View Full Version : My Husbands an Astral Guide?!!

20th December 2011, 11:32 AM
Wow. The things I have seen, heard and read since joining this forum ... has it been just one week or decades? Certainly, it feels like years upon years of experiences ... and complex relationships here that extend well beyond the forum into the natural as well as astral plane.

Dreams. For some reason that I am continuously working on, I am BLOCKED from remembering dreams or OBE. And there might be good reason for it so I am not worried about it. I feel like I am in training or preparation for something, and Higher Self has everything under control, does not need my consciousness mucking around the AP right now. Or it could be my brain has not recovered from the last big download it is still processing ...

My husband, however, does not suffer from a lack of dreams or memory of them. Although he does not claim to have OBE, he has extremely lucid and colorful dreams full of imagination. It is amazing how vivid his recall is because he is such a swift and heavy sleeper.

I have been reading him portions of Astral Dynamics. I knew it was disturbing him a little, but when my mind is full of things that makes reality click together, I am like a train building momentum, screaming to an unknown or familiar destination. He just hangs on for the ride, and I am grateful he is so understanding. However, today I learned a lesson from HIS higher self.

After recounting some of the dream, OBO, AP, and descriptions of astral planes to my husband, he seemed somber, and went off to meditate and rest. A few hours later he told me he had a peculiar experience, like he had "library" that opened up in his mind, and showed him a catalogue of every dream he ever had. It was streaming information, and he said it was triggered by words I said. Earlier I had told him he could label his dreams to recall them easier, and used a random string of words based on one of his dreams. He said he had recalled a couple hundred dreams that way, but it was kind of freaking him out because he did not know how to shut it off once it started. This was, of course, FASCINATING and frustrating for someone not remembering dreams, but he described a few of the labels, and asked him to tell me the dreams I did not recognize, and we had a wonderful story hour.

Listening to those dreams I realized that I could distinguish the difference by his descriptions whether they were lucid, remote viewing or astral. Many, many of them were AP where he was acting as a guide or instructor for others in some other world, and many were exploratory of other realms, taking up to four companions with him. Lots of adventures. My husband turned to me and said, "No wonder I do not feel like I belong here. I am a Tour Guide in the higher realms." It was like his consciousness was expanding right in front of me and he was a taller, different person!

I have some kind of "third eye" psychic clairvoyant ability, and have frequently experienced similar downloads, mostly about my life entwined with the lives of people around me, like complex living tapestries that I could examine from many different perspectives, so I knew what my husband was experiencing and it did not freak me out. After reading about the Akashic Library, I believe the "downloads" of information I have received come from there. And it sounded like the same almost manic mental process he was experiencing. I just never realized we could ACCESS OUR DREAMS AND ASTRAL EXPERIENCES from there. Wow.

So, I feel a little egg on my face ... After sensing some resistance from him about AP, I had given him the, "I am doing this with or without you, buddy!" Then he came back a few hours later with this ... And since his memories have been enhanced so well by his Higher Self we are going to make a study of them. This also shows me that I might be able to access my own un-remembered dreams and astral activity on trance state. It just never occurred to me to try.

Neil Templar
21st December 2011, 04:25 AM
This is wonderful.8) Great for both of you!

I wonder if there's not something you could do to get your dream recall to start functioning...
You know to keep a journal of dreams, but that won't work, if you can't remember anything at all upon waking...perhaps, you could journal something else then...other messages from your HS, that you can detect upon waking, for example, the internal jukebox. I often wake up with a particular song in my head. Upon considering the lyrics, or how the song makes me feel, i often find there's a relevant message in it for me, relating to something going on in my life.
Perhaps, if you experience the internal jukebox upon waking, you could record the song title/ artist.
This would have the same effect as recording dreams, as in, it would let your HS know that you intend to have better recall of your inner self's activity. PLus, you might find some interesting messages hidden in there while you're at it..;)

I dunno, just a thought...:)

21st December 2011, 07:29 AM
This morning I saw my dream through a thick mist, and I almost thought it would come into my memory and tried very hard to retrieve it, but it slipped away. I remember enjoying it, and extending it through a half wake time, dipping in and out of it like we do when we want to stay there, but the full memory just did not stay with me.

