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21st May 2020, 08:55 AM
In last night Dream I got a Gold ring in shape of a butterfly....

22nd May 2020, 07:06 AM
In last night dream I was counting sighns...very similar as in I-Ching....it had something to do with horses too...and the number I counted was 16...

In this episode I was walking up hills and down hills...when I was walking down hills...I jumped up in the air and I flew down and the speed went up as my energies intensifyed...I felt my whole body full of energy....

24th May 2020, 11:28 AM
In last night dream I was with my first boyfriend...his eyes was twinkling and shining of happiness seeing me...he said...come to meet my mother...she ignored me as usual...he said several times...look who is here...he said to me to not be sad...I started to laugh...I am used to this I said...it is as ususal...

25th May 2020, 04:26 AM
In last night dream I was robbed...they stole my drivinglicense and my bankcard....I was visiting a family I just learned to know...there was 2 young men also visiting ...I think they are the ones who took them....I did not also find my telephone and I asked to use theires...the lady of the family diled the number to polis...the polis started to read two storys and asked me to pick one of them...I did not understand what this had to do with my report of my belongings being stolen...so I asked the lady of the house to listen and if she make any sense of what he is talking about...but she did not want...so when I picked the telephone up the polis had hung up the phone and ended the coversation....so I rang 112 and they said ...we are so busy now...I said I just want to file a report I have bean stolen...and it was so hard to any polis to take my call....I felt so devestated...why was it so hard to make this report that I have bean stolen??

26th May 2020, 09:09 AM
In last night Dream my son fell off his bed...(he was very Little)...I picked up him and took him to my bed...very Bright light was shining upon us….

28th May 2020, 07:45 AM
In last night dream I was talking to a girl she was related in somehow to me...not sure how...so I was asking her and I was thinking about school...what she finds difficult...she said....life...I was surprised that so young would say like that....to find life difficult....

29th May 2020, 07:24 AM
In last night dream me and my sister wanted to swim to a skull island...from far it looked on the right side a skull with many colores...and the left side was white and black....I was a bit worried it looked very far and I was a bit concerned if I can swim that far...but off we went...but soon it started to blow a wind and made wawes and it was more difficult to swim...soon a boat in shape of a car come and they picked up us and took us to the island...they stayed with us...soon the wind was harder and I was sure it will become to a storm....I told my sister that we have to hurry if we will make it back before the storm...but suddenly it become fullblown storm...and we stayed on the Island to wait out the storm....here I woke up...

31st May 2020, 11:10 AM
In last night Dream I was approached by my ex husband...he touched me a way I did not like...because I was sleeping...I did not want him to know that I now have exposed him doing things to me when me sleeping...I had suspected that and now I know….

In this episode I was with people and we did make a party...I had known that there must be places to Clean up also...I saw my aunt taking the cleaning things so I Went to her and told her that we where supposed to do that after the party...she said she is restless and want to do that now...I asked her if she knows for sure what the places are where to Clean...she said No ...so I told her that I will call Helena who know where to Clean...I tried to call her but everytime a video started and I could not find the dialling page....so frustrating….

1st June 2020, 04:01 AM
In last night dream I had a horse but no place to have it in...I had a huge bathroom so I planned to have it there teporarely....

My car grow bigger wheels....??..wheels was 16,5 " from beginning...and suddenly I had to buy 17,5 "....strange.

2nd June 2020, 08:46 AM
In last night Dream I was married to my teenage boyfriend...we where to a dance restaurang...he did drink with his pals and did not give me any notice at all….then he come to tell me that Unberto Marcato is ill....he was supposed to performe at the restaurant....I spotted UM and I did see that he was so drunk that he couldn´t stand up….I was so angry that my just married man was also so drunk that he fell to the ground and I was so embarresed...I told him that I might be married to him but I will not stick to what ever behavings from him….

4th June 2020, 05:35 AM
In last night Dream there was this huge Clock....and the timetable was….00.00....I felt such a stress...and I hear the voice saying...there is still time...and I try to figure out what that means...the stress level was so hight in the Dream that I awoke and couldn´t go back to sleep….

6th June 2020, 04:22 PM
In last night Dream I was living in a strange house...the toilet was made of Wood and it was decorated so Beautiful ...carved Beautiful patterns in the Wood...I was really admiring and looking closely ...it was Beautiful...

In this episode a women showed me my knitting in dissaray...and told me that the cat have played with it...I smiled...she was surprised I did not get angry...but that kind of happening do not make me angre….disloyalty is a different thing…

7th June 2020, 06:35 AM
In last night dream I was with a man who was so confident...he did flirt with other ladies...and I did not say anything...he sing a song he wrote by himself...I am a stallinon and I am a gift to humankind.....when he invited a women into our bed I did be vocal...he did not want me to go...but I did everything clear to him...he hit me...so I called a police to come and keep him in line until I had collected my things and that I could safely leave the place....the police drowe me to my new place....

9th June 2020, 05:09 AM
In last night Dream I was klimbing on a wall what was very high and the whole wall was covered with green plants...it was easy to climb...I looked down to see what was under me...it was an ocean...I did let my water go....I could not see what was on top of the wall...it was that high….

9th June 2020, 05:07 PM
I took a nap and had theses Dreams....

I was in a huge room….in middle of the room hung curtains from seiling and down to floor….White curtains...people on the other side of the huge room where looking at me...so I Went to the curtains and started to shut them to get some privacy….a man come towards me and the people in the other side of the room went nervous and angxious...the man said ...that you have friends...I told him that I do not like people to stare at me...and I said...No I have not one friend...and shut the curtains…

IN this seequenze a Young man was taking a bath...I saw him and it was freezing Cold...so I Went to his room and saw that the window was open and it was Winter...so I shut the windown and told him to be more careful and take better care of him...and I did send much love towards him...he seamed to feel unloved….

10th June 2020, 06:27 AM
In last night dream happened something wonderful...but the only thing I remember is when me saying...that is a genious solution....

13th June 2020, 04:47 AM
In last night Dream is very disturbing because I do find it a bit scaring if it was what I Think it was….I did get help in a way...I was shown a symbol and I did navigate towards it....like you put a candy for a Little Child to get it comming farther and farther towards you….and then a new candy and so on....I was given a new symbol to go towards when I had arrived to the first one and so on....until I awakened so to say...and stopped going towards the symbols and the feeling come over me that they will luore me so far away that I do not come back....because I have crossed somekind of line….

In this episode there was a man who showed interest in me in a way that I liked...very gently and in a way that put a smile on my face...:)

14th June 2020, 08:05 AM
In last night dream I was discussing the happening from the night before...I did have a very lively discussing but when I woke up I do not remember more then that I was discussing with someone....so anoying...

14th June 2020, 06:46 PM
In last night dream I was discussing the happening from the night before...I did have a very lively discussing but when I woke up I do not remember more then that I was discussing with someone....so anoying...
This happens frequently. You are dealing with the other reality, don't treat it merely as some dream. You encounter real meetings, hence your frustration.

I believe that's due to the lack of connection between the unconscious and conscious, or to be more precise, between the frequencies at deeper than alpha level, and the "normal" (daily) beta level of the brain. I think it's worth training yourself at strengthening the connection, or to find better words for that, smoothing the difference between these frequencies. Then you can smoothly move yourself (mind) through the frequencies. The problem is the "daily" part of the mind - which tends to dominate the other parts. Then it's easy to loose the memories from the other parts. Robert Bruce addressed memory in quite an exhaustive way, worth to re-read it.

One of the technics I learnt about to deal with the frequencies' differences is to make a "bridge" between the two worlds. (As these are actual worlds you are dealing with). Very interesting, btw.

15th June 2020, 04:02 AM
This happens frequently. You are dealing with the other reality, don't treat it merely as some dream. You encounter real meetings, hence your frustration.

I believe that's due to the lack of connection between the unconscious and conscious, or to be more precise, between the frequencies at deeper than alpha level, and the "normal" (daily) beta level of the brain. I think it's worth training yourself at strengthening the connection, or to find better words for that, smoothing the difference between these frequencies. Then you can smoothly move yourself (mind) through the frequencies. The problem is the "daily" part of the mind - which tends to dominate the other parts. Then it's easy to loose the memories from the other parts. Robert Bruce addressed memory in quite an exhaustive way, worth to re-read it.

One of the technics I learnt about to deal with the frequencies' differences is to make a "bridge" between the two worlds. (As these are actual worlds you are dealing with). Very interesting, btw.

Thank´s for the advice...I will re-read it. How did you make a bridge between the two Worlds?


15th June 2020, 04:11 AM
In last night Dream I was Walking with a famous painter (women) in a Culture center...I had worked at that Place Before...and I had that service on that Culture center what we where now going to visit...when we arrived to where she could ask about specific paintings to get a copy of….I told her that it was not like this when I worked on that Place...my desk was placed in a other Place...much bigger and arier Place....we approaced the desk and she asked for the specific painting...and she was surprised they did have knowledge about it...the girl who was on the desk did not recognize the famous painter who asked for her own painting….when we did walk along the cuture center many people did recognize her as she was very famous….(have no idea who she was ...maybe future me??)

In this episode I was working at Place ...total new for me....I do not know what possition I had on that firm….the only thing I know that I was not a salesman….because one of the salespersons told that she is going to go home….and asked if she shall shut down her phone….no one other person said...she can take care of her customers….I was pondering if I should learn that position too….

16th June 2020, 05:01 AM
In last night dream I visitid a women who made candles from plants...in very beautiful glass yars and bottles...I asked if they create soot....yes she said...it is inevitable....

17th June 2020, 04:54 PM
Thank´s for the advice...I will re-read it. How did you make a bridge between the two Worlds?
It is an ongoing process, it doesn't stop anywhere. It's like with any skill, you need to improve it on a regular basis. But generally, one of the techniques is to use your visualization skills (and for those you need to focus on your 3rd eye). You work with your energy and light - using your imagination to make the connection to the lighter energy. This way you make the "bridge" which you can, then, use in many ways. One of these is to transform your mind - it is kind of energetic alchemy in practice. With light you can do really many things.

18th June 2020, 07:13 AM
It is an ongoing process, it doesn't stop anywhere. It's like with any skill, you need to improve it on a regular basis. But generally, one of the techniques is to use your visualization skills (and for those you need to focus on your 3rd eye). You work with your energy and light - using your imagination to make the connection to the lighter energy. This way you make the "bridge" which you can, then, use in many ways. One of these is to transform your mind - it is kind of energetic alchemy in practice. With light you can do really many things.

Yes I understrand...thank´s,


23rd June 2020, 01:28 PM
Last night dream I have bean pondering if I should write it here or not...so here it is....My sister and me where visiting a town I know very well...we decided to go and eat on a Chines restaurant...for some reason we took another road and soon we where lost...I told her that I can not understand this...and soon my sister also was lost and I was alone...without shoes....I tried to find my way back...but I just went more and more lost...I looked up at a house and out of the window I see a horse looking out...so stange because it was like 5 floorse up??...I walked further and now I meet some people and I ask if this road lead me back to the town I know ...they nodded...and I walked further and soon I was on top of a mountain and looking out of the surroundings to try to find my way back....but I do not reckognize the surrounding...I looked at my phone and I notice it is not mine...it is a red phone...and I can not call out with it...soon I see a man walking towards me...I stop him and ask if I can borrow his phone...he gives it to me...and I call police...I hear someone picking the phone up but does not say anything...I hear on the background someone saying something about a Maharadja....I shout...halllloooo....is this police....and a very anoyed voice say...YES...I say my name and ask if I am reported M.I.A...No he say...I was thinking that my sister must have reported me as a missing person...but she had not...I asked where am I...and I got to know that I was up North...and now I was devestated....How did I end up here without shoes and with someones phone what is not mine ...and with no money??...I had to wake me up from this dream....

25th June 2020, 08:40 AM
In last night dream I was living in a cave with my son...my son was not at home when a man come to visit me....after the man left my son come home....soon I see and feel someone is coming to visit us...but turned away when noticed my son was at home....I tried to see who it was but I only did see a shadow....quickly leaving.....??...Now I remember that in the cave was like a window but not with a window glass....it was covered with spiderweb...my son told me to wipe it away...but I said...it is for protection....

27th June 2020, 05:43 AM
In last night dream my son was 5-6 yrs old...he was putting his pyjamas on him when I noticed huge bruices on his left sholder....I asked him when did this happen and how...he said a male name who works on his kindergarten...I told my son that tomorrow we are going to talk about this to the kindergarten headmaster...

28th June 2020, 10:52 AM
In last night dream I was in a group in a class...esthetics for lack of a better word.....I did linger a bit trying to grasp the meaning of the class...when I was back so to say the class had moved further and I did not know where they went....so one women did company me to try to locate the class again...I went into a classroom thinking maybe it was them...but noticed that it was a class for mathematics.....so I went out of that classroom and the women again was with me...I told her that if I could see the schedual over the whole school maybe I do recognize my class from that....but here I woke up..

29th June 2020, 06:05 AM
Last night dream was a bit bizzar....I was somewhere like a huge boat....I was sitting on a sofa and behind me was Jesus on the cross...I did not think so much about it but sudden the cross with the Jesus on liened towads me and He Jesus somehow picked me up and up we went flying...He tock me around the world and to the countries who are suffering starvation....and He Jesus did remind me not to forget the starving people....

30th June 2020, 06:45 AM
In last night dream I had got a present from my aunt...a christmas present...I opened it and could see several lottery tickets and a pack of money...I was going to count the money but my cousin did come to visit me ...I did not want her to see what I have got .....she showed her eyetooth was loose...she wanted to stay at my place until it was time to go to the dentist...

1st July 2020, 10:03 AM
In last night dream was a bit strange....I was invited to a skyskrape penthouse apartament....we took the elevator to the topfloor....there was several people and I do not remember what we where discussing....but in a moment I did not feel well and I wanted to leave...I went into the elevator but there was not buttons to push to go down to the exitfloor....a person come to the elevator and said that you can not leave....you will not take the elevator...okay I said...but there must be staires...yes the person said...but not for you....??

