Sounds fascinating but I don't understand what it implies and how it's done.

5th September 2011, 04:39 PM
But tell me more, what do you exactly mean (involved techniques, process, method, philosophy) by "interiorizing oneself into Akasha by opening one's own (mt)DNA to it?" *scratches head* Sounds fascinating but I don't understand what it implies and how it's done.

lets start from the premise that you and i both share a mutual interest to access akasha but see the medium of access doesn't necessarily have to limit or curtail itself to dream ,inward meditation , ap or ld.
Common most denominator is the fact that we have inherent want to coceptualize things (eve with a bellybutton) or language/arithmetic as intimation of access.

since accessing the AR is my current undertaking as well i will just interject that an immediate connection per se is an ambitious mark (the process of such access imo* is cumulative)
by that i meant that each step you take towards the AR brings you that much more closer to it.
....the only way i know to open your dna would be by southern blotting ,PCR and hell of a lot of time for gel based electrophoresis.

5th September 2011, 07:22 PM
It sounds like you're talking about replicating DNA (as it's done to create copies for DNA indenfication. I don't understand what this has to do with accessing Akashic information.

5th September 2011, 09:06 PM
one of the biggest reasons why to access the AR to begin with is the fact that it is information for wholly being just that, information (devoid of anthropomorphy and ego) as opposed to being given from something or someone second-handedly (ego tainted info)
if you interiorize towards such info (mtDNA) ,a primal ,pristine connection is pre-existant within us and use that as a point of access might be vantage ,but the connection interim from such a source is best conveyed by mathematics or language or imagery itself ? that imo is debatable.
Like i said before akasha can be experienced or use the vector of oneiromancy or dreaming programming is very likely possible or maybe infact it even adds to it (i cant say i dont have usb's coming out of my chakras connected to the mother board of all main frame computers)
also i think to equate dna opening techniques to accessing aksha is somewhat strange , because i think to interiorize can also mean to entitle yourself to the pre-present as its always extant as opposed to travel to towards it extraneously out of body because it is present 'but elsewhere'.

25th October 2011, 07:00 PM
just a short update: recently, so many school / university classes, so many instances where I had to read sth (but still can hardly remember the stuff except for a few words that rarely make sense to me) - so amazing what's going on

26th October 2011, 10:30 PM