This afternoon I lay down for mind clearing, relaxation and stayed conscious fairly long through the heavy trance before falling to sleep. I did not try for OBE because my dogs kept disturbing me. However, I awoke suddenly a little later with a kerplunk feeling, like I had just landed back in my body and was rejuvenated. It makes me laugh. And I am thinking if I am unconsciously projecting even when my mind is making excuses, then my conscious mind better just get a grip and let go!

This evening my husband and I settled down to study his dreams, to see if he could access more details. He quieted his mind and entered a light trance-state. He uses a chunk of OBSIDIAN over his third eye area. He accessed the dream library file, but it was not as vivid as yesterday. He did recall seventy-two (72) "dreams" in one hour. One third were lucid that jumped into an AP, some total AP, and some regular dreams. I would have like more details on some of them, but the experiment was to see how many he could recall in an hour. Again, the download seems to have life of its own, like a rolling microfilm screen, but evidently he could skip ones he did not want me to know about, or he did not want to revisit.

Believe me this makes me look at my husband a whole lot differently! I did show him the picture of the blue astral plane that is on the back of the Astral Dynamic book, and asked him if he has ever seen such a structure. He said he had not. He accesses other worlds or portals through doorways found in his dreams, or he just jumps there by thought. Sometimes he is being guided and shown things, sometimes he is guiding because he is in familiar territory. He has spent time on some worlds to help with projects, others are purely recreational or explorations. He has crash landed on planets. He has spent time in a hellish prison (just for 30 minutes) just as a demonstration of what that was like. He has fished in seas and rivers with ancient alien fish. He has visited ancient civilizations with groups of other travelers, to witness extraordinary natural events that are definitely out of this world. Things like that.

You just cannot make this stuff up. He does not have words to describe many things he has seen. What is funny is we have been married twelve years, and in my unawakened mind state would suffer through the telling of some fantastical dreams ... never giving them proper attention. All of a sudden they all make sense to me. And he says that this is happening to him because of ME, that he has waited all this time on this earth to speak to someone who will look at his dreams and understand them the way he does. He is remembering who he really is, an Astral Traveler. Why he chose this humble human incarnation we do not know. He has always had the feeling of not belonging here. People always underestimate him because of his severe dyslexia and learning problems. I have always seen him as something more than meets the eye, but he constantly amazes me! He seems like a simple man on the surface ...not!

21st December 2011, 05:17 PM
It's nice that he has someone close to home that understands him. That is a rare gift.

21st December 2011, 11:51 PM
I appreciate that none of you are trying to quell my enthusiasm or question our experiences. I know that even if "windows" have opened so we can somehow see a bit more clearly about who we really are, that we have a lot to learn, still "see through a mirror darkly" so to speak in this human form anyway.

After reading OBE experiences and dream journals here, I do not know what to think. The practical guide of RB, the sobering guide of Kurt Leland. Not sure I like the idea of men "mapping" the astral planes. I appreciate the value of their discipline, techniques and training, not sure I like the idea of anyone stomping around surveying a plane, and calling it explored, like they have got it all figured out before the rest of us get a chance.

Something intuitive tells me that it does not work that way, and it is just ego that makes men believe it can be so. While we are alive we are constrained by the limitations of our physical mind to process and comprehend these things, how can we ever be sure what we are experiencing in the astral is real or a construct of what we want to be real based on our belief system, who we are and our education that has conformed our mind to the physical reality? It is hard to shake off a belief system or even our scientific way of understanding, especially when our whole physical reality of earth has been based on them and guided our ancestors for thousands of years, and so are hardwired into us. And I certainly do not want to follow someone else's belief system or concepts on what astral projection is all about, nor do I want to fall back into superstitions about it. I want my experience to remain unique and unmapped, like the way my earthly ancestors trod through the forest, woods and plains ... not making a noise, not leaving a footprint, revering the creation for what it is, not trying so hard to make it into something I can understand or forcing it into the parameters of my will, changing the landscape to suit me, instead of gently experiencing what is already there.