1st July 2020, 07:00 PM
In last night dream was a bit strange....I was invited to a skyskrape penthouse apartament....we took the elevator to the topfloor....there was several people and I do not remember what we where discussing....but in a moment I did not feel well and I wanted to leave...I went into the elevator but there was not buttons to push to go down to the exitfloor....a person come to the elevator and said that you can not leave....you will not take the elevator...okay I said...but there must be staires...yes the person said...but not for you....??
Elevator, and stairs in this case, mean moving up or down: to higher levels or lower levels of consciousness. At this point it seems that you might have had, or will have, a temptation, maybe, to abandon the spiritual excercises, but it has been clearly discouraged at the moment, instead to keep up with high level of consciousness.

2nd July 2020, 08:39 AM
Elevator, and stairs in this case, mean moving up or down: to higher levels or lower levels of consciousness. At this point it seems that you might have had, or will have, a temptation, maybe, to abandon the spiritual excercises, but it has been clearly discouraged at the moment, instead to keep up with high level of consciousness.

Yes you are right...everytime I meet higher energies my heart reacts and I want to quit....but this time the who did not want me to leave was so gently that I managed to take down my heartrate and did feel okay....and when this was done I was back in my body and felt sequre again....thank´s :)

2nd July 2020, 08:49 AM
In last night dream I had a doctors appointment....it was a female doctor....I showed my left leg where I have varicose veins...she examined them and I told her that what hurts most is in my thigh even it does not show outside....she gave me a pill and I asked what is it....it is Warfarine...I asked if I should take it now...but she was talking to another doctor on the phone...so I put the pill on the desk...she come back and now the vien on my calf had bown up and it was like a huge sack with blood...I asked her if she will do something about it now...I said...if it burst I will die...and here I woke up...

3rd July 2020, 06:42 AM
In last night dream I had my parking spot in open...it had 10 places...and mine was number 9....I went to talk to the person who was in charge over the parking place....I asked if they could build a roof over the parking line where we had our cars....she said NO...but I can take you to a person who can helpo you to get a parking place in a parking house...I followed her to this place....it was a women in charge over the parking places....when she heard that I want to swap spots...she was enoyed but she could not say NO because this women I come with was boss over her....she said....put on coffee I will stay until you have fixed this case....here I woke up....

4th July 2020, 06:53 AM
In last night dream I had a bed so beutiful...I noticed that the decoration was made from knitting nedles....I was so happy to see details what really is taken from my interests...(handcraft is one of my passions)....I showed to my little brother....I was so happy...and I was given all kind of shoes...(many dreams me running around without shoes :) )...and I had a boyfriend in the dream....I was given leather headgears...I put on my boyfriends head...and I put it on my head...in the dream there was also several coats new...so fantastic beautiful....

IN this episode I was taking care of elderly people...on man was lacking his right eye...and he did not have any eye prostetis...it looked a bit horrible....I was talking to him with raised voice he seamed to have bad heraring...he asked me why I am talking so loud...I shouted because your hearing is bad...No he said...it is not...so I noticed that he just was very very old...and very slow in his movments and it looked like he did not hear properly...
I did also help an old women...I was so facinated about her...I told her that I wish I had lived and be brought up with her...I was so facinated about her...I can not even understand what it was about...maby because she was so elegant and good looking even she was so very very old...and she had her perseptions and movments intact like a young person....elegant and proper in every way....

5th July 2020, 08:20 AM
In last night dream a man told me that we own the Easter Island?..That he have bougt it for us?

6th July 2020, 05:55 AM
In last night dream was about the wall of Berlin and it´s fall down...someone who was named "Jessie" had something to do with it??

8th July 2020, 07:49 AM
In last night dream I was with my mother at my mothers brothers house...we where walking to my mothers family home to wash mothers clothings...the grass was so green and lusty and the streem I was walking in the water was so clear....

In this episode I was driving one of my cousins back home because her mothers was to give birth to 4th child....my cousin said that it is good she is at home in time for the birth ....

In this episode I was with a boy 10 yrs old...he was making breakfast ...he had taken the metal sheet with some flour and water and beat it too vigoriously so all the flour was all over the walls and floors...so I approached him slowly and said...that next time you are doing breakfast you better use the saucepan...

9th July 2020, 07:16 AM
In last night dream I had invited a single mom with 2 children to stay at my place for a while....I asked her if she has money so she will cope....I knew she had only part time work...yes she said...I get allowance...I noticed that she had used the coffeepot still having the coffee grounds in it...I said...oh I see you have done coffee....that´s good....and I started to wash the pot....I had self made jam in jars...so I told her if she need some jam she can take what she finds suit her....

11th July 2020, 10:44 AM
The last night symbol I saw...I do not know how to decribe it....it was like frozen jacket on a tailors dummy...I was looking down on it...like I flying over it...

13th July 2020, 04:28 AM
In last night dream I was to somekind of school...I had my gold rings with me and I put them on me...2 rings on each hands...on my coffee break I went into town to a jeweller´s shop to mend a bracelet and she did also give me a proof of authenticity certificate.

14th July 2020, 07:53 AM
In last night dream I was in some kind of tunnels...I knew that horses lived there and run free.....so I was very cautious and listening if I hear hoofs ....

IN this episode I was driving my sisters car...I did park it somewhere ...and when I have come indoors I remembered that I did not take the keys out and did not lock the doors of the car...so I went out and had very difficulty to find the car...evetually I found the car and I could drive it to park it in proper parking place...I had very difficulty to find my way out of the pit where I had parked the car in the frist place....I did park the car and went out walking to look where I can drive the car out of the pit....I noticed that it was outside some kind of "church"...when I was standing in front of the door out poured water...I was bare footed and I did understand that before entering the "church" you had to wash your feets...people come out to great me and invited me indoors....they gave me a cheramic bowl...it had appeares of a fears looking creature with spikes coming out of the jaw and forehead....the "people" did sound like birds...it was very odd feeling ...they did talk so I did understand them too....they wanted me to hold the bowl...as I did understand they used for theires ceremonies....they wanted to charge the bowl with my energies...I was a bit afraid what that meant..."people" handed over some flyers...I put my hand out to take one..but they wanted to sell them....so I did not want to buy...and I smiled for the missunderstanding from my part that I would get them for free....after this dream I was back to my sisters car and it was now winter...

In this episode I was with my son and his friend...my son had make a mask in white carbone...with pointed hat and it did look nice....his friend said he was worried about my son...I never understood why....this friend had made own instrument looking much like a small guitarr...sounded very different...and I was in awe for his creativity....

26th July 2020, 06:38 AM
In last night dream I was a spectator...a man had bean injured by a bear...the bear had injured the mans arm...now he was back to the pasture where the bear was....he went in and I was so afraid and I hallored ....don´t be stupid...it is a wild bear...but the man did just wait...and the bear come and saw the mans injured arm...and the bear showed compassion and he was so sad that he had injured the man....I was perplexed to whitness this...but still I was so afraid so I asked one man I trusted to watch my back when I did run away....here I whitness my fear side of me...

2nd August 2020, 05:34 AM
In last night dream I met a person who told me that they called her/him aspen...what does that mean I asked....it answered hermaphrodite.

In this episode I was talking to a women who had just married...I asked what is her new name...Korppi she said...

8th August 2020, 01:53 PM
In last night dream a man approached me and asked for my help...his wife was ill and he asked me to go to her and take care of her...I asked how far is it...and he said...150 km...so I said...okay...I visit her....when I come to her home...she was in real bad shape....snot and mucus was hanging our of her noce and mouth....I cleaned her up and started to make food....she did come around very quickly and now she was smiling and was happy...she wanted to have the soup on a ordinary dinner plate...she was spilling all the soupe on the floor so I said...I can carry it to your room...now she was real happy....

11th August 2020, 09:45 AM
Last night dream was so strange that I do not know how to decribe it.....I was aware in the dream that I was sleeping...I woke up in the dream of a smell...I was trying to locate and understand what it was and from where it came...soon I saw a vision....it was bodies of guards with spears....what was embalmed...but it was not the whole body....only the upper torso...and it was placed as guards of a place....???

13th August 2020, 04:31 AM
In last night dream one ex boyfriend was in my appartament reading his post...I was angry and closed my fist when he come near me and tried to hug me...I had my arm straigth out and on his chest...he tried to dragg me closer to him but he felt I was strong and he gave up trying to unarmy me....I felt there is no point to ask from where he got a key...he must have copied when he was allowed to have my home key...so I was thinking to change the lock on my door....I told him that if he have put his adress to my adress that is a crime because I have not allowed him to do so...and I told him I will make a police report...he took a cheese from my frigirator and they left....

In this episode a man asked me to braid my hair....he said he is an expert on braiding...I said yes....but to my surprise he also cut my hair...like a half meter...I had still my hair to my waist....

17th August 2020, 05:24 AM
Last night dreams was confusing....I had a little child with me and we where to the trainstation...the child was a bit crancky...so one women come to talk to the child and said...have you ever seen so strange finger...a longfinger with a thumb...I asked how does your thumbs look like...and it was ordinary thumbs ....

In this seequnze I visited a relative...there was an infant...and like in the same time the child was several years old...so I asked...what has happend to me...the last thing I remember was that infant to be an infant and now is several years old...I tried to get answeres but no-one wanted to say anything..

In this episode my phone break down...and it was also that kind of happening that I remember my phone to be gone...and was back broken...and somehow I managed to put it together and it did show that someone have used my phone that period it was gone...and I was trying to figure out who and how...

18th August 2020, 06:10 AM
In last night dream my mother was visiting me and she said that she will not eat anything what is in my house...why I asked....because someone have bean here...I asked how do you know that...because they left some something on the table...I looked at what she was pointing at...and it was somekind of seeds...and in the same minut it did blow up like somekind of explosive and now turned up to small bits of cable and buring...???

22nd August 2020, 10:43 AM
In last night dream I was on a boat...huge....my whole family was there too...(this is mirroring my teenage) my mother wake me up and did push me out of the cabin and locked the door...I was in my pyjamas...she did not care...and suddenly I did not find my family at all....so I was wandering on the boat in my pyjamas and excusing me to people that I was not properly dressed....I found a young women in a bed with tubs...she was severly ill...cancer I think...I went to talk to her...and she told me that she has now come out...and soon her girlfrind was besides her...I felt that she had become ill because she had not dared to express her inner wishes...but is becoming better now when she is true to herself....

24th August 2020, 05:38 AM
In last night dream I was visiting a co-worker when our boss did come to visit and started to put me down...he said...you are so stupid...and went on like this...so I said...if you really feel like that why do you not discharge me.....but he said...maybe I should leave....yes I said...leave and do not come back before you are more positive....and I continued to say that he has problem with alcohol....he admitted that he has...I said...why do you not do something about it??

24th August 2020, 02:58 PM
In last night dream I was visiting a co-worker when our boss did come to visit and started to put me down...he said...you are so stupid...and went on like this...so I said...if you really feel like that why do you not discharge me.....but he said...maybe I should leave....yes I said...leave and do not come back before you are more positive....and I continued to say that he has problem with alcohol....he admitted that he has...I said...why do you not do something about it??
Do you think it could be a part of yourself, the boss?

24th August 2020, 04:21 PM
Do you think it could be a part of yourself, the boss?

Hi Antares,
Yes of course it can be...but why does it appear now about the alcohol problem...I went sober in 1989...so in my mind it ought to be the man who abused me, he had sever problems with alcohol and he did say often to me that I am stupid.


25th August 2020, 05:25 AM
In last night dream a female doctor had a baby and she asked me about the babys skull....it was a bit lumpy...the baby was very bright and all the time smiling and was so happy baby...and did understand when I talked to him....so I said ...I do not think it is anything wrong he just has a bit different skull then ordinary....the doctor and few others was leaving and me and the baby did look when they where leaving....and I did see a male lion running fast...so I yelled ....lion to the right.....lion to the right....I was surprised over my voice...it was so powerful.

25th August 2020, 08:09 AM
Hi Antares,
Yes of course it can be...but why does it appear now about the alcohol problem...I went sober in 1989...so in my mind it ought to be the man who abused me, he had sever problems with alcohol and he did say often to me that I am stupid.
That's also possible. Both are possible. I think it really is important to verify what type of consciousness state you are in when the dream appears, it determines a type of a dream. Some dreams might have only reflective nature - i.e. the reflection of subconscious memories. Some may have a deeper symbolic meaning. It is possible that in this case it was the former, if it was a rather shallow type of dream.

25th August 2020, 03:42 PM
That's also possible. Both are possible. I think it really is important to verify what type of consciousness state you are in when the dream appears, it determines a type of a dream. Some dreams might have only reflective nature - i.e. the reflection of subconscious memories. Some may have a deeper symbolic meaning. It is possible that in this case it was the former, if it was a rather shallow type of dream.

Do you have possibillity to try to explain how you mean by...shallow typ of dream...and a deeper symbolic meaning of dream...?


25th August 2020, 04:27 PM
Do you have possibillity to try to explain how you mean by...shallow typ of dream...and a deeper symbolic meaning of dream...?
During the dreaming state, there is no just 1 mind state, but multiple. Shallower dreaming is close to wake-up state. Deeper dreaming is when you are deeply in the dreaming state. Shallow dreaming tend to provide a rather shallow, and rarely important information (but not always). When you are in a deeper state, you also reach the deeper parts of your mind.

25th August 2020, 06:34 PM
During the dreaming state, there is no just 1 mind state, but multiple. Shallower dreaming is close to wake-up state. Deeper dreaming is when you are deeply in the dreaming state. Shallow dreaming tend to provide a rather shallow, and rarely important information (but not always). When you are in a deeper state, you also reach the deeper parts of your mind.

Does colores give any indication about if it is shallow or deep state....like brighter colores and stronger feelings in the dream...and dimmed colores and not so much feelings in the dream??


26th August 2020, 05:42 AM
Good question. I'd say maybe not color itself, but how intensive it is. Besides, people tend to overlook their feelings - not just in dreams, but also during the day. But this single fact does not tell everything, of course. I'd go exploration way to figure and learn things about dreams. It's like with everything... Like walking in the woods: if someone does not know much about woods, he or she would have to learn best from his / her own experiences. But dimmed colors are a good way to determine this; if feeling is not meaningful, particularly negative, or dream feels stupid and seems to make no much sense, it is probably also a good indicator.

