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View Full Version : Sensing invisible object while partially out

12th September 2011, 10:33 AM
Has anyone here sensed an object while partially OOB? An object that you were able to touch and investigate with your astral hands (and by using other senses) but were not able to see with your astral vision?

12th September 2011, 10:56 AM
Yes, if you count entities that feel like people.

12th September 2011, 02:21 PM
Yes, it happens quite often. Or used to, anyway.

13th September 2011, 01:44 PM
Thank you Beekeeper and CFTraveler. :)

I figured out what happened. I was intending to help a friend solve a problem. He was thinking about another problem at the time. He solved both problems, almost automatically. The side effect is that I sensed that other project he was working on, which I didn't know about, and that involved developing a set of tools. I felt those tools beside me while partially split. I have been reading so much strange lately that I thought I might have been visited by an alien or entity with a hair fetish (the tools were various brushes). LOL! I was trying to hide the tools and to bring them back with me to the awake state. It would have been a real kick if I had managed to do that. I described what I had sensed and drew pictures of the objects for additional confirmation, and he told me that my drawings were near exactly what he had thought about at the time. I didn't know that such a thing was possible. Go figure.