Am I making any sense at all? Obviously, I know I am more than even my biological DNA and inherent belief system passed through ancestors, that I am a higher spiritual being choosing to have this earthly experience, choosing this incarnation, this form in this time and space. Knowing this, the best thing that that I can do is thoroughly throw myself into the experience of being me, as humble as that is. It makes every experience more important, not less.

22nd December 2011, 12:37 AM
DREAM REMEMBERED: I was so trying this morning to not wake up until I had brought a dream with me out of the haze. This dream was the last one right before waking. I was with my sister and her family in a vacation condo. It does not matter where it took place geographically, because the dream was contained in this building. Or I was contained there, and people and pets kept passing through disturbing my rest. I was worried about my sister (older by 11 years) because she was still grieving terribly for her oldest son who was killed a year and a half ago in a hit and run accident. She, her husband, step-daughter and younger son, maybe some grandchildren were all there in the building, going about there normal daily life, and leaving me to my own devices for the most part. There were two male companions vying for my attention. One was a bachelor who was living in an RV and traveling. He was lonely and trying to improve himself to attract a mate, and wanted guidance from me. The other man may have been my husband because I had a deeper relationship with him, but he was jealous of this other man. Which seemed ridiculous to me. One of my dogs was in this dream. She kept roaming the halls and getting herself into trouble, and I was afraid the authorities were going to come for her and take her away. I was not feeling so well, a lot of physical discomfort from fibromyalgia pain seemed to be seeping into this dream. Towards the end, my sister returned from a day trip, and showed me a couple items of jewelry that my dog had chewed up. There were turquoise and silver bits in her hand. Both she and I have the same birth date, same birth stones, birth metals and birth totems. We talked about it a little bit, not angry or accusing, just grieving that something so beautiful was like mangled trash now. We did not even blame the dog, because we love the dog. Then she kissed me on the ear, and it was like a bee sting. A blister formed on my ear lobe, and I was surprised and looked deep into her eyes and woke up.

IRL - A little later after breakfast, I mentioned to my husband that I remembered a dream, touched my ear lobe and exclaimed, "It is not sore! I felt for sure that part was real!" I expected to find it sore, at least swollen.

I did feel itchy (similar to the spider web or fire ant or prickly heat heat feeling) over my whole physical body after I woke. But the pain around my ear was the worst, and I expected there to be a physical reason.

So, Beekeeper, are you sending bees to wake me up in my dreams? *lol*

22nd December 2011, 06:19 PM
HYPNOGOGIC VISION and maybe clue as to why I am not remembering all my dreams:

Early this morning I remember enjoying an expansive, fully immersive environmental dream and as I surfaced I remember thinking, "This is way too lucid, rich and vibrant to forget!" But things got increasingly misty.

Before opening my eyes I saw the heavy gray mist transform into what I described as living steel wool, shiny black and red, that filled my whole consciousness and swallowed or absorbed my dream.

Is this a test, I wonder? A psychic attack?

The dream I had yesterday had a lot of symbolism in it for me. I perceive the encounter with my sister, and the "bee sting" to be another kind of awakening from my Higher Self. It did not feel like a warning or any kind of malicious act, just an effort to wake me up (in my dream).

There is some significance to being sequestered in a building, having life happen around me as an observer rather than participant. Worries about my sister and dogs surfaced from RL, as well as fibro pain. Honestly, fibromyalgia has been the cause of insomnia, and lack of deep sleep for many years, and could be also the cause of bad dream memory retention. The broken turquoise necklace represents a broken belief system, that was once beautiful to both me and Higher Self. The clue was in the love and wisdom we exchanged in our conversation. The kiss and bee sting was to try to waken me from my present stupor (in the astral realm?), to open my inner hearing and perception.