26th August 2020, 06:46 AM
Good question. I'd say maybe not color itself, but how intensive it is. Besides, people tend to overlook their feelings - not just in dreams, but also during the day. But this single fact does not tell everything, of course. I'd go exploration way to figure and learn things about dreams. It's like with everything... Like walking in the woods: if someone does not know much about woods, he or she would have to learn best from his / her own experiences. But dimmed colors are a good way to determine this; if feeling is not meaningful, particularly negative, or dream feels stupid and seems to make no much sense, it is probably also a good indicator.

I must say that I feel that every dream has its significansy in my life...some are more obvious and others are more subtile because it is mirroring more smaller adjustments in the person...like going into more smaller detales to make the person refined and more intuned to the different dimentions...this is my experience....maybe it is not right but this is what I believe.
I have also dreams about the future...so maby your dreams what does not make any sense is about what to come and therefore does not make any sense?


26th August 2020, 06:52 AM
In last night dream I was sitting bare chested and it was totally okay for me...I was visiting a couple and the man and I had bean in sauna (for me this is normal as born in finland and sauna is very normal to be in both female and male, in my family we did divide that mother and my sister did bath in sauna together and my father and my brother together, but there are many familys who do bath sauna mixed)
The mans wife did react with anger...but day after she did come and say that the other neighbour had invite her and of course us to sauna..now the man reacted that he does not dare to do it again because of his wifes reaction....

26th August 2020, 06:44 PM
I must say that I feel that every dream has its significansy in my life...some are more obvious and others are more subtile because it is mirroring more smaller adjustments in the person...like going into more smaller detales to make the person refined and more intuned to the different dimentions...this is my experience....maybe it is not right but this is what I believe.
I have also dreams about the future...so maby your dreams what does not make any sense is about what to come and therefore does not make any sense?

Yeah, I also have dreams about future, recently quite a lot of them. I don't believe most of them, however. I'm wondering what is true and what is not.

By future I mean typically general events, not personal... Like economy or something. I am forced by some forces to not see much about myself. I don't know why. But I am constantly manipulated by the voice, suggesting things, which frequently prove to be wrong and cause a lot of problems, but it's difficult to identify all of those lies. Few days ago I was suggested about the relationship - by this voice. I didn't know what it is referring to... until today! It knows my future events - I don't.

But I can say 1 thing for sure: there are quality dreams, and not quality ones. Quality dreams are quite easy to identify by the typically uplifting, very positive feelings after them. They have also intensive colors. Faded dreams where you feel tired after them are the opposite ones.

Dreams are made in the subconscious part. This is the part which can be most easily influenced - like other beings, also negative. It's worth to remember that! Our dreams are constantly a subject of influences.

27th August 2020, 01:21 PM
Yeah, I also have dreams about future, recently quite a lot of them. I don't believe most of them, however. I'm wondering what is true and what is not.

By future I mean typically general events, not personal... Like economy or something. I am forced by some forces to not see much about myself. I don't know why. But I am constantly manipulated by the voice, suggesting things, which frequently prove to be wrong and cause a lot of problems, but it's difficult to identify all of those lies. Few days ago I was suggested about the relationship - by this voice. I didn't know what it is referring to... until today! It knows my future events - I don't.

But I can say 1 thing for sure: there are quality dreams, and not quality ones. Quality dreams are quite easy to identify by the typically uplifting, very positive feelings after them. They have also intensive colors. Faded dreams where you feel tired after them are the opposite ones.

Dreams are made in the subconscious part. This is the part which can be most easily influenced - like other beings, also negative. It's worth to remember that! Our dreams are constantly a subject of influences.

Yes you are right...Thank you!


29th August 2020, 06:36 AM
In last night dream I was standing on a balcony in a house looking down...a black rather big dog with armor was rushing into the house...I said...I do not like pinchers....and I run into the house to hide...and I ended up in a sauna...to my surprise a man did keep me company...(this same man is in my dreams and gives his support to me) ..I tried to lock the sauna door with a key ...it was a bunch of keys in that keychaine...but it was stuck in the door but did ot work to lock the door...and the bottom of the door was not like a ordinary door going all the way to the floor...it had a gab like 5 cm and I was a bit afraid that the dog will try to bend the door open now when it can put his paws and nose under the door....here I awoke myself...

In this episode I was sitting on a tricycle..and comming down a hill...it was so deep snow that I sank into it to my neck...

30th August 2020, 06:10 AM
In last night dream I was visiting my ex husbands sister...she was happy to see me..and she had invited her aunts who also wanted to meet me...(in the dream they had a yarn shop...but not in reality) ..so they asked about my interests...I told that I am passioned knitter...one of the aunts said...we have yarn...yes I said...I had planned to help you in the shop..but I had to choose health....(reason for my divorse)

31st August 2020, 08:16 AM
In last night dream I was looking at myself...I had lost my front teaths...it looked horrible..

In this episode I was living together with some people both male and female...like in campus....we where going to eat lunch...and one of the men said...he want me to pay before we go to eat...and he wanted more than I was thinking to pay for a soup...20 kr...I asked why he wanted so much money from me...does it contain the payment for the room in it....he did vift with a bunch of money infront of my eyes...and off they went...and puched me outdoors...I noticed that I did not have my purse and no keys...and I do not know where they went...I tried to find the lunch room...so I come to a marketplace and I asked a old women where to find the campus lunchroom...she did show me a paper angel and forced me to buy it...I told her that I do not have any money but I can come back later to pay for it...she did go with me to show where the campus lunchroom was...I did awoke myself before we come to the campus lunchroom...

1st September 2020, 10:15 AM
In last night dream a man had taken my debitcard...and bought like an x-box to a child...the child was so happy...I was so in chock because I knew that the man do not have own money...and before I noticed that he had used my debitcard...before knowing but my intuition did cause heart palpatation and that I nearly go into chock...so I confronted the man and told him that he have no right to do this...that now when I have to take the device back to store and cansle the buy...how sad this child will be.....but to my surprice the child was understanding the situation and followed with me to the store...and he told me that he do not want gifts this way...when they are not sincerely given...

3rd September 2020, 08:40 AM
In last night dream I met for the first time the man who abused me and my son...I told him that he have destroyed my son for all times...I was adult when this happened and I was therefore able to deal with this and process it but a child of 3 yrs is so deep down to his core destroyed...because he did not have any experience of life what so ever....the strange what happened when I am in his dream I am awoken by my sons cry...I at once started to cleanse him and his room...and this morning when he awoke he told me that he had a horrible dream....in the dream there was a man who told him that if he do not shoot himself he will do that...and he tried to call me but did not get hold on me....and this was the content about the abuse ..he told my son when he was 3 yrs old that he do not own his mother and that mother can vanish easy like that.....so this fear lives still strong in my son that I can vanish and he do not find me....how much I show my son that I will never leave him and I will always be there for him...he fails to trust me....so the man did succeed to plant this in my son and much more garbage...and it seams impossible to heal this trauma in my son....but I felt good to be able to tell him that he did destroy my son but I will continue to be there for my son as long as I live.

8th September 2020, 07:10 AM
In last night dream I was living in an appartament groundfloor...I had several ruggs on my balcony...my mother come to me and asked what I am going to do with the ruggs...I told her that I will wash them and put them into the storage.....I was surprised over the fine quality ruggs I had...and I had a car and a trailer so apparnty I was moving....again the man was in the dream helping me...he never talks but acts...he did put the trailer after my car...he acts without me telling him what to do...he like knows what I want him to help me with??

9th September 2020, 07:08 AM
In last night dream I was in a building few floors up...I heard some commotion outside..I looked out of the window and saw group of men with shilds and with war paintings meeting another group with war paintings and shilds...like original inhabitants??

10th September 2020, 03:55 AM
In last night dream I was with a mother and her child ...a little girl....she wanted to be dressed like a bunny...and I was watching the mother and the girl play....after some day I was talking to the mother about the happening ...and the girl started to cry...and said...I was not got to be anything...please I said...but have you forgotten that you where dressed like a bunny....I said to the mother...show her the picture of her being a bunny..did .you did take a picture of her??The mother never answered...the girl she cried and cried....I tried to concole her....

11th September 2020, 04:59 AM
In last night dream I had to go to the bathroom...I hear someone playing a harmonica....I go downstairs and to my surprise it is my father playning the harmonica...and I say....are you playing a piano harmonica...is it yours....yes now it is...it took it from and here he says an my ex boyfriends name.....father sayid he was going to take it with him when he left but I took it....(in reality this boyfriend did lend money from me and bought an piano harmonica but he never payed me back for the money lone I gave him)

14th September 2020, 06:01 AM
In last night dream someone tried to crush me with what I first thought was a block of stone but when I calmed down it was only a big pillow...but to my surprise I called for mother...and it stopped....then I tried really to wake up in the dream but did not succeed so I had no choice but stay in the dream....and it continued to torment me...I tried to leave my bed and in the dream I had my robe on me and the one who wanted to stop me hold on to my robe so I let it glide off me...but still I was in the dream...and in bed....now I put my hand on my hip...I was lying on my left side...and suddenly I felt something solid lyin on me...and I at once punched it and it dissolved in black mist and I fight the mist off and I was able to wake up....

18th September 2020, 01:24 PM
In last night dreams I had 2 dreams with horses...the first dream was that 2 men did kidnap a horse (my mothers birthhome this horse was my mothers brothers who did overtake the ranch, in real life this horse did die of old age) when I was wathching them take the horse with force...and bind him with rops..and I was hiding in the cellar and looking out of the cellar door when they passed by with the hors...I was horrifyed and in total panik and forzen.

In this dream my sisters daughter and her horse and me where together...my sisters daughter told about her horse that he like to play with rocks....and she had one round rock in her hand bounsing it up and down ...I had a sharp rock what I wanted to hide from the horse that it will not harm himself with it...and the horse did with its snout touch gently and sniffing what I did hide under my palm....the horse was so gently...

19th September 2020, 06:52 AM
Last night dream was strange...my ex husband did marry my sister...and started to hit her with closed fist...so I said...I can tell that this marriage will not last...and he said...like I would want...

21st September 2020, 04:03 AM
In last night dream I recqued children from people who had promised to the childrens parents to cure them to less prize then hospitals...but they did nothing but took the money...children where in horrible condition when we resqued them...we had to carry them out...

24th September 2020, 09:37 AM
In last night dream a man started to talk to me...it sounded like Russia....I asked if he can talk English...but he talked in his language, he was agitated...I tried to calm him down...suddenly he run off...and I walked on...my son came to walk with me...soon the man did run after me but when he noticed I had a child he stopped.

27th September 2020, 06:48 AM
In last night dream I was walking on a road when I noticed that the electrical fench was down....there where several people looking at it....and asked if it is down....yes I said it is but do not touch the fench it is electrical....

29th September 2020, 05:18 AM
Last night dream is hard to describe...it was like I replicated a seequenze what was healty over and over again??

6th October 2020, 10:21 AM
In last night dream I stand infront of a huge apple tree...I stomp with my foot so wibrations started to shake the apple down from the tree and I catch it...

IN this episode there was 2 big houses like in the same lane so to say....my mother own the one house and I own the other house...I was looking at the fench something was broken...a naghbour asked if I am going to mend the fench...off course I said...

In this episode I was in a classroom sitting besides a young man I knew...the other pupils wonderred who I am...so I said...I am just sitting here and will soon go....the young man wanted me to stay...but I had to go to trainstation for other destination....I bought the ticket and the que was so long that I was worried not to be able to catch the train...but I did...

8th October 2020, 08:38 AM
In last night dream I got my hear cut...but only little bit....the stranged thing was that I was talking to the haircutter and he showed me and I was in 2 separate bodies....I was standing becides the haircutter and I was infront of both me and the haircutter looking at how my hair was cut...it was a strange feeling...

13th October 2020, 07:47 AM
Larely I am not able to fall to sleep where the dreams are...if this make any sense....I just skim on the surface where the thoughts are...and having conversation with my thoughts...unable to fall to sleep so I can have my dreams....do anyone else have this problem??

13th October 2020, 04:59 PM
Larely I am not able to fall to sleep where the dreams are...if this make any sense....I just skim on the surface where the thoughts are...and having conversation with my thoughts...unable to fall to sleep so I can have my dreams....do anyone else have this problem??
I had, sometimes still have. Wondering what is a reason, as well. My remedium is to simply go sleep earlier 1h or so, not eat much before sleeping, and sticking to 'right' hours for eating. Also, avoiding any electronic devices (computer, tv, phone etc.) 2h before sleep helps as well. In few recent years I also have mastered some imaginary techniques which work very well for sleeping. Try to use your imaginary abilities.

14th October 2020, 06:09 AM
Thank you for your input Antares....I can not understand why it has changed now...I have always had dreams even if I take a nap I dream...now it is different...??

...but last night I did dream....it was strange dream....I was in a church ( I never go to church in real life)..I did know the priest it was a women and we where just on a tour visiting handcraft exhibition halls...this women wanted us to go into a church and she did become the priest.....I tried to find the psalms but the pages did change nubers and it was not possible to find the right psalm...I showed her and asked her to pick the psalms to me but not even she could do that....so I said....okay...you are taking this course....not letting me choose...you are disturbing my choices....I do not be upset...you loose.

15th October 2020, 07:53 AM
Last night dreams theam was....people asking for help and advice...in various ways.....

17th October 2020, 06:07 AM
In last night dream I was cleaning a toilet with a white tank where the water was,,,,and it had a hole on the side where water also come out of the tank it was like that you could wash the tank outside...strange.

18th October 2020, 12:32 PM
Last night dream was horrible...I was shown a man that he has somekind of damagin syphilis...they told the man to open his mouth and show me...it was horrible...the mouth was totally deformed...

