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21st October 2011, 02:08 AM
Here is a great OBE from my diary which occurred last year:

I had such a wonderful OBE on Christmas day early morning. I have never tried and it never occurred me to do before, what I did in this OBE. So, it was Christmas eve and I was complaining to my friends that it does not feel like Christmas, if it` s 80 degrees outside. I guess the desire to have a white Christmas set my mind and put it to work. Well, I did not create snow in the physical reality, but surely I did have the best Christmas ever in another world. So, here is how it happened. I went to bed and I was thinking about past holidays at home with my family and relatives, playing outside with my cousins, making snowmen…
Few hours later, when I got out, I was in a big gallery with many paintings on the walls. There were other people walking around and looking at the paintings. The paintings seemed to be sort of “alive”, because the elements were moving and changing. For example the one I held my attention on, was a beautiful village in wintertime and I could see the snow actually falling. Like I was looking through a window, but each painting was a different world. It was amazing. The moment I saw that painting I had the strong desire to be there inside of one of the warm, cozy houses, sitting next to the fire place, looking through the window the falling snow covering everything in white, bringing a sense of peace and quietness.
Instantly after I formed this thought in my head, I felt a pulling sensation and I was drawn into the painting. A second later I was there, in this world, for real. And the most curious thing was, that I could see the people in the gallery on the other side. Not for long though, because I turned my attention toward one of the houses and I walked inside. I felt indescribable, so warm and cozy as I was watching the magical surroundings outside. It was like in a fairy tale land. The houses were small and old style like. There were old fashion candle type streetlights. It was around sunset and I could see lights coming from the windows of the neighbor homes. I was overwhelmed by this feeling of softness and peace. I can`t really describe with words. I knew who I was and I knew how I got there. This made the experience even more magical, because I actually knew that in my physical reality such experiences and worlds are claimed to be non existing and yet I was standing right there in the middle of this magical reality, feeling even more alive and real than in my current world.
Then all of a sudden this house turned to be my own home in my little town in Bulgaria, the tree was decorated, the lights were on and I knew that my family and relatives were on the way and could show up any time at the door. And they did. My excitement was tremendous. After that I just remember joyful time and then my memories slowly faded.
I think this particular OBE was interesting because of the fact I entered a reality through a painting, which I have never done before. I mean I knew that paintings could represent gates, but it never occurred me while OBEing before to look for a painting and enter a reality that way.
It was so exciting and in my mind this experience was as real as I am sitting right now in front of the computer and typing these words.
OBEs like that make me really thankful for what I have discovered and how colorful my life has become and I will always encourage others to look beyond.

21st October 2011, 02:19 AM
That is wonderful, lightbeam. It kind of makes me think of the portraits in the Harry Potter books- they have their own virtual reality on the 'other side' just as you described.

21st October 2011, 11:27 AM
Hello, lightbeam.

Seems like you tuned into part of the essence of Christmas, what it gives to people, to receive what you seem to be lacking from your recent physical reality Christmas.



22nd October 2011, 01:37 PM
Greetings LightBeam
A very interesting OBE, thanx for sharing it.
I believe Robert Bruce also wrote an account of entering into a painting when out of body. That location was also a quiet rural setting (although it was summer there).
I have managed to project into a book one time, but not into a painting, at least not yet, anyway.


25th October 2011, 12:37 AM
I would LOVE to experience something like that! Thanks for sharing. It gives me a new goal.