This experience with the living steel wool this morning. I did not like it. I called it a "dream scrubber" and I would like to know if anyone else has encountered one, if it is a product of my subconscious mind or something sentient that I need to combat with spiritual warfare? Of course, my higher self knows what it is, and how to combat it, and the dream of the kiss (bee sting) on my EAR is probably some significant clue.

At least I am "seeing" that, now I guess I need to hear it.

22nd December 2011, 07:22 PM
Before opening my eyes I saw the heavy gray mist transform into what I described as living steel wool, shiny black and red, that filled my whole consciousness and swallowed or absorbed my dream.

Is this a test, I wonder? A psychic attack?

Probably just the switch of your consciousness from one state to another. Dream memory is elusive because it is associated with another state-specific than the waking state usually is.

Why do you bring the thought of a psychic attack up?

22nd December 2011, 09:57 PM
I have experienced "spriritual or psychic warefare" in trance state before, but was too frightened or ignorant about it (other than to pray for holy protection). I have also seen beautiful scenes, works of art and mandalas or kaleidoscope images, fractured scenes ... totally benign.

I guess things that move, are of an unfamiliar consistency and animation, that seem to swallow me up seem less benign. It had no face or personality, actually seemed more mechanical in nature, like an automated steel wool brush. I definitely got the impression this thing this morning "ate" my dream, leaving me with nothing but fog, but I was not afraid, because it was not doing ME any harm. I just got upset and annoyed that it was happening.

I guess these are mind control (discipline) matters that I need to work on. Although trance States come naturally, I am not a well disciplined person mentally. Seems to be what it is all about.

22nd December 2011, 11:00 PM
I went back to bed this morning, and I did have a dream that I came out of the fog (no dream scrubber) saying, "Damn, I do not remember!" Then in the same breath, "Yes, I do!" as my mind took hold of elements and hung on. I remember fragments of this dream, as it was an epic-style one.

This was an other-wordly dream with a futuristic steampunk theme, lots of metal devices and architecture. I was some other person, but still a woman, part of a large active family, who were all gathered together in a multi-leveled Victorian-style mansion in a city because of a mysterious family tragedy. But no bodies were found, just evidence of foul play and the occupants missing. We got around with these rather clunky, old fashioned, steam powered spacecraft, and one of ours was found in the canal. I felt rather detached from the loss as they evidently were not close relatives, but I was very intrigued by the circumstances, as they fit some kind of conspiracy theory, as well as exposing new technology.

In this dream, I was a researcher or detective, spent a lot of time in the home and public library pouring over documents, books and articles. There were always other people around, some socializing among themselves, others just lounging around, waiting for something to happen. Some of the people looked like friends of mine in real life. There seemed to be speculation about another family being involved, a feuding faction. I took my studies to the public library, and the librarians got interested in what I was doing. They wanted me to put together a demonstration to inform all their branches on other communities. When I got home, one of my sisters went ballistic because I had inadvertently gone public with the family drama. It was not the motive behind it all that interested me, however, there was something mechanically unique about the incident that had never been done before on our world, something about how the vehicle was crushed before it fell in the drink.

I may have been an observer, as well as taking the consciousness of the researcher (who did not look anything like me) in this dream. IRL - I have never read a steampunk novel or seen a show, but I have admired the mechanical genius of some of the jewelry on DeviantArt.

And that is all I remember about that.

24th December 2011, 07:23 AM
Both my husband and I have come to the conclusion that we are being tested in the astral and lower causal planes through our dreams. He has been aware for some time of "others" guiding the course of his dreams, and he interacts with them both directly and intuitively. He was aware a few days ago of failing a test (despite that spectacular download of a lifetime record of dreams which I have recorded for posterity) but then he had a redemption dream to show him his strengths. He is AWARE and that is good.

At the same time, I am remembering more of my dreams, but not all of them. I get the feeling that they are very colorful and expansive, sometimes breathtakingly beautiful, full of light and color, then *poof * gone. Perhaps I am not allowed to fully remember because I would not want to leave!