24th October 2020, 06:39 AM
In last night dream I was sitting on a park bench with my son...my doctor come and she wispered in my ear ....thyroid....I said to my son...I will go with the doctor and she will take some blood from me for the test of thyroid gland test....off we went...and when I was done...I went to my son but he had left...so I took my phone to call him...2 men come and one of them grabbed my phone and said...I take this...no I said you do not...and I bet him hard...he was so surprised so he let go of my phone....and here I awoke....

26th October 2020, 07:38 AM
In last night dream someone had hide my yellow sandals??? so the whole dream was about me serching after my yellow sandals....but did not locate them....

31st October 2020, 12:00 PM
Last night dream was a bit strange....A ladder with an platform on top of the ladder....I had to climb up to the platform....and sit there and meditate....suddenly fear invaded me...and I felt how the ladder swayed....I wanted to go down but when I turned to climb down I did not feel my arms nor my legs...so I shouted...do I have my feet on the step...no answere...and the ladder swayed so hard...so I had to trust my instincts....and when I did that I got back the feel my arms and legs....huh....it was so nervy...

2nd November 2020, 08:37 AM
In last night dream I was called to a house complex to come and collect a abondened animal....they where not sure what kind of animal it was but they thought it was somekind of snake...I arrived to the house complex and I see a tail...I said to it...come out ...and the snake like animal come out...I told it that I am taking it home...we went to my car but outside the car was a cat...big ginger collored cat...before I even get to react the snake like animal attacked the cat and went inside it from cats behind and turned the cat inside out....I at once started to run back to the house complex to call for help...I can´t handle this animal....it must be taken into custody.

In this episode I was talking to someone about how much my body awarness have inproved....

10th November 2020, 09:47 AM
My dreams lately is that kind of dreams I have difficulty to dress in words....if I try to do somekind of effort to explain it would be to use pictures from history....to see a army of somkind of dynasty from Kina of Japan....

this episode was to have telephatic connection to my son...even if the dream was that I did call him on my cellphone...but the charateristic was thelephatical....

In this episode I had my mother visiting me...and I was making a bed for her to sleep in...

11th November 2020, 12:43 PM
In last night dream I was visiting a man who lived in town in a very lovely appartament....we where sitting on his balcony..huge...he started to talk about that he would have another flat...I asked why...he said no one wants these appartaments ...they are very cheep....oh I said...I have 3 months notice on my flat...but then I started to feel....how noicy it was to live so in middle of the center of a town....I would go crazy here with this all noice around me....here I awoke...

12th November 2020, 07:22 AM
In last night dreams was a toilet blocked....someone had put all kind of things in it...clothings etc....I started to unblock it...soon it turned to a well...huge stones blocked the flow....I tried to unblock it but I felt it was like a boll deep deep down what I was not reaching...so I was not able to unblock the blockagage.....

In this episode...I was in total chock...a man was saying to me...I am all yours...but I was unable to respond because of my total chock....??

15th November 2020, 10:58 AM
In last night dream I was invited to visit my ex father in law...I had my red highheals on me...ex father in law had bean sick and away for a long time...I hardly recognized him he had lost weight and looked so much younger...(he died 1994 ...so if I was visiting him in the afterlife then I understand the change in his appearances)....ex husband did understand something deep...he told me that we are going to buy clotings and new shoes to me...(he was very economical during the marriage)...

18th November 2020, 10:20 AM
Last night was strange again....I was bicycling...and when I parked the bicycle...it turned to a shy horse???

22nd November 2020, 08:13 AM
In last night dream I was given a crown...not sure what it was made of....it was pale yellow....or nearly white....??

1st December 2020, 09:46 AM
In last night dream I was visiting a young women with a child who had birthday party....it was his 9:th year birthday....He had his friend visiting him and I heard the friend say to this boy...we will give you a trip to Tunisia as birthday present to come with me and my family....I told the boys mother if she was aware of this...No she said and went into his sons room and told the friend that no-one have asked her about this...she was in a bit of shock....I told the friend to tell his parents that this do not work this way that they just make this decission over the mothers head....here I awoke....and was so dizzy that I could not walk straight when I was going into the bathroom and I was crosseyed and had to close one eye to be able to walk....??...odd....

2nd December 2020, 07:38 AM
In last night dream I was living in a cave and I was preagnant...

3rd December 2020, 09:20 AM
In last night dream I was visiting my father (he is on the other side) he had his house near a lake..I was standing on the shore and looking at the water floating by...it was very clear so I could see that there had bean thrown all kind of garbage into the lake...cars too...and the flow was so vigorious that it took the car and floated it to the shore...I shouted to my father to come and look...he said...oh there is the car what was stolen from me...I hope all my belongings is still there...he opened the door and all water come out...he told me that all is ruined...we went inside of his house and he told me that he was robbed...I asked how did they take them inside the house...he told me that they had ispicked the lock...and destroyed so much of the interior...so he told me how he will build it back...and that he will make it more neat and beautiful this time....and have more better lock on the door....

4th December 2020, 08:14 AM
In last night dream I was somewhere middle east...somekind of havvoc had happened and I was captured...taken undergrond to somekind of tunnels...I did explain that I did not have anything to do with what had happened that someone called Gunilla was the one who was the one responsible...they wanted money from me and I had some so I told them that I will go and get the money for them...the tunnels was as a labyrinth so I had to awoke myself from the dream....it was too stressful....

6th December 2020, 11:35 AM
In last night dream was a abusive man...he did not let me go to bathroom he did totally controll me...In one moment I slipped away and went to a bathroom but there was a person sitting on the floor...I told him that I am not allowed to lock the bathroom door but I am going to do so...and I told him to go out for it will be very dramatic because he who do not want me to lock the bathroom door will come through the locked door...I told him now you are warned....

10th December 2020, 11:48 AM
Last nights dreams was strange...I was with someone on a ridge below was a small mud river...I was standing on the ridge and looking down...then I turned my eyes to the ridge and there was several pigs inbedded in the earth...I tapped one pig on its shoulder and said....time to go...one dived down to the mud river and my partner collected the pig into a waggen....I tapped the next one and so on...??

In this episode one man was sitting on his bed...he had all clothings on him...in his groine was full of blood..and the whole bed too souked with blood...he was totally unaware that he was bleeding...I did not know how to break this to him...so I said...what is on you bed...he looked and smelled and said...it smells rotten....here I had to awake myself from the dream it was too much....

11th December 2020, 08:57 AM
At last some wonderful happy dreams as last night....I was dancing with a very good looking man the whole night....wow....thank you!

15th December 2020, 12:56 PM
In last night dream I saw my mother on the other side...she wawed at me...and I to her...it was nice...

22nd December 2020, 07:55 AM
In last night dream there was a terracotta bown hunging from the sealing down...it started to swing...so I said...okay you have my attention...so speak...but before it started to give messages it was important that I understood it was a message to me...I was first perplexed because I usually get messages to others...okay I said...go....I hear a man speak whom I know...I ended with him because he was abusive....now he pleaded to me for help...he have started to drink and he was starving because he have no money...my sister said...no...do not help him...and now my mother had clothed my son who was little to go with me...so I do not forget him....so this dream do tell me I did the right choice to help my son...I have bean thinking if I should done different...now I know my choice was right...thank you!

23rd December 2020, 10:51 AM
In last night dream I was with a man who had taken my money...he did not admit to it...so I said...I need your help...and he said he will help me...I was so hungry...so he did lie that he worked in a restaurant and got food but he did not give me anything of it...I was waiting him to finnish the eating...and off we went...to a busstop...but here I did awake myself because he did not help me..just fooled me all the time....

27th December 2020, 08:25 AM
In last night dream this text appeared infront of me several times....Keyes skilsmässa...it means ...Keyes divorse...?

30th December 2020, 04:28 PM
In last night dream was interesting...in the dream I had bean put on sick leave by my doctor and I had only to call the doctor and he extended it...but this time it came back and no extended certificate...so I called for an appontment...and when I arrive to the doctors office I see it is a new doctor a female doctor...and I go...ahaa now I understand...you do not know me...exatctly she said...and we started to know each others and as time passed by she was asking me for advice??

In this episode I was in sleep paralycis and I felt something comming up into my bed...it was nearly impossible for me to wake up from this dream...but what made me very happy was that I was aware what was happening in the room around me...I saw haging in the air items of all kind...so I now knew I was back into the dream....and I tried one thing I never had tried...I pointed with my pointing finger and sended a beam of light...and it did hit the item and it go...poooof....:)....any thoughts??

30th December 2020, 04:57 PM
In last night dream was interesting...in the dream I had bean put on sick leave by my doctor and I had only to call the doctor and he extended it...but this time it came back and no extended certificate...so I called for an appontment...and when I arrive to the doctors office I see it is a new doctor a female doctor...and I go...ahaa now I understand...you do not know me...exatctly she said...and we started to know each others and as time passed by she was asking me for advice??

In this episode I was in sleep paralycis and I felt something comming up into my bed...it was nearly impossible for me to wake up from this dream...but what made me very happy was that I was aware what was happening in the room around me...I saw haging in the air items of all kind...so I now knew I was back into the dream....and I tried one thing I never had tried...I pointed with my pointing finger and sended a beam of light...and it did hit the item and it go...poooof....:)....any thoughts??
Why do you have so many dreams about doctors?

Anyway. The first one is simple: you are your own healer, so that doctors could learn from you! You need to believe in your skills and what you know.

Second, the light experience: excellent. Develop your energy skills. :) You may achieve a lot with your parapsychic abilities.

30th December 2020, 05:38 PM
Why do you have so many dreams about doctors?

Anyway. The first one is simple: you are your own healer, so that doctors could learn from you! You need to believe in your skills and what you know.

Second, the light experience: excellent. Develop your energy skills. :) You may achieve a lot with your parapsychic abilities.

Frankly I do not know...maybe it is why I got same dreams over and over again...until it sinks in and I get it....it is why I ask you all that maybe I get some ideas to think further ....and in the end get it.
I am like an imbecill when it comes to my so called skills....it is also one area what I do not get or have hard to understand what to have these so called skills for....??

30th December 2020, 06:14 PM
IMHO part of the skills and, actually, natural abilities problem today is the time of raising when you were a child. People do not think in terms of having natural abilities; they were taught about terms (words, language), which do not take into account more, well, abstract nature of the mind. So in this sense, we are all 'imbecyls'.

Discovery needs, well, discovering. :) Do not put pressure on yourself; it is an excellent excersise to try out and have fun from it.

30th December 2020, 06:56 PM
IMHO part of the skills and, actually, natural abilities problem today is the time of raising when you were a child. People do not think in terms of having natural abilities; they were taught about terms (words, language), which do not take into account more, well, abstract nature of the mind. So in this sense, we are all 'imbecyls'.

Discovery needs, well, discovering. :) Do not put pressure on yourself; it is an excellent excersise to try out and have fun from it.

Oki do dear Capitain ;)

31st December 2020, 08:54 AM
In last night dream there was a girl crying....I went over to her to console her...and she called her sensitivity for an illness....so I said it is not an illness to be sensitive it is an feeling condition and it is the finest condition you can have....

Here I got answere to why I have felt ill all my life...it is because of my sensitivity ...it was not allowed in my childhood....I learned to shut down my feelings....and when I had learned this...my mother called me cold and without feelings...so I have now got the last answere what I have seeked....thank you Antarest for asking why I always dream about doctors...it is because I have seeked the answere to why I have felt ill all my life...and here is the answere...I am very happy and content...you helped me by assisting with your energy by interacting or just by writing to me...thanks.

31st December 2020, 11:49 AM
You're welcome. ;)

4th January 2021, 10:53 AM
In last night dreams I am back to the doctors dreams...In this dream I am in a laborotory of somekind....I have a friend with me and she is very upset about the hars treatment they give me and do not at all listen to me and my friend do see that I am getting wors and wors...so she tells me to tell the doctor that it is too hars the treatment...the doctor listens and asks me to stand up...and (it is difficult for me to tell if the doctor is a male or female so I just say doctor) the doctor assistent gives me my spectacles and the doctor tell me to be very causes of my eyes because they do not have any eye doctor..and I feel that they only take care of the physical wellbeing....the doctor hold me up from my waist with his arm...and he starts to run and offcourse I crumble after few steps and I start to cry loudly....it is so hard for me to continue to be in the dream so I wake up myself.....(this dream are refering to the 6 months blackout what I have in my life from the big beating of me and my son in the 1980-81) ...I am a bit afraid to see how bad it was....but I believe it is unavoidable as I always want to know the truth....

8th January 2021, 09:44 AM
The last nights has bean so draining...and I can not even tell what the dreams contentet....only that I am totally exhausted...and the only thing I remember or can say clearly was me shouting....I did not concent...over and over again....I did not concent....

13th January 2021, 08:02 AM
I am back to the feeling I have not slept at all...but I think it is dreams about that I am awake...and when I wake up in the morning my physical eyes hurt and I have difficulty to see....I have to look with one eye closed....and I am very dizzy and have difficulty to stand straight and I have to hold on to walls when I walk to keep me not falling over?? strange....

14th January 2021, 08:56 AM
In last night dream I was shown myself...like I was 2...the part of me who wanted to show me to myself was how much my hair have grown...I was surprised to see it was so much...the growth of my hair...(I find this very diffucult to put in words, do this make any sense??)

15th January 2021, 05:03 PM
In last night dream I was shown myself...like I was 2...the part of me who wanted to show me to myself was how much my hair have grown...I was surprised to see it was so much...the growth of my hair...(I find this very diffucult to put in words, do this make any sense??)
Hair - does it have any special meaning to you?

IMHO hair for women have more important significance than for men. Women tend to have long hair when young, and then cut them, as I noticed. (Not sure why).

Long hair could therefore be a significance of youth - getting younger, particularly psychologically (mentally). You might be therefore unaware how your psyche transforms, getting younger (i.e. refreshed, getting into your original state).

Note that this is very essential thing, getting younger. It's the core idea in taoism.

15th January 2021, 06:53 PM
Hair - does it have any special meaning to you?

IMHO hair for women have more important significance than for men. Women tend to have long hair when young, and then cut them, as I noticed. (Not sure why).

