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6th December 2011, 04:52 PM

I've always had a question about relaxation/phasing and I thing it's time to spit it out (I've started to think I'm doing something wrong).

When I initiate a relaxation session I feel my muscles loosening. As they are all connected somehow, the relaxation of some of them make others react. That effect is very pronounced in the skull (jaw-neck-nape), and sometimes it feel like an infinite relaxation/tension loop.

In the first stage I let the muscles go more relaxed by their own, but it gets to a point when you have to "exert" a more conscious intent to go deeper.

The problem is that sometimes I suffer from the opposite effect, and a microtension appears to ruin the process. It's curious, it feels like being relaxed and tensed at the same time.

BUT, I've also noticed a SWITCH. It's been happening to me randomly, so I don't know how to trigger it on purpose. It switches off the body, giving you a sense of sleeping. It reminds me the breathing pattern change that automatically occurs when you start to fall asleep. You don't control it, but you suddenly start to breathe in another way.

Somewhere I read there's a brain switch, aimed to prevent a person sleeping from physically moving. It seems to be like a very unpleasant sensation all over your body. If you remain still while having it the brain switches off. If not, it knows you are already awake.

And my last comment. I haven't had so far any hypnogogic imagery. I just start to dream real images, like a film being played in front of me. Is that normal? Sometimes a barely enter the sleep state, and pop out again.

Thanks for the help. I feel stuck.

6th December 2011, 08:01 PM
Hypnagogic images are the same as dream images. The only 'difference' is in awareness. They begin as short (or ultra fast) flashes that is hard to 'synch' with, and eventually resolve into full blown environments into which you can phase into.
The difference is in awareness- but I already said that. I think you're synching with them quickly (maybe that's what the switch is). That's a good thing, it's not so easy for me. That's why I go with RV-ing or regular OBE with separation-ing.

7th December 2011, 12:14 PM
Im interested to what you try and do to get rid of the microtension because i get that too. And as i try to feel my body i sometimes have to relaxe it because it feelstensed although relaxed. Any tips here?

7th December 2011, 03:22 PM
My only tip (and the one that worked for me since the beginning of my practices) is to do all your body-centric work (whether it be energy work or breath meditation or whatever you do to relax your body) in the beginning of your routine, and then at some point 'shake off' the need to move, and concentrate solely on what your mind is doing- mainly passive observation of visuals or auditory effects, and a constant awareness-check. If nothing happens for a loong time do energy body loosening but go back to passive observation and keep your attention on your mind or your perceptions.

7th December 2011, 07:10 PM
Wow, wow, wow...

CFTraveler... I've just put in practice your wise advices, and the session's been a complete success!

I've adopted a "passive" physical attitude, been focused in the voice but not in my muscles... and they, all of the sudden, have relaxed themselves with no active mental action!

That, added to the stare-at-the-obscurity strategy (I tended to look at the bunch of images coming unceasingly), has done the trick!

Thanks again!!!! I have a new direction in my phasing practice!!

(I knew I had to be doing something wrong...)

7th December 2011, 08:01 PM
Well, I'm glad it's working for you.