Last night there were storm elements (wind, rain, crashing waves) in my dreams because it was storming outside and we live pretty close to the earth's noise. I have forgotten the details, of course. I was hanging on to something from that, to do with water and waves, but my husband woke me up with question, and the key phrase was swept away in an early morning conversation.

Meanwhile, I was ruminating over the other two dreams:

They had similar features, although the second was a lot more sophisticated. They both primarily took place in buildings with either people in attendence or lounging about that did not seemingly have much interaction with me, except the key figures I stated. In the first, I believe I passed the test by remaining calm and sharing remorse over the symbolic broken necklace with my sister/higher self without becoming defensive or overly emotional about it. I have received a strong personal message from that, so I believe I became lucid in the last moment of that dream, and passed the test.

In the second dream, I knew I was occupying or observing a life that was not my own. In the way I told it, there did not seem to be any other important, fully interactive characters, except the library staff. There was a lot that went on there that I lost in translation. The library staff was extremely supportive of my work, and gave me excellent resources to accomplish my task. I felt very pleased, but a little intimidated by the attention. The "sister" who strongly disapproved was a minor character, but probably someone who could have emotionally manipulated my character if we had not been helping her with the most awesome sense of self-containment and peace of mind about the task at hand. I guess I was sent to this place to help her. Another test passed.

I forgot to mention prior that my perspective changes a lot in dreams. I did not switch characters in this dream, but was aware from both within the woman to being an objective observer of her, like watching a movie. I saw some scenes from high above rather than purely in the subjective parts. I am so accustomed to multi-dimensional viewing that I forgot to fully illustrate it. Do not know how I can describe it in all it's many facets anyway.

24th December 2011, 08:20 AM
So, Beekeeper, are you sending bees to wake me up in my dreams? *lol*

Most definitely not but I have certainly had the experience of being stung by a swarm of bees or sometimes wasps in dreams. I suspect it's the physical body interpreting re-entry electricity-like sensations I've experienced consciously. In your case, I think it's an experience of dream symbolism.

24th December 2011, 08:34 AM
I've been conscious of this thread but only just come to it now. Your quick progress just shows how powerful intention is. I have some suggestions to help you with recall.

1. Before bed mentally affirm that you will wake up after every dream.

2. When you do wake up, stay in exactly the same position with your eyes closed (not moving is the hardest part for me). Then begin remembering the dream/s, not necessarily in sequence.

3. If you're inclined, jot down key words (I don't do this and do sometimes lose dreams as a consequence). You can also use the MILD technique to try to recreate the dream and enter it consciously.

Expect not to remember some dreams, even when you've been rolling along nicely. I tend to believe they do their work even when we don't remember them. I also think a portion of them aren't significant, they're just your mind processing the day. I also know that many significant ones are forgotten and you sense this when you wake up with a feeling something big happened but you don't know what. As your hubby experienced, these are never really lost and will perhaps be accessible again some time in your future.

24th December 2011, 10:57 AM
Most definitely not but I have certainly had the experience of being stung by a swarm of bees or sometimes wasps in dreams. I suspect it's the physical body interpreting re-entry electricity-like sensations I've experienced consciously. In your case, I think it's an experience of dream symbolism.

I agree! :) I also agree with your suggestions. I need to become more disciplined in just these small areas ... I do have greater memory flows when I write dreams down and more details come to me. I can also project right back into a dream and reexperience for greater detail. I guess I also need to challenge myself to observe surface details more closely, rather than get caught up in how situations feel. I have just noticed that I rarely remember complete conversations word for word in dreams, but the feelings of each character I tune into quite easily. I guess that is also how I am in real life, too, because of the empathic or clairvoyant ability.

My HS stung me on my ear, so I am supposed to work on my hearing (or all my senses more equally), maybe. I used to be a quiet, listening , fully sensing person, but now I seem to throw up a wall of sound and chatter, like white noise, that blocks signals and keeps people at bay. Knowing stuff gets me into a LOT of trouble in real life. I wonder if "white noise" IRL has any correlation with the FOG in my dreams, seems like a clouding of the senses either way.