Long hair could therefore be a significance of youth - getting younger, particularly psychologically (mentally). You might be therefore unaware how your psyche transforms, getting younger (i.e. refreshed, getting into your original state).

Note that this is very essential thing, getting younger. It's the core idea in taoism.

Well, the only thing what comes to mind is...when I was teenager I did cut off my long hair...and I lost totally my confidence....In a way I feel very young in mind :) Thank you Antares for your input, I do appreaciate it very much.


15th January 2021, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I think it works this way.

I noticed that women change their look (not only hair) after the inner change. It is stunning that they are typically unaware of why they do so, but I noticed every time first the inner change occurs, and then they changed their look. In other words, it seems like there is an inner urge to "reflect" outside what is inside, and the psychological change quickly finds its way to express itself externally.

So this might be one clue, a reference to when you were young and had long hair.

Is there a way to prevent such negative changes inside in others (before they would be expressed externally)?

16th January 2021, 08:10 AM
Yeah, I think it works this way.

I noticed that women change their look (not only hair) after the inner change. It is stunning that they are typically unaware of why they do so, but I noticed every time first the inner change occurs, and then they changed their look. In other words, it seems like there is an inner urge to "reflect" outside what is inside, and the psychological change quickly finds its way to express itself externally.

So this might be one clue, a reference to when you were young and had long hair.

Is there a way to prevent such negative changes inside in others (before they would be expressed externally)?

I do not know if I understand what you are saying....what comes to mind is that the inner change is not know until it is expressed externally and when that is done it will be know and can turn to acknowledged inside...and traced so to say and maybe then find the early impulses....I am not sure and do not know..but this far I can follow it clearly...it feels that you can of course feel the urge but to understand it totally it has to be expressed externally...otherwise it is only a hunch it has to be expressed to be known....


16th January 2021, 08:34 AM
IMHO it's better to go into intuitive (not analytic) side when interpreting dreams. I mean, the dream books with all terms "explained" are useless. I'd rather try to figure what hair symbolically means to you. Then you are at the threshold of discovering the hidden idea behind your dream's meaning. :)

16th January 2021, 10:19 AM
IMHO it's better to go into intuitive (not analytic) side when interpreting dreams. I mean, the dream books with all terms "explained" are useless. I'd rather try to figure what hair symbolically means to you. Then you are at the threshold of discovering the hidden idea behind your dream's meaning. :)

I did not talk about dreams but what I feel/felt in real life about when I cut my hair and the why I did do it...vs...what happened to me and what I discovered afterwards....that the behavior from men towards me and afterwards when I had short hair was totally different...and I noticed how much I had built up myself on the outside appearance and noticing that my inner was not matched to the outer look or confidens what I was holding up because of how I looked like....and what happened when I no longer had my long hair...so if I now go back to my dream I would interpret it to...the hair growth is pointing out my grown inner security ...and that it had grown so much what it has bean before...

So if you now read again what I wrote before your respons...would your answere be the same as now??


16th January 2021, 11:05 AM
I did not talk about dreams but what I feel/felt in real life about when I cut my hair and the why I did do it...vs...what happened to me and what I discovered afterwards....that the behavior from men towards me and afterwards when I had short hair was totally different...and I noticed how much I had built up myself on the outside appearance and noticing that my inner was not matched to the outer look or confidens what I was holding up because of how I looked like....and what happened when I no longer had my long hair...so if I now go back to my dream I would interpret it to...the hair growth is pointing out my grown inner security ...and that it had grown so much what it has bean before...

So if you now read again what I wrote before your respons...would your answere be the same as now??

You mentioned hair in the context of other men. Yeah, it is typical to humans to pay attention to appearance, this also refers to women (who, as I heard from them, pay also attention to other senses more than men, but still these are physical senses). But indeed, this may be more complex symbol in your case than just one aspect, yes.

16th January 2021, 01:39 PM
In last night dream I was shown myself...like I was 2...the part of me who wanted to show me to myself was how much my hair have grown...I was surprised to see it was so much...the growth of my hair...(I find this very diffucult to put in words, do this make any sense??)

To be honest I was more interested in the way I did see the dream....me in 2 parts....one part of me showing to "other" me about the hair growth....this 2 parts of me and now when I think of it I was also the whitness seeing these 2 parts of me having this conversation about my hair growth....

23rd January 2021, 07:13 AM
In last night dream I was looking on distans 2 men working on fishingnets....

24th January 2021, 06:00 AM
In last night dream someone had put a needle in a football when the ball hit me I felt the sting...so I took the ball and through the ball against the man and I did see that he felt the sting but acted like nothing...I tried him to talk about it...that someone have put a needle in the ball...but no he did not say anything....who does that??

25th January 2021, 06:43 AM
In last night dream I had 3 telephone numbers down written on paper and I told a person that soon these numbers will not exists longer...mine has already dissapeared I said....now when I am thinking of this dream did it mean that my telephatical skills will improve...and therefore the telephone is no longer neded??...or will there be somethink else??

1st February 2021, 08:04 AM
Last night dreams I was surprised when I looked under my bed for some reason....I found there a beautiful white/grey carpet...I saw that this carpet will fit beautifully in the hall...and the hall carpet what was brown/white will fit in another room....( it is frustrating to know that this dream had an underlying meaning what I have lost now but was clear while I was in the dream)

6th February 2021, 11:51 AM
In last night dream I had so beautiful teeths.....

In this episode a young boy run up to me and told that the baby have fallen from the parents bed...we run together and I saw the baby on the floor face down...I picked up the baby and I saw blood between the babys eyes....I asked the boy where the babys mother is...and he took me to her...and I gave the baby to her and said...get help for the baby...

In this episode I was asked to follow a man into a barn...it was pitch black...so I turned the lights on...it was so horrible to see the cows lying in the feases....I woke myself up here from the dream...

8th February 2021, 10:58 AM
In last night dream was very informative....the dream was that I had my both hands around a dogs face...as my feelings are that everyone deserves love and caring...I feel this as I look at the dog but I have fear and I want to let go of the dogs face but my hands are like glued and I can not let go as I want...so I say to the dog...do not lick my face...I do not want that...and I now when I am thinking about the dream was "forced" to face and get in synk my feelings and my acts...I do feel and mean that everyone deserves love and caring...but I am afraid like dogs or agressiv persons to say some examples....so it felt that this dream made me aware that I have to train me to get my words and acts in synk....but is it even possible to overcome fear what is indused by agressivness??

12th February 2021, 01:15 PM
In last night dream I was shown an apron made in red leather...it was so beautiful and had several useful attributes to it....I was asked what colore would I choose ....I said....yellow or pink...a boy child come to visit me with his mother and the child had a pink stripe on his cap...I knew that the child had choosen the pink apron to me as a gift....I was so happy :)

14th February 2021, 08:05 AM
In last night dream I was looking out of a window from a house I was visiting..I knew that my father was with me...I see a hot air baloon comming towards us..and I hallore to my father to come and see what is comming towards us...I see that on top of the baloon is a lot of water what is cussing down...for a minut I am afraid that the baloon will drop down but it is okay...and soon I see that it is my sisters husband coming to give us a ride home...I felt it exiting and so unexpected....

17th February 2021, 12:53 PM
In last night dream door bell went off...I opened the door and there was my uncle (mothers brother deceased late 1990) with his 2 youngerst girls (he have 5 children) the girls told that they will give me uncles keys incase something happens...I invited them in and I was surprised whoms flat we where in...my mothers sisters flat....I felt little bit embarressed to be the hosstes in aunts flat...I felt so embarrassed so I awoke myself from the dream....

20th February 2021, 03:26 PM
In last night drean I was stuck on a railwaystation??...I tried to get some information and a map where I was...but no one did give me the information...in the station kiosk I tried to buy a map and the women who was working there was so upset that she have not noticed that the ske was out of maps...I tried to understand why I was not given any information ???

21st February 2021, 10:26 AM
In last night dream I was doing sit-ups and I looked at my abdome and I had a nice 6-pack :)

21st February 2021, 06:13 PM
In last night drean I was stuck on a railwaystation??...I tried to get some information and a map where I was...but no one did give me the information...in the station kiosk I tried to buy a map and the women who was working there was so upset that she have not noticed that the ske was out of maps...I tried to understand why I was not given any information ???
Railway and trains mean going on with your life, progressing. Being stuck... means of course the opposite. You have no map, no plans, no orientation. Maybe trying to get some wider perspective, clearing your mind etc. would bring you some glimpses about your life?

22nd February 2021, 07:43 AM
Railway and trains mean going on with your life, progressing. Being stuck... means of course the opposite. You have no map, no plans, no orientation. Maybe trying to get some wider perspective, clearing your mind etc. would bring you some glimpses about your life?

Thank you for your input Antares.

I wonder what you will say about this last night dream....


22nd February 2021, 07:53 AM
In last night dream I was hired to a magazin....I got my office ...but no direction about the job...so I went to the employment office to ask what the decription of my work says...she first did not want to tell me...so I said...I beg you...you can tell me...so she said it was written ...incompitent....I was surprised...so I asked...you are paying me for doing nothing...yes she said...wow....she said...so the others can feel they are better then you....I asked...but what position do you need someone on....she said...political reporter....oh no I said....I will not be involved in that s*it.....so I started to think...maybe I go around and give massage to my co-workers and their sore sholders....

What I left out from this dream is...when I was told I get payed without doing anything but just be present at the work...I said...oh then I can have my dogs with me to my work...I had 2 small dogs whom I loved so much and I had so good connection with....and this tells me that I have worked out my fear for dogs....on some level.....

22nd February 2021, 08:25 AM
I wonder what you will say about this last night dream....
Which one?

I had a train-dream tonight as well, but it seems like I have the opposite situation: I've left the train few stations too early, and it wasn't quite a good idea.

22nd February 2021, 08:36 AM
Which one?

I had a train-dream tonight as well, but it seems like I have the opposite situation: I've left the train few stations too early, and it wasn't quite a good idea.

The dream about my incompetency.....

So you are too early with your ideas....I am not surprised :)


22nd February 2021, 04:46 PM
The dream about my incompetency.....

So you are too early with your ideas....I am not surprised :)

I am told to get some rest, new views, practice and stuff like that. I'm saying that I need to return to getting income, as after so little working in last few months my financial resources got very low. My business generates costs, and without a sufficient income (and work) I won't pay those bills. This is where the conflict arises.

In last night dream I was hired to a magazin....I got my office ...but no direction about the job...so I went to the employment office to ask what the decription of my work says...she first did not want to tell me...so I said...I beg you...you can tell me...so she said it was written ...incompitent....I was surprised...so I asked...you are paying me for doing nothing...yes she said...wow....she said...so the others can feel they are better then you....I asked...but what position do you need someone on....she said...political reporter....oh no I said....I will not be involved in that s*it.....so I started to think...maybe I go around and give massage to my co-workers and their sore sholders....

What I left out from this dream is...when I was told I get payed without doing anything but just be present at the work...I said...oh then I can have my dogs with me to my work...I had 2 small dogs whom I loved so much and I had so good connection with....and this tells me that I have worked out my fear for dogs....on some level.....
Seems pretty obvious to me. It reflects your current job, the professional and the life situation. Having a pension is paying for "doing nothing". Not sure what exactly might mean a political reporter, but I'd rather wouldn't go literal, but general: poltitics might mean a global changes; reporting means e.g. writing on this subject (of course it's better to not narrow your options to just this one). Having the dogs with yourself might be a reference to working at home. A warehouse might be just a symbol of working place, not necesserily treated literally, again.

23rd February 2021, 07:57 AM
Thank you Antares for your input....


24th February 2021, 08:34 AM
In last night dream I was helping some acquaintance to move...I drive the truck....when we arrived to the place where this persons new home was ...I noticed that the neigborou was some I knew...and this acquaintance was like in shame that I knew the neigborou and that I will get some info about him....I told the neigborou that shall we tell about how we know eachothers...but she did want to keep a low key so I like laughed and said...it was over the internet...and that she did not bring the food she promised.....?? ( I do not recognize this to have happened in my life??)

28th February 2021, 05:08 PM
In last night dream I was working at some place...and we had hired some handymen....my boss told me to go and tell them that we are very pleased with theire work...it was like a glass wall...we where inside and the handymen where sitting like outside the glass wall...I hallored through the glass wall that my boss wanted me to tell you that we are please with your work...the young men started to be rude at me because I am old women...they laughed and pull the curtain on my face so to say...I went back and told to my boss how rude the young men was....and I went on with my doings...soon the handymens boss come to see my boss and I did undertand that she did not let this slide so to say ...and she wanted the boss to appologize to me for his rude emploiees....he was a bit afraid that I will make a law suit....but here I awoke myself from the dream....

1st March 2021, 07:59 AM
In last night dream I was in some kind of place...much like a convalecent home of some sort...they had only liqued intake...I had never seen those kind of drinks...some had to be poured hot water in and some with cold...and I had a bit difficulty to understand what was what...and what good they did...the info was very pore...I tried to ask but get nearly no answeres back??

3rd March 2021, 07:00 AM
In last night dream happened much but I only remember someone going to Alaska??

5th March 2021, 08:18 AM
In last night dream I found a gourgeous gold ring with huge diamond on....

9th March 2021, 08:20 AM
In last night dream I travelled with lions...many where afraid that something bad happens...but I was not at all worried...I had the lions under my control??

11th March 2021, 09:55 AM
In last night dream one old acquaintance come to visit me and hold up a pair of glasses with tinted glasses...and saying that those are mine...I did not remember ever have owned that type of glasses..but I let her in...and after a while I suspected that she only used those glasses as an excuse to vitit me...I was irritated....my phone alarmclock rang and just before I left the dream I see a man having those glasses on him but I did not recognize at all who he is??...Maybe I got to see that those glasses as I suspected was not mine...and I got to see whoms they are....me gusessing....

13th March 2021, 10:46 AM
In last night dream I learned a person (I can not say if it was male or female) to dance walz...the person was not at all familare to this kind of dance...so I said...relax and let your self follow...and this person was so surprised how it felt to dance...this person did signal to its group how different it is....and I felt also them to be different from me....

