View Full Version : Sooooo Close after Yoga

18th November 2011, 07:57 PM
After a long run of partial exits and increasingly lower vibrations, exit cues, etc...I think I just made a wonderful personal discovery I'll be adding to my routine going forward: yoga.

I took my first yoga class last night after taking a year off. We didn't really push too hard, just lots of core stretches, centering, and balancing stuff.

Today, working up in my meditation room, I began to grow tired and so I sat in the chair I use for practicing exits. Within five minutes I experienced a heart chakra strobe like I've never had, very powerful and lasting for at least 2 to 3 minutes followed by a brow chakra strobe. Full body vibrations where before I had them localized. I wasn't planning on doing an exit attempt, so I had crawled into my chair with headphones on and Eckhart Tolle's book on, so he was talking the whole way through, which I think made separation impossible since it was a strong point of physical/mental contact grounding me to my body. Ugh. I really think this would've been my long awaited exit had I done this right.

However, the bigger picture here is that I believe the yoga I did last night must've kicked something into gear. Nothing else has changed in my routine. As I write this I'm still cold and can barely focus my eyes.

Soooo close.

Yoga is going in the arsenal.

Have a great weekend all,


18th November 2011, 09:41 PM
Congrats Soul.
I don't think of it as a missed opportunity, just an opportunity to study your conscious states. Very nice.

19th November 2011, 06:59 AM
It's probably the combination of the yoga with all the other stuff - including the Tolle book. :-)

19th November 2011, 01:56 PM
Thank you Soulsail, I have also had a hunch that yoga / energy work is really support the practice for many people. I have also decided that a kind of yoga (in my case chi gong) is in my toolbox. Thanks for confirming this.

Kind regards

19th November 2011, 06:23 PM
Your awareness has increased, probably because you "excersized", relaxed somewhat, and "tranced" for a few moments.

20th November 2011, 03:59 PM
Hello group,

Thanks for your feedback and insights. After giving this some thought and a little distance, I see a couple things worth pointing out:

1. Yes, exercise in general is clearly good for the energy body, but in doing yoga I believe we can go a level deeper than say, 20 minutes on the treadmill. I don't know this, but after some reading it's not uncommon to get chakras fired up during yogic postures. The whole idea of Kundalini yoga seems to confirm this. So I still think the yoga cleared a blockage or simply got my primary centers aligned a bit more. But In the immortal words of Carl Saga: I could be wrong.

2. Now I also think there was a perfect confluence of events at the same time. I had been doing energy work several days in a row before this and making sure to get some sleep (I'm a raging insomniac, writing this on no more than 30 minutes of sleep from last night).

3. Cookies. Yes, I think I ate too many cookies and got the sugar coma going and so I got super tired super fast. I crawled into my chair and that was that. Of course, I'm being silly here. But it never hurts to have something get you uber tired in the middle of the day when energy levels are good.

4. And that's my final point: I've found that practicing exits at night is almost totally futile. I seldom have the energy left or the will, quite honestly, to sit and focus until the relaxation point crosses the trance point and all that business.

I am going to continue with the yoga, but also plan my exists on weekend afternoons, right about nap time. No more pushing for an exit every chance I get. It's just too much work.



20th November 2011, 05:48 PM
I agree with many of your points- I practice (or try to, when I have time) Kundalini Yoga and enjoy it very much.
I also only attempt once or twice a week (although I try to meditate/practice more than that- every day if possible) and do my attempts early in the morning.
And, (I had to say it)
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRl2WNEJu0z92dhl33UH0A043MRHy0bk l9PEbmEacNyZ23SpTyI

20th November 2011, 06:54 PM
And, (I had to say it)
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRl2WNEJu0z92dhl33UH0A043MRHy0bk l9PEbmEacNyZ23SpTyI

Yeah, I'm so pathetic when Mint JoJos come in the house. Oreos with little bits of candy cane in them. Jeez. I probably ate 6 or 7. And like our blue friend above, I stuff them in with wild abandon.

Too funny.

20th November 2011, 07:10 PM
I was meaning the yoga as exercise. I am taking a Kundalini meditation class and it helps me "see" into the astral plane.
I have had most projections during the early evening or quiet afternoons. At night, as you say, there is little energy left and all I get practice at is getting so relaxed and falling asleep!

21st November 2011, 03:34 AM
...I am taking a Kundalini meditation class and it helps me "see" into the astral plane.

Hey Grant,

Can you please hook me up with any information you have on Kundalini meditation? I've been practicing Vipassana for a long time, but honestly, I'd like to mix it up and Kundalini meditation sounds interesting. I realize I could Google it, but I'd rather get the opinion of someone that's doing it before I rifle the world's biggest trash can.

Thanks for your help.

And yes, you nailed it...no more late night exit attempts. Afternoon or early evening at the latest. I realize now, at least from one angle, why I've been having such a hard time--not enough movement and ALL my attempts have been after I get my son to bed, get work finished, and slink off to my meditation room with the last stitch of energy I have trailing behind, which just isn't going to do it.

As the dervishes say: turn a key, door opens.

21st November 2011, 07:16 AM
You're finding what works for you and that's the important thing. It's not a one size fits all thing.

21st November 2011, 06:40 PM
You're finding what works for you and that's the important thing. It's not a one size fits all thing.


And I've honestly been going about this whole conscious exploration thing in the same manner one would follow a cookbook recipe. I surprise myself in this. I like to think I'm fairly flexible in how I interpret and approach the world around me, all new ideas and experiences included.

I think the big lesson here is that this isn't really about astral projection after all: it's about self-discovery on *every* level and how those discoveries can benefit someone else as well. How I approach "getting out" should be shaken up if "staying in" means evolution stalls. When a new cause elicits a new effect--that's the perfect time to open up. God knows I've got enough junk cemented in place as it is, and I'd love to learn to experiment and be flexible here.

I'll get off my soapbox in a moment, but after reading literally hundreds of posts here and on other sites across the web, I'm taken aback at how many people, myself included, approach AP as if it's the Holy Grail...it just isn't. In fact, I'd rather stay right in my skin until I can summarize, at least in part, WHY I want to get out in the first place. I'd rather hit wall after wall until I've mastered the fine art of seeing walls and learning why they're there and what my role is in either removing them or working with them. It's all easier said than done, but again, I'd like to think I'm getting there.

For what it's worth.


21st November 2011, 06:52 PM
Yes, AP has opened made me realize many things. But, its really about increasing our levels of consciousness.

21st November 2011, 08:38 PM
.. after reading literally hundreds of posts here and on other sites across the web, I'm taken aback at how many people, myself included, approach AP as if it's the Holy Grail...it just isn't. In fact, I'd rather stay right in my skin until I can summarize, at least in part, WHY I want to get out in the first place. I'd rather hit wall after wall until I've mastered the fine art of seeing walls and learning why they're there and what my role is in either removing them or working with them. It's all easier said than done, but again, I'd like to think I'm getting there.

This has to be the first time I've read someone come to this realization. Bravo.

21st November 2011, 09:38 PM
Oh man. Oh man. Ohhhhh man!

This is getting intense. Just 30 minutes ago...even closer. I just triggered the symptoms within five minutes by concentrating on being lifted in a hot air balloon. It's the first I've tried this technique. But duh, I should've known to try this since hot air balloons come to me in dreams and I even got one TATTOOED on my body (see profile) after having a vision of one with a head on it no less!

The exit symptoms are crazier than I thought they could ever be. This is a bit off, so please pardon me, but it was very much like the first time I had sex. I just kept thinking, "oh my God, this is it, this is really happening...this is really happening."

The more I could be IN the mental scenario and see the ground fall away, rise with the tree line, smell the air, and feel the giddy sense of heights, the more intense the separation pressure came. I kept losing my concentration and focus, so this is the next area to work on: quality daydreaming.

Only, I have just one question now. If I use this hot air balloon technique and get out, am I going to be in the air when it happens?

Thanks for reading with me folks. I feel like I'm walking the line now where the assurance of the thing hoped for, faith, is giving way to the thing itself.


21st November 2011, 09:46 PM
You will more than likely be floating around your room (or wherever you are). I always float when I project. Luckily your wits are with you when you do, so you won't feel any 'dream fear' of it, because you know what's happening.

23rd November 2011, 08:08 AM
Nice work, SoulSail and I agree with your realisation. More and more I think that spiritual development (if that's what you're seeking and it's only one reason people pursue AP) is about how you react to the situations your life throws up, how deeply you think and seek what is right and true and how you treat people. Psychic occurrences are interesting and remind you that all is not as we've been told but it's not the be all and end all.

11th December 2011, 01:25 PM
Hi again Soulsail,

It's really encouraging to see your progress, thank you for sharing it. I also very much agree with you about learning to see walls and their role in development and how I can approach them and such... This whole AP-business has activated every possible part of me, for that I am very grateful. I also agree that it is easier said than done. I do acknowledge that a significant part of my motivation is "Holy Grail Pursuit"-like.