View Full Version : glowing figure

3rd November 2011, 12:21 AM
A while back I had an experience in which a brilliantly white- glowing figure appeared before me while I was lying in bed. I felt like I was floating up to him. I was confused about what was happening and thought that maybe it was Jesus. I immediately felt sorry about not living a better life and being a better person. I was crying to him and apologizing as I floated closer. I then got the feeling that he was not Jesus, but someone else, and I was afraid. He did not speak to me and then I separated from my body toward the ceiling, but I felt exhausted and returned back to body to fall asleep.

3rd November 2011, 02:31 AM
How'd you feel the next few days, and do you think your life has changed since?

3rd November 2011, 02:25 PM
I just felt confusion and a feeling of uneasiness afterward. I did try to clean my life up a little. I keep wondering who it was and why he came to me.

6th November 2011, 10:25 AM
Maybe he was just passing through. I'm not joking. It's possible you just happened to be in the right state to witness something you weren't intended to witness.

7th November 2011, 01:57 AM
Perhaps, it was another one of your projected bodies--did you see the silver cord? Was "it" sleeping? Many times I have seen my other projected bodies (up to 5 at once) and aware of their consciouses; as well as they, mine. However, I usually see the silver cord attached to them whenever any of them are sleeping. If they are awake, I normally don't see the cord. Friday night, while I was attempting a projection, my first projected body slipped out unnoticed. Then I saw it floating horzontally next to me; but, it was sleeping and saw the cord again.

I thought it was a little comical. I get out, but then its sleeping. Ha. So I just let him (me) be. Floating and sleeping away.


7th November 2011, 02:57 AM
I didn't see a silver cord. In fact, the light was so blinding that I really couldn't make out much more than a silhouette.

7th November 2011, 10:07 AM
I've seen a similar being and he was definitely male-shaped - not blinding but made of light. I got the distinct impression I glimpsed him when I wasn't really meant to.;)

8th November 2011, 07:29 PM
Just curious--I know you said it was a blinding light. However, were you still able to see everything else? I'm asking for a reason.
In other words, were you still able to see and was the blinding light flashing and emitting rays like a very bright brilliant sparkling star? Could you see it through walls, as if the walls were transparent? Did you get a sense of danger?


9th November 2011, 03:04 AM
There was nothing else that I noticed in the room except that the walls were there and bright white with light. I think I did sense danger since I felt fear. I don't recall the light flashing or sparkling. It bothers me that I couldn't make out any features. I didn't see him enter the room. I just opened my eyes and there he was and I distinctly remember that I was floating up and closer to him. I suppose it could have been a woman for all I know. I wonder why I was so afraid? I suppose I thought I had died.

9th November 2011, 04:43 AM
I'm wondering if you had just begun to project or just started becoming lucid. I think you saw a Dweller. In hindsight, what do you think? Its hard to distinguish Dwellers sometimes; they can take on various shapes and seem to come from nowhere. Tell it to "get lost", if you see it again.

9th November 2011, 08:49 AM
Better yet, ask "Who are you and what is your intention?"

Aunt Clair
14th November 2011, 03:12 PM
When I was 15 years old I was suicidal and felt that it was a sin so I wouldn't attempt it. I prayed that God would take me, instead. My boyfriend had broken up with me, my grandfather had died and my mum got remarried and we shifted homes. All of this was a bit too much change for a teenager filled with hormones. Anyway while, I was praying and feeling sorry for myself, a glowing white figure appeared before me. Like the OT I thought it was Christ. Because it was so luminous and male and the feeling was of great love. But when I related it to my mum she was sure it was my recently deceased grandfather. He had appeared to her in the same manner. The luminous projection of a spirit is not that rare. Imho this occurs when they have concentrated energy to be seen. This stronger energy can be harvested from;
*their recently vacated body
*the room
*a cloud of emoted energy given off by the viewer

Typically a ghost will not appear luminous and glowing but the one who does can be seen in open eyed clairvoyance, their projection is of a higher vibration and better quality so it is evident and more easily seen, too.