15th March 2021, 07:11 AM
In last night dream I was with a man and a women both sitting in wheelchairs....the women was going to have an exhibition...the man asked her what kind of exhibition she was going to have...she was just silent...so I said to the man...maybe she want to surprice you....

16th March 2021, 10:06 AM
In last night dream I had had same clothings in 3 days...I was going out to some meeting when I turned back home and decided to change my clothing...because it was a new meeting?? so strange??

17th March 2021, 10:25 AM
In last night dream I started on a new working place as a accountant...no one helped me where to find the things to do my work...so I had to ask for everything...and they where pleased that I know and am good at my work...the beginning was hard...and I was so happy that I did "fight" and stayed finnished the test so to say....

18th March 2021, 05:22 AM
In last night dream I was in Stockholm...and I wanted to buy bread from a bakary....I thought I knew where the bakary is...and I started to walk towards it..but when I get where I thouth it was..but it was not...and I go further and further and soon I am lost...I ask people for directions and I just get more far away and more lost...(I have bean in this same dream for some time ago) ..soon I am like in the old town in Stockholm...but it just seams so...it is also like in some town in India...but I keep my mind in that it is Stockholm...not to get too lost :) ...Now I start to ask for directions to T-Centralen what is the railwaystation in Stockholm...I get directions and now I am like near the Kings Casle...water is rising on the street and I see it is very clear water...but I am afraid I will be drown...so instead of going uphill I go down hill and I can see where the dry land is and I am going towards it to not to be drownd....this goes on and on so I decided to awake me from this dream...

This kind of dreams I think is given to me to find new solutions....but I am not there yet as it seams....

21st March 2021, 08:12 AM
In last night dream I was buying a clock as a present ...it was a jeweller´s shop...I wanted to look at one clock..when winding up the clock it played a beautiful tone......there was 2 ....one expencier...I wanted to look at the sheeper one..but she switched the price tag...the cheeper clock cost 434,- and the expencer one 750,-....I asked where the other clock is....she did hide it so I had to buy the cheeper clock but to the higher price....

In this episode I had a trunk full of frisbees....many sighned with selebrities name on...??

25th March 2021, 07:41 AM
In last night dream one little bird was lost from it´s mother...I had a glow on my hand and I put it streight forward and the bird flew and sat on my hand....biting on my finger...so I assumed it was hungry...I told my friend to get something like chrispbread...the bird started to eat at once....I was happy and I will nurture this bird well....

28th March 2021, 01:04 PM
In last night dream I had very strange plants...their root system was like in a cocoon with air holes cirkulaiting system and not dirt...I have never seen this kind of plants with air supporting systems...I wonder if this can exist somewhere on earth already??

30th March 2021, 06:23 AM
In last night dreams I was looking in a mirror to curle my eye laches...I noticed that I had got back my long laches...and I noticed how beautiful eyes I have...

In this episode I was visiting a friend and outside her neighbourous flat in the snow was turteles....I was surprised that they had them out in snow...I felt sad...I asked my friend do they always have them out...and she said...yes...but why?? we went out for a walk when a strange looking snake ...huge...like kustica....but it was totally harmless...very kind and friendly.....it did not leave me alone...I was feeling attacked...but it was only curious and longed after love.

1st April 2021, 06:51 AM
In last night dream I was given foot-bath...I asked if they can cut away my calluses....the foot bath was very cold...so I asked a friend to bring hot water into the foot bath....but much more did not happen...so I left the dream....

2nd April 2021, 07:05 AM
In last night dream I was on a very high mountain...the top was inbedded in a iron fench construction...I was looking down and no way down it was so steep...I started to cry...when I looked at the iron fench I did see it was alive...they wanted me to believe it was only a iron fench...so I started to cry more and begging for help...please take me down to the ground....first they did not react at all...but after a while when I did not stop crying and begging they did flew down me...so I kissed the fench and thanked so much....

in this episode I was also climbing hights....and I saw 2 grizzly bears...and when they did see me they started to run towards me...I found a narrow alley and I knew they will not be able to come after me...it is too narrow...

In this episode I was visiting a friend (deceased) she wanted me to climb down from the 5th floore outside from her balcony...I looked down and there was no staires so I told her to go inside and I did go inside but I had to blimb in from the outside...I told her that I will take the staires down....

3rd April 2021, 11:26 AM
In last night dream was different what I am used to.......I was under water...looking at vegetation and it was under water....I was sure I woke up from the dream...but my vision was still as I was under water....so I do think it was a falce awakening in the dream....I tried to understand what this was about...but I lost the focus because I was pondering if I was in the dream or awake....

4th April 2021, 07:05 AM
In last night dream I had difficulty first to understand and navigate where I was....I was like diving down in a dark narrow towern...when I looked closely it was like I was inside my own spine...I did see the vertebraes and when I did understand where I was light pinpointed some of the vertebraes and I am quite sure it was those vertebraes what is broken in my spine or injured....when I did understand this I did see what can be done...to strengthen muscules around the injury.....I will start somekind of exercises .....

5th April 2021, 09:17 AM
In last night dream I was sitting on a porch of a row house....on the other porch was a man sitting...he asked me if I think they will salt the roads now when it is snowing...I said...maybe...if it gets colder then for sure they will salt the roads....

When I woke up this morning we have got so much snow...it is winter again...and I have summer tires on my car...no driving today (:

8th April 2021, 03:35 AM
In last night dream I was sitting with a women who told me about someone weighting her down....I said to her to say firmly....get off me....and at once we both felt that an energy left her but at the same time went over to me...and I said...wow...now I feel heavy and at the same time as I said this a man approched us and thought I ment him...so he appologiced and was going away...so I hurried up to tell him I did not ment him...and that he is welcome to sit with us...and I tried to explain what just happened....I was not sure he understood...and at the same time I was working to extract the heavy energy off me.....

10th April 2021, 06:43 AM
In last night dream I had a blanket wrapped around me and I was entering/living in a subway wagon....suddenly I saw like snow angel half inside half outside the wagon....but when I looked closely it was not snow it was white marble angle.....

11th April 2021, 09:16 AM
In last night dream I was asked to invest in a company...they promised me to succeed but I was fooled...so I wanted to have some security...they where not expecting me to be so aware so they felt stressed...I wanted have in writing...now they felt real stressed...and looking at each others....so I was faxed some contract...but it was not that specific so I told them that I need time to read it properly and see if it contains what I was promised....here I awoke...

12th April 2021, 08:33 AM
In last night dream I was just a spectator...I saw a young women who had very complicated relationship to a man...I could read hear diary where she have written that she do not think this relationship will last...she went to a trip and she said when she come back home that she thinks her realtionship is singing on the last vers.....I saw written on the air...4844....I thought it was her bank code...but it was not...because she had not acitivated her card yet....

13th April 2021, 05:41 AM
In last night dream I was in a shoe shop...high heals in all kind of colores...there was no direct price on the shoes ...several sighns with various numbers....on one was 50...98....173.47....so I tried on it was one number too big...only one pair in black was in my number...the others ...white, red, brown, pink, was too big.....

In this episode I was in a winter landskape...waiting to cross a road....I had to drive up on a wall like steep upwards...to do so I shrink my car and asked help to lift the car over the steep...there was several persons who was curious how I will cope in this situation...so when I shrink the car and get one to help me we lifted the car easy over the steep....one man did blink at me...like sayin...smart...the car stayed shrinked but I did fit into it nevertheless.....

15th April 2021, 07:37 AM
In last night dream I saw a seequence when my son was 3 yrs old....I saw it like I was in the air and looking into the car ...my father holding my son in his lap...and my mother was also in the car....my father let my son sit in his lap when he drow the car....they where living on the country side so this was possible to do so....I did forget the other dreams because this was so surprising because my son have never bean without me with my parents...but this must have happened during the 6 months period what is still hidden for me....what happened during the big beatening of me...my son have said I was in the hospital with infusion....I have no memory of this...I must have bean in coma and maby given some drog what makes me to not ever remember what happened...

16th April 2021, 10:09 AM
In last night dream was a very young boy/man crying...I asked what is wrong...he hugged me and cried....I said...tell me...better sooner then latter....but he just cried ...it was so heart breaking...I tried to console him...in houres.....but he did not open up why he was so sad....

17th April 2021, 06:20 AM
In last night dream I had a little baby...I held her face to my face...she druled into my mouth...I lifted up the baby and looked into her eyes and askde...did you drule into my mouth...yes she said...like it was something important??

In this episode I had bought a skrapyard it was in Finland...I lived in Sweden...we went to look if some of the cars was in good condition...so I had several keys and we tested the cars...many of them you could start...but some of them lacked tires...and some of the cars was packed with items...for skiing....and for skiboarding etc...

18th April 2021, 06:23 AM
In last night dream I was working in a hospital kiosk...my father come by and we where talking about the train timetable...my boss appeared and my father asked her if he can take one train timetable and ske said NO...I told my boss that we have several...and I can come with new ones tomorrow when I come to work...but ske said NO...I can´t understand why she said NO??

19th April 2021, 06:42 AM
In last night dream I saw a strange looking clock.... the display was on the right side...from 12 1 2 3 4 5 18 on the left side 19 20 21 22 23.....

20th April 2021, 09:02 AM
In last night dream ...I was dancing with a man...we swirwled around in high speed...he told me that he is dizzy so we had to stop it....

24th April 2021, 06:23 AM
In last night dream I was in a holiday resort place...I did notice that I owned it....I was so surprised and started to clean because it was mine and I wanted it to be in good condition...I was in one cottage...and with me was an old co-worker (her family is from Polen) I showed her an coffee pan...she called for her mum to show her it too ...the mother is deceased since several years...when she did see it she laughed...and I poured some water in it to rinse it...and to my surprice we where several levels up...I throwed the rinsed water out of the window....and it was here I noticed where we where...the cottage had transported to a tower block...

2nd May 2021, 06:31 AM
In last night dream I had contact with a young man who was so sad and crying really crying from his depths...I embraced him and rocked him in my arms and he said something what I did not catch but it was something about his mother....it is I think first time I feel so real to embrace someone in a dream....can this be what it is called lucid dream??

3rd May 2021, 07:19 AM
In last night dream I was having a discussion about Jesus Christ....the man said that it is not true...I started to tell him about my experience when I had a discussion with another man about forgivness...the man told me that it is not true....and I told that I have bean told that should always forgive into the eternity....and I told that man that it was a voice and I saw a very special red with gold strips who told this to me....and when I told the man in the dream this...the whole atmospher changed and the shy was like pulsing.....and here I awoke....

5th May 2021, 04:36 AM
In last night dream I met my aunt and I was so happy and entusiastic but she acted like she did not know me...and just passed by...(does this mean she deep down does not like me, but just pretends when meeting her in real life?)....

In this episode I was lost and I asked a girl to help me with my cell phone, I told her that I think I have some kind of mini stroke because I can not text or search after telephone numbers....she took my telephone and after a short time she said...you do not have any service and my phone was useless...I told her that she did this in purpouse to just destroy for others...
I met a couple of men and I asked for help and this part is strange because I told that my husbands name is Tim and they did call him and I spoke to him and I told that I am lost and if he can come and get me...that those men will tell him where to find me...I also told him that I have got a somekind of stroke....when I heard him talk he just sounded like my sons father...he is deseased sins many years ago...he took his own life.

7th May 2021, 08:19 AM
In last night dream me and my son is travelling by train and we have to change to another train...I try to ask people where to go but no one knows...then I see a stationmaster and we run to him and when he sees us he is like waiting for us and his facial expression is...finaly...he says hurry...and he starts to climb up some ladder what is fixed in on a stone wall...we hurry after him and there is our train and we buy our ticets....and go omboard the train....

9th May 2021, 12:20 PM
In last night dream me and my son is travelling by train and we have to change to another train...I try to ask people where to go but no one knows...then I see a stationmaster and we run to him and when he sees us he is like waiting for us and his facial expression is...finaly...he says hurry...and he starts to climb up some ladder what is fixed in on a stone wall...we hurry after him and there is our train and we buy our ticets....and go omboard the train....
Your current thinking about your way in life (along with your son) could be inappropriate. The ladder means going up in your own mind, i.e. through getting higher levels of consciousness - this is the way where you can "buy" a proper tickets. The train - wrong one - is an incorrect way.

9th May 2021, 01:04 PM
Your current thinking about your way in life (along with your son) could be inappropriate. The ladder means going up in your own mind, i.e. through getting higher levels of consciousness - this is the way where you can "buy" a proper tickets. The train - wrong one - is an incorrect way.

How do you mean...along with my son could be inappropriate??

9th May 2021, 01:10 PM
In last night dream a women come to visit me...I asked her what her name is...she said...Wolf....oh wow I said...you are a reporter/journalist...I was perplexed why she have come to me...I asked if she want some coffee...and she said..yes...we went to my kitchen and the window was open....outside was a cat looking like a tiger....when I pushed the cat back out and not letting it inside a small bird appeared...I shut the window and I said to the women...I do not want to start to feed nabourous cat....soon we went out and down staires by steps....I had something on my hands and I said I want to wash my hands in a bathroom,..the first one was male´s so I went to the womens and she come with me...she pushed her near me and it was no questioning what she had on mind...she tried to kiss me...I pushed her away and she looked at me and said...it was just the first step...and she said her name is Christine.....I left her down the steps and went upwards the steps to my appartament....

9th May 2021, 05:56 PM
How do you mean...along with my son could be inappropriate??
No, I meant that you are obviously going the same way, but so far the way was not that which you "should" better go, and there is another, which requires higher level of thinking and perhaps abandoning old thoughts - this is what I meant :)

9th May 2021, 06:14 PM
No, I meant that you are obviously going the same way, but so far the way was not that which you "should" better go, and there is another, which requires higher level of thinking and perhaps abandoning old thoughts - this is what I meant :)

Ahaa I understand, thank you :)

15th May 2021, 05:31 AM
In last night dream I was looking down from universe to the earth but when I landed on earth it did not be as it looked like from the hight...the bridge was not as solid as it looked like when I stood on it...people around me said...why do you not ask someone to save you...I was hesitant and not believing that would work...but in the end I asked for help...and suddenly a good looking man come from the depths of the water and embraced me and of we went I am not sure how that happened but it happened...I was very surprised but happy.

In this episode my husband and me was visiting some people..I was outside and my husband went inside...they where making a lot of noices like partying...I told a women that tell my husband I went home...but the women told me that she want me to see something she have filmed on her phone...I saw glimses of when she was beatened up and was fasten with ropes...like bondage...I was horrifiyed....but in the end there was nothing with my husband as she had let me know....

In this episode I was in a bus high up in the air flying...after a while I noticed that it was only the seats of the buss and I was resting down on the seat...I looked down and I felt deep fear that if I fall to sleep I will fell off the seat...so I had to be sure I wount fell a sleep....felt fear in this dream....

16th May 2021, 06:51 AM
Last night dream was comfusing and I am not sure I can decribe it righfully....The start of the dream was that one child in my family will be babtised...so I went to the big church...when I entered the church it was on the neutral level...and I started to serch where my family is...I did see my mothers brothers wife who died very long time ago...she did not want to infulence me she wanted me to decide where I wanted to sit...so I went further then I saw my fathers brother...he was sitting backwards so to say...he have turned his chair towards the croud so to say...I did find it naughty to dare to be so bold...so I did sit where there was several chair empty...I started to ask what side of the family the people where if they where from my mothers side or my fathers side...they did not know...I started to feel a bit panic...so I went to serch furhter...I went down stairs several floors down...in the basement was dark group of men...they where listening to some kind or preacher from a old grammofphone with stone 78 record....I was startlet...and quickly went away...I hear a man say ...go and see that she is not a spy...and when I was cleared I felt releved.....I went upwards some floors and I was soon the top floor...here I see several infants with white clotings...in rows...I am asking what is this for place...no one want to tell me...I asked where is the babtising funt...they do not know what I am asking...this building do look like a church but some how it is not...now I see stairs upwards and there is a man having his legs up and head down like upside down so to say...he is kissing an infant who was with third-degree burn...I ask the man if I can enter the highest floor...yes he say...and I enter the highest floor...there is panorama windows and I see a cabin like building in timber...I leave the high building to go and see if my family is in that timber building...and yes I see several family members and I try to tell them what happened ...but here I woke up....

18th May 2021, 07:07 AM
In last night dream I was taking care of my son...he was little...and very ill...a women come by and wanted me to leave my son and go with her...I was wondering why she couldn´t see why I have to say not to her...after my son was better I searched up the women and now she was sleeping...I saw that she have placed my pillow and blanket infront of the door...here I did understand that why she seeked and asked for me was that she needed protection....I waited for her to wake up and we took a bicysle and she was standing behind me and the road was so steep down that I had to stand on the break not to go too fast...I was amazed that we did make it well and sound down without hurting .....somehow I felt that I did not understand my connection to the women at all....

21st May 2021, 05:38 AM
In last night dream I was out walking I had a man infront of me and he turned around and throw 1000 dollar at me ...a wind took it and tried to catch it it took a while but I succeeded in the end...

22nd May 2021, 12:48 PM
In last night dream was a bit confusing....a very young man 22-23 yrs old...wanted to help me....I was so tired and in bed...he lay him self besides me...and started to levitate me to turn my head to his feets...and my head at his feets...I tried to ask...what is going on...but as I was asleep...but aware what was happening to me and around me...I had to awake me from this dream....
I never figured out what was going on and why??

23rd May 2021, 10:29 AM
In last night dream my father was tickeling me in my neck (he did this when I was a teen because I had difficulty to awaken in the morning and go to school) so I was sure it was my father who tickeled me...but when I opened my eyes it was my brother who is 5 yrs younger then me...I was really surprised....

in this episode I was out walking ...I had a dress on me...a rotwiler was loose and he started to sniff on my legs...I stopped and shouted...take the dog away from me...I stood totally still not to get the dog more intence as he was....a man did come and took the dog away...I walked fast and when I got behind a building I started to run...I hear the dog barking and trying to get loose...I am in total panic...I jump the fences and run ...here I awoke before I got inside a building .....huh! it was so intence....

25th May 2021, 08:40 AM
In last night dream I was visiting my relatives...I noticed it was all in disareay...so I started to clean up...my brothers daughter asked me if I could clean up on the top floor too...yes I said...I take the kitchen first so someone can start to make dinner...I asked if they have minched meet...and suddenly there was 3 big packs of it...and I knew my brother will make the dinner....

In this episode my son had won in a lottery...340....I told him that now you can afford to buy christmas presents....

26th May 2021, 08:26 AM
In last night dream I do not know what frightenet me but I started to run....soon I hear behind me....por favor....por favor...I looked and it was a dark haired man...when he reached my sholder with his hand......I woke up...

27th May 2021, 05:28 AM
In last night dream I was going to a bathroom...the first thing I noticed was that the floor was totally wet...then I looked into the bathtub and it was filled to the brim with water...and submerged was a young boy maby late teen...drown....I at once started to get him out of the bathtub....in panic....thinking should I call for help or start to give heart and lung aid.....but when I try to get him out of the tub I feel he is so heavy that I will not be able to alone do that....and here I woke up....

30th May 2021, 10:37 AM
In last night dream I was walking in a town and suddenly a man did throw a iseball at me it hit my throat....I looked at the man and said...you have hurt me too many times...this time I will report it to polis.....He took a knife and threatenet me...I said...put that away...he sliced his own face....I said...stop at once with that...so he throw the knife away on the ground...I started to lokate the polis station...but there was so many obstacles what did all the time take me at wrong direction...I started to go upwards a stone steps...and soon I was very high up and I see a sighn....Victor the great´s road....here I woke up....

3rd June 2021, 07:34 AM
Last night I had the wierdest dream ever....I am not sure I can even wordy it out....I am not sure what it was...but like had to take away or add something...and it was always too much or light or air or mass...and I had to do this like whole night and it was near to be in balance but always too little or to much and I had to take away elements or add....it was like a precision work....anyone who knows what this is about....I said several times ...alkemy??

4th June 2021, 05:16 AM
In last night dream I was face timed by a man...in the dream he was my bf....he talked that he have a surprice for me when I come home...as this was happening I was serching my car...it was parked in a huge parkinplace...I started to be worried that I will not find my car...but I did find it...and when I sat in my car I said to the man...I am sorry I have bean so quiet...I was worrying not finding my car...here he changed...he started to say that his mother was ill...so he by this wanted to cansel us to meet...so wierd....I had a little dog with me...I knew it was not mine...but the women I have bean visiting...she went to her car and we were supposed to meet and then she will have her dog...but it went so chatoic with this man and our face timing...so here I woke up....

5th June 2021, 05:52 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping high up indoors, I am not sure what place it was...I woke in the dream up when I horse did put his head against my head and I felt deep love from the horse...I opened my eyes and I said...my darling...and we hugged and let the love flow towards each orhters....then I did a quick move and I starteled the horse...I said ...I am so sorry...and the horse went away....and I hear him sending telephaticly....I am sorry .....

In this episode there was a man who was so abusive...he tried to put me down...but I did stand my ground....he asked if he succeeded to broke me...I said...NO...I told him that I know who I am...and therefore he did not succeed....I told him that I know I am a good person...that I have good morals....and good values...and I am always saying truth...I do not have to lie.....He said...that he knew this....

9th June 2021, 08:23 AM
In last night dream I was in a fort...it had several levels of happening....I helped on one level to with a lown mower mowder the snow?? and higher up on a level I climbed outside and looked into a inner yard on the below level...I could see a women walking 2 big dogs...a man driving his car with a carriage behind his car....I saw a women getting his husband from a place where she did not want him to be and like pushing him infront of her....I was lying down on a platform...a bit frighetned of the hights....it was little snow and I suddenly smelled pee....what the heck....has someone peed here trying to pee over the edge but not succeeded....here I woke up.....

11th June 2021, 04:16 AM
In last night dream I have bean eating rice in all kind of dishes.....

13th June 2021, 03:49 AM
In last night dream I was sitting on a bus stop and there was an older women and a child...a girl...the girl was like a mediator between this women and me...the girl said...you have to speak up...and stand your ground...I said...I have the knowledge about that...but I do not know how to do it in practis....after a while I remembered something and started to go up to the house a rental coumpound...I met my aunt and I said hallo to her...she said back hallo but did not look at me...she was with 3 of her lady friends...I went into the building and this older women was with me...we entered the elevator and I see that the button at 2th floor was pushed...the women said...my bad...but she did not go out but said she lives at the 6th floor as my mother...so she pushed the 6th floor button and we went out of the elevator together...here I woke up...

15th June 2021, 06:25 AM
In last night dream I was on a working place...the boss come to me and said...you have bean here for 300 days....I asked if he is aking me where my creativy is...so I told him when I had asked the workers who helped me to learn the work when I asked how creativ can I be...they told me ...no we do not do that here....so this I told the boss to him wondering about me being there for 300 days....here I woke up....

16th June 2021, 08:15 AM
Last night dream I was going to work in a hospis...but the clothings did not fit...the trousors was too short in legs...and the top was too narrow that I hardly could move my arms...so I was searching other clothings to have on me ....I did find some T-chirt and shorts....I was not sure in what level i was going to work...I met a few people in the elevator and I tried to ask what kind of patients are on the different floors....in some point I get out of the elevator and it was the right place...the boss was not so pleased that I am late...I tried to tell about the clothings what was a miss fit...but a patient asked for help so I turned from the boss and started to work....

19th June 2021, 06:17 AM
In last night dream I was visiting a women who was baking bread...it looked so good and I was waiting for her to offer the bread to me to eat...but she did not...soon I felt something tickling on my left arm...I had a shirt what had 3/4 sleves...I tried to feel what was tickeling me...so I asked for help from the women...and she helped me to take out the buggs ...it was one scarabe and one smaller one with long tentacles I did not recognize for being someone known one.....after this the women offered me a slice of bread...it was with fruits and other good stuff in it...when I took the butter can there was nearly no butter left...here I awoke..

26th June 2021, 05:21 AM
In last night dream I was living in a very high building...I had a big balchony and a wolf was jumping up and into my balchony...I pushed him down and I feared that I injured him...so I asked my sister to look if he is alive and she said yes he is totally okay...Now I started to fear that he will find other wolfs and coming after me to harm me...

In this episod I was washing dishes in a church when my sister come to me and said she is leaving...she had earlier asked me to come to a party...and now she is leaving me behind...I asked her to wait for me...no she said...you do the dishes and do not dare to leave them undone...you can walk...so I was pondering after I am done with the dishes to go home...but here I woke up...

16th July 2021, 07:09 AM
My drems has bean so strange lateley at least few weeks now...I am like abowe a inviroment and below it will be destroyed or sickness of some sort and I put like light hooks where I am standing and where I put the light hooks it will be saved....so I am very busy saving the inviroment??!! This theam has bean in the latest dreams in varioned shapes....

16th July 2021, 04:23 PM
I think that you are seeing the actual events - the environment is more and more devastated on the Earth. So raw materials' prices go up - and the more they go up, the more lucrative it is to devastate the Earth even more by the governments.

19th July 2021, 07:15 AM
In last night dream I was sitting in an auditorium and listening to 3 women whom I know having speech...I was making 3 buckeas of flowers for the ladies...I had white. yellow and blue colored flowers...but when it was finnished the speech we all had to go to another building for the party...and I forgot the flowers and remembered when I was walking to the another building..It was winter...and when we arrived to the other building...I put my coat at the cloak room..I noticed I had a pink long sleaved T-chirt on me...I was a bit worried I was too casual clothed...but then I noticed that the women who have had the speach had blue jumper on her and I felt okay.....I was walking with one of the ladies husband and he said that I should not mind...it is okay not to give them any flowers...and he was right...there was no time to do that so I was okay with it...

21st July 2021, 10:40 AM
In last night dream I was again in a area where I have bean many many times before...and I have the same problem to find my way home ....this time I had my grandchild with me and he asked for a map...and he started to make marks on the map...and he asked me to go and ask if we can take the map with us...or to make a copy of it....here the dream shifted to where I had something like in a smoothie glas....I know it is healthy and I give my grandchild to drink it...I poor it into his smoothie glas....now I noticed it was like a brown muschroom...the licquid is clear...now I am unsure if it is okay to drink it....and here I woke up....with a head acke....

22nd July 2021, 06:34 AM
In last night dream was a white horse...it looked a bit different then the other horses I have had in my dreams...this horse did protect me...the other horses have shown affection but have also bean easely frightened...but not this horse...it did protect me very fiersly....and showed total higher care and love towards me then I am used to.....

24th July 2021, 07:39 AM
In last night dream the dream started when I felt that a cat jumped into my bed and sat down becides my head...I jumped of fear and was awake in the dream...a thought come to me...my son had a cat when he was a child....but I never bonded with that cat....Now I was in the dream going into my house and the cat tried to follow me into the house...but I closed the coor infront of the cat...now the cat had come inside and I was yelling...how did the cat get into the house...and I turnded my back to the cat...and the cat patted me on my back...I turned around and now there where 3 more cats....one very little and tried to make it smaller for me not to be afraid....and a white/brown fluffy cat...I said...gently and it patted me with gently paw...and then there was a old cat with only one eye and dying....so this helped me to come over my fear.....thank you!

25th July 2021, 12:05 PM
I have bean pondering how to decribe last nights happenings....I was attacked in a way like blowing somekind of smoke/air what was not healthy and forsing me to inhale it...I was verbally telling this man to stop it...and to let me be...but he was so precistent that I felt overwhelmed and nearly to give in...but then there appeared one more person who he have done the same thing too...and this person asked me if we will report him to the polis...but before I answered I felt that I was back in my body and that there was 2 who did protect me...they did surround me in my bed so I did not get harmed....so it was a strange feeling...I was still in the dream but at the same time I was aware of my body what needed protection....still digesting the night...

