View Full Version : Life between life hypnosis session

13th November 2011, 11:59 AM
I was wondering if anyone here has had a life between life hypnosis session before? and your exeperience?
As I'm looking at attending a session here in W.A at the Krysallis healing centre and see where the rabbit hole realy leads.

After reading journey of souls and destiny of souls by Michael newton it sure intrigues me to seek more answers, perhaps answers can be found about astral experiences also?



13th November 2011, 05:51 PM
I've tried to regress myself and get incomprehensible results. The people that have tried to regress me also have had incomprehensible results also.
Not really helpful, I know.

13th November 2011, 07:02 PM
I tried once (even before I had started on my "AP path") in early 2009 to be regressed by a regression therapist who really was trained by Michael Newton on his institute. She first tried to do a 'normal' regression. The 'real thing' was planned for the second session.
The result was frustrating as I turned out (then) not to be hypnotisable, due to psychological and physical (relaxation probs) reasons back then. She was nice and I did not have to pay anything for this failed attempt. It still sucked because I had driven hours to reach her place. Although she proposed it (giving me some preparatory relaxation tapes) I never did a second attempt to be hypnotised.

But maybe it was planned for me not to go this way and then later "choose" another path which may (or may not) also lead to insights about past and in-between lives for me, just by a different method. At least that's what I hope for now in the coming months.

13th November 2011, 07:10 PM
I almost forgot: I had a (programmed!) dream (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11751-Programming-Experiment-2-Pre-Birth-Planning-Session) once that hints to a standard lbl-activity described also in detail in Newton's book (but by others such as Tom Campbell, Stephen Schwartz or Nick Newport, too). So far I did not repeat the programming although it was amazing and an instant one-off success!
As never anyone answered this thread, still I would be pleased and interested if s.o. would like to try it for themselves and report results (there).

13th November 2011, 08:15 PM
I've tried to regress myself and get incomprehensible results. The people that have tried to regress me also have had incomprehensible results also.

Newton believes that our myths might be strongly influenced by our experiences on other planets. Maybe that's what you were getting, C.F.

I've had a couple of spontaneous memories that felt like past lives and around the time my husband swears I was speaking German in my sleep but I'm reluctant to have a session because I feel I'd have Volgerie's experience.

13th November 2011, 09:57 PM
Newton believes that our myths might be strongly influenced by our experiences on other planets. That's what the regressionist said when she tried. Maybe she was Newton-inspired too.
When I did it (a few days ago, I just finished reading the first book, JOS) I got some pretty visions of color bands and some floaty stuff, with what could be a face looking at me. Interpret it as thou wish. :lol:

14th November 2011, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the replies,

Will be interesting if it works..I wonder if its to do with not your time to see if that perhaps blocks the session?
I would think that if you can astral project which takes concentration you would be able to be put under so to speak?
Either way I'll give it a shot and update on how it goes...



15th November 2011, 11:21 PM
I was interested in getting one, but when I tried contacting a practitioner she never replied back.

Admittedly, that doesn't exactly count as trying hard... ;)

I always wondered if I'd be hypnotisable, because of certain relaxation issues, but I didn't want to do with just any practitioner either.


17th November 2011, 09:05 AM
Oliver, I've always thought if I did it I'd book a session around 2pm when meditation works best for me.

22nd November 2011, 12:25 AM
Session all booked in for early Dec. Will update here once the first session is done and see how well it realy worked.
Looks like she is the only one in West Australia that had training in NY for life between lives that I found on the Michael Newton web page fingers crossed. I wonder if you could also find out what certain OBE places you goto may mean in a session asking your higher self...


1st December 2011, 05:12 PM
Hmm, checked the website again. Not many practitioners here. The one that did not return my email. The one from Austria that was featured on German TV with her own show. Seems not like much choice...

2nd December 2011, 12:12 PM
Hmm, checked the website again. Not many practitioners here. The one that did not return my email. The one from Austria that was featured on German TV with her own show. Seems not like much choice...
Try this one. She is very nice indeed. She might even offer you the first "normal" regression session to be for free. Only the LBL later will incur the costs. I was there when the "normal" one did not work (which was not her fault as I told above) and had to pay nothing. She is a "normal" doctor and psychotherapist too, so you can go there with your health insurance card as if you go into a "normal" practice consultation.

http://www.♥♥♥♥ert.de/dr-med-dorothea-♥♥♥♥ert/lzl-seelenreise (http://www.%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5ert.de/dr-med-dorothea-%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5ert/lzl-seelenreise)

(♥♥♥♥ (http://www.%e2%99%a5%e2%99%a5%e2%99%a5%e2%99%a5ert.de/dr-med-dorothea-%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5ert/lzl-seelenreise) ... haha... the board's censorship default strikes again .... yeah ... :cool: ... and what a funny name for English speakers, I know, and there is also a town called ****ing in Austria (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A5ing,_Austria) which is always a cool gag in the English speaking world, btw. the vowel "u" it is pronounced differently in these words, just like in the English word "look")

2nd December 2011, 02:42 PM
How about spelling it with a v for the u and a < for the k? That way it's visually easier to read. I'd do it but once it's converted, I can't see the original either, unlike the old forum.

2nd December 2011, 04:08 PM
Hi Volgerle,

If you don't mind me asking how did you find your session once it happend was there much memory of the events?

