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View Full Version : What happens in the private lives of mediums.

23rd September 2011, 10:12 AM
I thought this was very much worth watching so check it out if you have the time. I learnt a few interesting things like just how difficult it is for a kid to sit still and learn in class if they're constantly seeing and hearing spirit. As we've discussed in the past on the forums, it seems like a dangerous and difficult childhood can act as one catalyst for psychic development.

These people tell quite fascinating stories, especially one about someone calling himself Jesus.






23rd September 2011, 06:12 PM
Wow! I watched all of it.
That Kelvin guy sure is cute. :kiss:

Aunt Clair
25th September 2011, 08:27 AM
Thank you, I enjoyed this and viewed all 7 parts.

29th September 2011, 11:58 PM
i watched it all to. its weird because as practitioners we reach for these special abilities, for various reasons but once we have them we have them. it kinda comes off like money. just being rich doesnt make your life easier. it just bring on different problems.
im not dissing having abilities or nothing. just its lonelier then i thought. its already lonely being weird. wel at least it (was)
for me. and having them would only make you more weird. at least in the eyes of people who dont believe and see as you see.

30th September 2011, 02:28 AM
i watched it all to. its weird because as practitioners we reach for these special abilities, for various reasons but once we have them we have them. it kinda comes off like money. just being rich doesnt make your life easier. it just bring on different problems.
im not dissing having abilities or nothing. just its lonelier then i thought. its already lonely being weird. wel at least it (was)
for me. and having them would only make you more weird. at least in the eyes of people who dont believe and see as you see. It's true that it brings different problems than 'unaware' people, but lots of people don't believe in many things, and I don't think anyone sees anything as anyone else sees, except for very superficial things.
I'd rather know how other people feel about me than not, they don't have to 'know' anything about me I don't want them to see, it's that simple, at least for me. However it may be an 'age' thing- At my age I really don't care about 'fitting in' with anyone, I gave up on that a long time ago.
So I guess what I'm saying is, don't worry, this feeling of being 'weird' and different passes, and you end up happy with yourself if you're true to yourself.

30th September 2011, 09:50 AM
So I guess what I'm saying is, don't worry, this feeling of being 'weird' and different passes, and you end up happy with yourself if you're true to yourself.
Exactly. I also think that people are often grateful for the lessons of their lives, even if the lessons were painful.