27th July 2021, 05:54 AM
In last night dream I was with a crowd of people like me and others not at all like me....I was sitting around a long table with people both sides of the table and me sitting in the end of the table.
I was smoking...and a very powerful women was walking like circling around the table....I was in a humorous mood...the crowd was like holding theires breath...when I was finnished with the cigarett
the women come to me and put my hands together and bended my head down and she said with a firm voice.....pray for the mothers forgiveness....I wanted to joke away this...and looked behind me and there was sitting the different people and when I saw them I said...they do not belong....(meaning they are not like me) ...so after this I did understand the seriousness of the situation...
(This is the happening what helped me to stop smoking in 2003...then back in 2003 I only remember the voice saying...what good is it to heal you when you do not help your self)..so I was sitting and got help from those beings what come in this night dream to now show me the whole happening for me to understand deeper...

30th July 2021, 05:38 PM
In last night dream I only remember I got a birthday card and it was a bit different and when I opened the lid I was so surprised and happy...I do not remember more what was inside the card...

2nd August 2021, 05:29 AM
In last night dream I was in a forest glade...I was invited to a party...a huge cake with coffee and other trities....I said...I have to have 2 hair....there was a women with red hair...I asked if she can give me 2 hair...No she said...okay I said...I take my own...and I tried to take 2 hairs but did not succeed....I really worked hard...but was not able to divide to only 2 hairs???

4th August 2021, 07:48 AM
In last night dream I had a man whom I know from the beginning of the 2000...he is still in debt ...in the dream he wanted to give me healing...(only that I give him money) ...I did not feel a thing...and I told him that I do not have any money to give him....here I awoke...

5th August 2021, 05:42 AM
In last night dream I was meeting up with an ex boyfriend...he appologized to me for not bean able to control himself in our relationship...so appologized accepted.

6th August 2021, 09:17 AM
In last night dream I was going into a house...but before I reached the house I met a huge black dog...it was pitch black outside so first I had difficulty to see the dog...I felt it first...and my body reacted with fear but my mind was at ease and this did surprise me...first time I feel mind being separated from my body awearness....I sat on the porch and was wondering what the dog will react to...to my body or mind...and I was surprised that it was not the body...if it had bean it had attaced me....so I let the dog smell me and it was calm and all was good...I was able to in peace to enter my house....

7th August 2021, 06:43 AM
In last night dream I was with a man...and we where to a pond...with very dark and murky water...down in the depths was some kind of creature...he wanted me to look at it...but I did not dare...he put his face under the water and looked...but he did not want to tell me what it was...so I never looked down into the water....

In this episode I was with people and they wanted me to see something...instantly I felt so high fear that I closed my eyes and never opened them...I had seen a glimse of a creature ...and I knew that it will spin very high speed but I was afraid something bad happens to me....so like a child I held my eyes closed and nothing bad happened...but I do not know what the creature was and for what it´s spinning was creating....

8th August 2021, 03:36 AM
In last nights dream I was in my appartament and I felt something from the door into my appartament....I felt the door was not locked...so I put one hand on the handle and the other hand to the lock and I felt very strong energy blocking me from locking my door...the energy was so strong that I felt instantly huge fear...so deep fear that I woke up and was not able to go to sleep again...the fear gave me such an energy ruch so I am totally awake ....more awake then I have felt in months....

In this episode I was whipped on my behind I said ...Now my behind cracked...when I looked on the floor it was covered in blood.....

13th August 2021, 05:15 AM
In last night dream I got a envelope given to me by a man...he had police with him and they make notes....I asked what is it about...and when I read the note...it was a crime done by people I do not even know...but they tried to force this on me...and the man tried me to take another note...he forced it in my hand...but I did not close my hand to take it...I said...I do not take this...I have nothing to do with it...and the police make notes...and they left me....??

17th August 2021, 10:30 AM
In last night dream I had 3 cat´s and a ram....???They where abondenet in a old barn...it was a grey cat, black and ginger cat....the ram was white....

21st August 2021, 05:12 AM
In last night dream I was in a math class...we had to calculate first plane and then - 0,2 and + 0,2....I am bad in math so I was concerned how to do this...then I noticed that the caldulater I had had this -0,2 and +0,2 in the calculator so then I felt ...I can do this...and felt better and my angziety vanisched....

Had a feeling that this class was to increase my selfconfidence....

25th August 2021, 11:29 AM
The last days dreams has bean totally impossible to put in words....so I have bean pondering when the opening will come for me to get a hunch about the content of the dreams...so this night I got some understanding....the dream was like this...I was waiting for some help...and the help come by a boat...huge...I was so happy to be invited into this big boat...I felt saved...but what happened was that this big boat did not care what happened to the other small boats...they did squeezing and drowning the small boats and did not care what happened to them...I felt that I had made a wrong choice...and I did not want to be on this big boat even if it did save my life...but what kind of life will I have to have so many others lives on my mind and knowing what happened to them...so this did show me that we never can be sure the outcome of our choices...even if we think we make a good choice...it may show to be the most wrong choice of them all....I feel awful today. and feel so unsecure and fear to make any choices at all in my life....first I was luored into feel good about myself and now this...to take me down totally...how to built stabillity and better secure about making choices...because that is what the life is about...making choices and taking responsicillity of them.

27th August 2021, 07:51 AM
In last night dream I was back to a magazin I was working when I was young....I have own office...and 2 co-workers come to visit me...and they ask if we will soon have a meeting....my first thought was...in what position do I have here today...I try to understand from the co-workers but they do not say anything so I would understand what kind of office I have....I joke to the female co-worker that we maby would have a meeting about charks...aka...male.....I look at the male co-worker if he understands the joke...he looks little bit sad...so I say...aw....no everyone will work together....

In this episode I am with me childhood friend...she is on the other side...she have a flower garland on her head...and she is asking me what she should work with...I say...you should start again to take photograps...you where so good on that....and you may then put some slogans on the photograps with some deep meaning in....and sell.....she looks at me and asks...you think I was good photographer....yes you where....

I am good to givr advise to others...but can not work out what I am good at...??

In this episode I was totally missunderstood by a female...she did make a move towards me...and I had to tell her...no...I said...I am sorry if I have given you mixed feelings....Itold this to my friend and I was cincerely sorry and aske her if I am so indistinct??

28th August 2021, 11:51 AM
Last night dream was again those dreams you do not know how to wordy .....I was looking at a image of something...it was in dawn light so I had to focus to really understand what I am looking at...when I got the image that it was an alien...then I panict...and wanted to awaken me from the dream....but before I got awaken I saw like bright light power lines.....a thought come up...are they wiring the image by the nerv threads direct to my eyes....or is there power lines outside of my body what I am linked too???

30th August 2021, 05:05 AM
In last night dream me with others where looking for to find what raimin means...we went to a place to look into old telephone direktory but nothing....I asked if we should look into a dictionary instead to find what the word means......

1st September 2021, 08:25 AM
Last night when I went to bed and was waiting to fall to sleep...I was drifting into sleep when....BOOOM....very bright light and a huge jolt like I was hit by someting....I was clear awake at once...and my adrenalin went sky hight....so I had to stay up for few hours before I again went to bed and sleep....then I dreamt about I was on somekind of train....and I was watching at a young couple when they where operating in somekind of "thing" I tried to understand...I somehow knew they where payed off so I wanted to know how much they get payed to do this thing....they did not want to answere me...they like talked around...so I said...is it so hard to tell me how much you get payed......and here I awoke....

2nd September 2021, 08:21 AM
In last night dream I was looking at a bear mother and her cub...I loved to look at them...and when I turned around I saw a elephant baby...it looked like it was somekind of elephant gadering place...and I was thinking that this baby have lost the heard...and was still here waiting for the heard to come back....I told someone who was with me that this elephant baby has bean here whole day...then I turned back to the bear mother and her cub....and now I noticed that it was just outside of my aunts house where I was going...and I hurried indoors and the cub was by the door but I was able to close the door just in time.....here I awoke....

3rd September 2021, 12:38 PM
In last night dream I was with my first husband (he is on the other side) and he wanted us to take on a project together....we did sighn the papers and when this was done he said...I have no time so you have to do this by yourself....I said...why did you not tell me this before, this project is so big so alone it is impossible ...He is still as he always has bean...huh!

5th September 2021, 10:28 AM
In last night dream I was riding a horse...it was winter and I was afraid that the horse will slipp and tumble over....so I dared not to steer the horse when sitting on it so I jump down and walk infront of the horse...the horse did look at me...like ...are you kidding me :)

6th September 2021, 07:22 AM
In last night dream I saw a white kitten with lower back injury....I held her in my hands and the kitten did express her grattitude to me....but I had to put her down I had to do something...but the kitten did rush up by my back and did not want to let go...so I had to take her with me....and when she did "know" that she can stay she did calm down and let me put her down so I can do something with my hands ....

In this episode I was with horses...I did open the gate and one horse did run out...and a person did be angry with me...so I had potatoes in my hands and I said to the horse ...come ...and I showed the potatoes and the horse did follow me into the barn....

9th September 2021, 01:02 PM
Last night dream I got my period...I was very surprised..I asked my sister if she can give me a bandage..she did not believe me so I had to show her my knickers....she looked at me in desbelive...but showing her the evidence ....she had to belive....and gave me what I needed....

15th September 2021, 04:53 AM
I have again had that kind of dreams what I can not put in words...as last night too but the difference last night was that I should not take things so seriously as I do...even I can not express the funny content of last night dream I only remember one word what made me laugh like mad....mömöck....in mids of the seriousness there was so much laughter and hilariousness as I think life should content...so I just have to wait again to comprehend more what my dreams is telling me....:)....I woke up this morning and I still feel the laughter in me and I feel so light and happy :)

16th September 2021, 09:22 AM
In last night dream I was again chased by a big bear....

17th September 2021, 11:56 AM
In last night dream I was in a flat....I hear someone shouting from the outside....oy what are you doing in IA´s flat....I opened the window and I was very high up and looking down ...there whas a man looking at a house much lower then where I was in a high building....I felt weard...I felt that this flat I was in was mine...I asked myself...do I have another flat too...is that flat mine too in the lower building??

In this episode I was carrying an infant...I put her on a table what was placed infront of a window...she did not want me to let go of her...when I looked down the floor was up to my knees filled with water....where was I....I do not know...I took the infant and started to look out of the window....I did not know where I was....

22nd September 2021, 07:32 AM
The night before this I had a dream and I was shown how I was harassed to submission in my childhood...and I now as adult could stop that and took back my life....it was not popular so I was excommunicated and I today understand why no-one keep any contact to me...

I have to correct this...no-one keeping any contact...my sisters daughter rang me and talked in 2 hours and telling me how important I am to her...so sorry for saying or feeling wrong.

And tonight I had a dream where I was shown several of my handcrafts....and I was asked what I am most proud of....I said...the crocheted tablecloth what is so skirt as lace....

24th September 2021, 07:20 AM
The night before this I had a dream about a famous music producer from Sweden...Anders Bagge....he had a puppy so huge that I could´t believe my eyes ....I wondered how big will that dog become when it is grown up??

This night I had a dream about Oprah and her friend...I went out to eat with them...they ordered a dish what looked so good...so I said...I take the same...and I watched when the chef prepared the dish...so much maple surup that I started to think if I will like it at all....but I woke up before I was able to taste it....??

29th September 2021, 08:38 AM
I have again has so strange dreams so I will summoraise them here....in the dreams I have bean in center...like ...I am on a boat...and I sit down on a sofa...and fall to sleep...I am leaning towards a person and when I wake up in the dream I have to apologize for my behaving...and I say... I am so tired so I can not keep me awake....sorry....or ...that I am taking care of someone...I put my hand on the persons forhead...and my hand is ice cold....I apologize for this and when I really wake up from the dream my hand is ice cold...so I must have bean sleeping strangely to the blood stream in my arm must have bean cut of??

30th September 2021, 03:32 PM
In last nighr dream a man gave me a Finnish passprt...I looked at the picture in the passport...I did not recognize it to be me...so I asked....Do look like that....He did not answere me...instead he said...It is your passport....In a way I was happy...because I did not apply for the Finnish sitizen ship when it was awailable to do so...and I regret it ....

6th October 2021, 07:59 AM
I had a wonderful dream last night...my son was a baby and I had the pleasure to have the feeling how it felt when I held him when he was a baby..I did carry him in my arms from the basement up to the top floor and into the sun...it was a struggle so many steps...but I made it....I feel wonderful today.

8th October 2021, 05:14 AM
In last night dream I noticed that I had forgotten to leave the keys to my workplace so I take my car to drive to the workplace and give back the keys...but when I sit into my car I notice that someone has bean driving my car because the seat is puched far back so someone who is taller then me have bean driving my car?? I put the seat in place and drive to the workplace...when I come to the workplace one of the co-workers say that I have forgotten my christmas present what we all get from the company....it is a hospital....it is a huge box of chockolades....

10th October 2021, 06:50 AM
In last night dream I had a wolf who tried to come into my house....I shouted ...NO...NO...and tried to shut the door...the wolf had his nose inbetween and was very strong and I was afraid to hurt his nose when closing the door....I was in fear to hurt the wolf...

11th October 2021, 08:41 AM
In last night dream I was squizing a pimple not on me...someone else...it was big and inflamed and hard...white puzz come out...I woke up before I was finnished....I was worried and therefore woke up....

18th October 2021, 05:05 AM
In last night dream was a huge snake....we luored it into a room and closed the door...soon the snake started to sound like it was crying...to let it out...we where thinking if we ought to give it food like a chiken...but we did not...and here I woke up....

In this episode I was back in an old appartament ...I had visitation...I complained that I had pain...I felt the energy strong so I shouted....out...out ...and soon it stopped..

20th October 2021, 03:39 AM
In last night dream I had a small house on the contryside in a small village...Somehow everyone knew that the doctor will come and visit me to do a health chek-up...and they all where so curious
to know why...I said to just a chek-up...I did not want to tell my plan was to see if all is well for me to be preagnant....

22nd October 2021, 07:01 AM
Several nights I have had these materialzesations...people materialazez into my appartament....but last night took the prize...a naked man into my bed...I had to touch him and he was as real as me...and then other people both men and women come down too so I started to shout...out...out...and they went out on my balcony...but this naked man stayed and we had a conversation...after a while I woke up...??