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View Full Version : Nanci Danison's vivid NDE memories and info about the nature of existence

19th November 2011, 11:29 PM
A really interesting experience:





20th November 2011, 06:46 PM
"Because it's so different than our natural state". Wowee wow wow.
She just answered the question I've been asking myself in the last few days.
I'm going to get her book if it's published for Christmas. Backwards Beliefs?

21st November 2011, 07:10 AM
I'm planning to get it too. :-)

21st November 2011, 03:56 PM
I ordered it. Merry Christmas to us. :toast:

22nd December 2011, 12:44 PM
I just ordered her book "Backwards Beliefs: Revealing Eternal Truths Hidden in Religion". She feels genuine and true, I like her. Hope it's a good read!

22nd December 2011, 04:10 PM
I watched video 1 to 5 last night! Very interesting and comforting too xx

22nd December 2011, 05:28 PM
I'm about halfway through the book and I have to tell you I have reservations about her interpretation of the information she was given. I'm not going to say anything specific until I'm done reading it and do some research about her 'NDE'.

22nd December 2011, 09:22 PM
CF, I expected there to be more material and suspect that some things were either forgotten or not revealed. I'm not talking about her claims about Jesus, which may well be valid, but I feel there's more to be known about particular human epochs. Her prediction regarding how this one will end didn't feel true for me.

3rd January 2012, 08:47 AM
So, any update from you CFT on the book? How was it?

3rd January 2012, 03:42 PM
I want to finish reading it before I open my mouth- due to the last month's festivities (we were the house everyone comes to during the holidays) I'm still catching up with work, so I haven't had time to read. But soon, I promise.

4th January 2012, 03:35 PM
Thank you for posting this videos with Nanci Danison. I do feel that my "dividerline" experience is about this afterlife...And it feelĀ“s total true to me when she sayes that all aftelife is designed differently for each of us...and that all will return to the sorce when it is time...so as they said to me....all will be saved...non will be left behind.


5th January 2012, 06:06 PM
I got the book yesterday and have read through almost 2/3 of it. It is really interesting although I hoped for much more aha-experiences. I have to say that I have a hard time accepting her theses on what we are and what happenes after death. Its mostly because I have read so much other stuff from other authors on the afterlife that I have a hard time putting it all together. I need to get the bigger picture in where it all fits. So according to me, its difficult to understand that we are what she says we are when reading other authors stories from astral travel etc.

5th January 2012, 06:32 PM
I have similar reservations to yours, but I don't want to write out anything too fleshed-out until I'm done reading it, because there may be more info at the end, or so I hope.

17th January 2012, 05:21 AM
Wow. I want to know how the book is, too.

17th January 2012, 08:21 AM
The book is okay but the more I think about it the more I wonder if she had a genuine NDE. It may be just the way she described it but she left me unsatisfied on this point. Also, I just feel she doesn't give enough information but it might just be that I've developed little prejudices about the way I think history has actually occurred and she doesn't speak to these.

17th January 2012, 08:34 AM
I can say that there are many things I wanted to know when reading the book but I never got any answers. the book left me unsatisfied. The most interesting chapter for me was where she writes about the future of mankind and so on.

17th January 2012, 03:15 PM
The book is okay but the more I think about it the more I wonder if she had a genuine NDE. It may be just the way she described it but she left me unsatisfied on this point. Also, I just feel she doesn't give enough information but it might just be that I've developed little prejudices about the way I think history has actually occurred and she doesn't speak to these. I think this is my biggest issue with it. I've had many OBEs and Peak Experiences in which I've received information about the world or whatever, but I don't take them as gospel because I realize that it could be my subconscious talking, since I do have opinions about a lot of things. The way she described her 'NDE' doesn't sound like it at all to me, I've had the tunnel-loved one-etc. process before, and I didn't take it as a NDE, and it bothers me that she doesn't have (that I have seen) supported evidence that she actually died (or temporarily flatlined, to be more concise) when the experience occurred again. I have also been very sick and had revelatory experiences while sick and feverish, and I just took them for either hallucinations or channeling, so I have a hard time accepting her interpretation as some sort of 'Truth'.
Although I like most of what she has to say and agree with many of her ideas, I have a real problem with some of them.

18th January 2012, 05:04 AM
I got more out of the Seth channeled material, personally.

24th June 2013, 03:28 PM
I think this is my biggest issue with it. I've had many OBEs and Peak Experiences in which I've received information about the world or whatever, but I don't take them as gospel because I realize that it could be my subconscious talking, since I do have opinions about a lot of things. The way she described her 'NDE' doesn't sound like it at all to me, I've had the tunnel-loved one-etc. process before, and I didn't take it as a NDE, and it bothers me that she doesn't have (that I have seen) supported evidence that she actually died (or temporarily flatlined, to be more concise) when the experience occurred again. I have also been very sick and had revelatory experiences while sick and feverish, and I just took them for either hallucinations or channeling, so I have a hard time accepting her interpretation as some sort of 'Truth'.
Although I like most of what she has to say and agree with many of her ideas, I have a real problem with some of them.
I am currently reading her book (a little late) :oops: fter seeing her in an interview on Facebook with www.afterlifetv.com last Friday. I have to agree with you regarding the question of evidence that she actually "died". I find it hard to believe that no one in that Mammography Room was not aware that she had either "died" or passed out????:whatthe: Not only that, but continued on with the surgery after telling them she passed out?? Some of her explanations on what happens, I have heard before from other people who have experience NDE's but I do have my doubts on so much info in one NDE. I haven't read any other books by her as yet, she mentions writing a third book, I hope it explains some of our questions!