26th December 2011, 08:35 AM
My HS stung me on my ear, so I am supposed to work on my hearing (or all my senses more equally), maybe.

Maybe it's simpler. Could mean: "Listen!" The sting itself would be like an exclamation mark.

28th December 2011, 03:19 AM
I actually thought it might have also signified the pain of hearing the news about your nephew but I wasn't about to say because I respect the dreamer's interpretation of the dream before any I'd suggest. That said, dream symbolism can work on many levels simultaneously.

8th January 2012, 12:08 PM
Maybe it's simpler. Could mean: "Listen!" The sting itself would be like an exclamation mark.

Probably just so. I tend to over-complicate. Thanks, Korpo.

8th January 2012, 01:17 PM
I actually thought it might have also signified the pain of hearing the news about your nephew but I wasn't about to say because I respect the dreamer's interpretation of the dream before any I'd suggest. That said, dream symbolism can work on many levels simultaneously.

It's true I was worried about that unconsciously because the worry came into my dream. But the last part, the necklace and the bee sting all seemed about something else since having my consciousness expanded some from recent studies. We build belief systems, then they get shattered by deeper truths, or even devoured by a ruthless physical reality. If it is a deeper truth, then we have to either climb out of our comfort area or ignore it. Free will. At the same time my sister / higher self utterly flooded me with love, almost as if showing me that this belief system I thought was broken was fully supported by Source as my spiritual experience in this incarnation. This is my challenge - to have an old native soul in a modern era - to willingly grow and evolve with new information given, to integrate more fully with higher self / source, to become all that I can be. Obviously, I have pondered over this more soberly the past few weeks, and distanced myself from the influences of this forum to figure it out. All we can have is our own experience of physical reality, and the subtle body influences to process the Higher Truth. The astral realm and the human experience of it, has been around since the beginning of our time, planted in the dreams and visions of indigenous people everywhere on this planet and beyond. My ancestors knew it, and it is spoken of in every American Native tribe I have studied. Nothing is new, it just has to be relearned because the expansion of western civilization and their religious system destroyed the knowledge. Then there are language barriers and semantics, too, even among these new astral "pioneers." I even see the message of the astral realms in Jesus' sermons now, and most people refuse to see it; instead they box themselves in with darkly conceived notions of what truth is, based on what other people believe. Herd mentality. No wonder Jesus called them sheep. I see metaphors of the astral realms hidden in everything in physical reality now. The clues are everywhere.

I am moving my "dream journal" to a more secure location. I was horrified to see my blogs on Astral Dynamics main page. There are just some very private journeys I need to take, and while your scrutiny is helpful, the feeling of being in the public eye is not. *lol* I am still going through some studies with RB, and seeing where that leads. I had a stint with insomnia, probably from high carb / sugar intake, and exhaustion, and just was not retaining dreams at all when I did sleep. I did have some "exit" activity, full body buzzing and lifting one nightx but fell asleep, even though I was consciously telling myself, "This is it! Stay awake!" I do often wake up feeling like I was just in a golden, warm place, and this physical world seems a little dull and dreary in comparison. Alaska winters ARE dark and dreary sometimes.

9th January 2012, 10:17 AM
I found this about "bee sting" in dreams:

Bees are also symbols of communication. The saying 'tell it to the bees' meant using bees to transmit wishes and desires out to Higher Self / Source. Bees work in complete cooperation, communicating with each other so that their hive remains intact and productive. Bees in a dream may indicate a need for communication either with a group or with a significant other.

Magickal attributes: Concentration necessary to carry out a task. Planning and saving for the future. Prosperity. Astral traveling to the realm of the HS/Source to better understand the cycle of reincarnation. Talking to a deceased person. Helping an Earth-bound spirit move on to its proper place.

There were many other references, but none I resonated with.