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Aunt Clair
22nd April 2006, 11:11 PM

23rd April 2006, 09:57 PM
Aunt Clair (and everyone else), that article was a synthesis of Master Chia's Cosmic Healing program. I had the opportunity of study Cosmic Healing with him on one of his trips to the states. I highly recommend it. In fact, I highly recommend all of his practices to members of this forum.
Among traditional teachers of chi kung, Master Chia is rarely agreed with. Most feel that his system is too forceful. After all, he actually advises his students to move their chi, shen, and jing throughout their bodies by force of mind! Most traditionalist feel this is not gradual enough.... sounds a lot like Robert's system though doesn't it! I have yet to feel any harm done to my energy body through directly stimulating my chakras or moving energy in my micro- and macrocosmic orbits with my mind.

Also, I am hugely interested in the gut brain (lower tan tien). Master Chia states that the gut brain and the other organs can be taught to fulfill many of the functions we ascribe to our upper brain. Definitely food for thought! :lol:
