View Full Version : Auras and afterimages

27th December 2011, 09:48 PM

Just a rapid question: I've reread the treatise on auras by Bruce. I've followed the instructions step by step, but I think I'm seeing afterimages instead of auras. Need some advice on it.

For the red I see green. For the green, I see red. And for the yellow I see blue.

I've tried in both ways:
1.Gazing not directly: a bright aura appears around the papers (electric bright and well defined colours).
2.Gazing directly: the same bright aura appears too (even looking at the center of the papers, din A6 sized on a white wall with dim light).

Both effects last as afterimages for some seconds if staring at a different point.

Where's the mistake?

28th December 2011, 07:23 PM
I've finally found the answer:

1.First afterimages appear.
2.After some practice, real auras start to pop up.

It seems the afterimaging thing is a trick to trigger the aura viewing process.

Mystery solved!

28th December 2011, 08:03 PM
Maybe it's to teach you to 'see without seeing'- or something like that.

29th December 2011, 06:56 AM
i Haven't really seen too many auras, and the times when i thought i did i noticed a few things. The difference between an after image and an aura was that auras were not a part of the retained image. So if i were looking at someone who was standing still and i see an image of them after they move away, that would be an after image. If i were looking at someone who was standing still and i don't see an image of them after they move away it's possibly an aura, or some other phenomenon.

Also auras hang with the person when they move while after images don't.The substance looks a little different too, an aura almost resembles a heat wave. Aura looks a little more tangible.

The few times i've seen what was probably an aura, it was well above where the after image could reach and when you see it you may think you are seeing things so i guess it is somewhat apparent in the difference.You will probably find yourself thinking "what the hell was that??!!" after seeing it.They will fade as soon as you realize they are there too, where as after images will appear regardless of what you think of them.

29th December 2011, 07:13 AM
Practice without judgment or worry about which is which seems to be the real key I think... The same visual technique results in both, but after enough practice the auras seem to take on a dynamic quality that sets it apart from an afterimage.

Like heliac said... a moving heat wave sort of quality.

I haven't played with auras in a bit, but after an intense practice period, I started to get a bit good at it... I got to a point where I would stare at my fingertips, call up my aura, then practice pushing energy from one fingertip to another. The results were astounding... a light purple mist that looked like (if you've seen the Harry Potter movies) Dumbledore putting memories from his head into a Pensieve using a wand. A misty, moving strand that moved down one fingertip to the other, and as it touched the other fingertip, it moved down my entire hand and arm in a rhythmic pulsing. The pulse would pass over my normally green aura in a wave/pulse of the purple color. If I kept "pushing" the energy, the color would get brighter, deeper, and the pulsing would get quicker. I remember being so startled and amazed to be physically seeing this, and I remember thinking "If people could only SEE this, then they'd know that there was something to chi / reiki / etc. because they could see it for themselves!" All I was attempting to do was extend the energy/aura from one fingertip to another to get it to move in a dynamic fashion... the resultant pulsing, the purple color, the rhythmic waves passing over and changing the color of my green aura all the way up my forearm... unexpected result.

I fell off practicing for a bit, in that sort of strange amnesiac "I forgot that I was able to do this" way and getting caught up in other things, but remembering this kind of thing does have a way of inducing one to practice more. :-D

29th December 2011, 09:58 AM

I've also felt that amnesia thing. It's like an automatic supergrounding system that nearly makes you forget everything incredible you've just checked to be real.

Thank you all for your experiences. I have my coloured papers stuck to the wall, and I try everyday... I'll get somewhere, I guess.

29th December 2011, 03:36 PM
Thank you for that awesome tip, heliac. I used to see auras all the time as a kid, and I 'forgot' how to see them when I got older. Another thing I could add to this is that when I used to see auras I didn't try or stare (causing the retinal fatigue that causes the afterglow) they would just 'be' there. At some point I tried seeing them again but all I got was afterglow. Now I know to move, to avoid this (if the target isn't moving). Thanks again.

23rd November 2015, 05:04 AM
Hello there,

I just saw this post. I just wanted to add this this after image thing is a huge big deal for me as well. I literally can look for 2-3 seconds at an object with letters on it and then when I either close my eyes or look someplace else with a soft gaze I suddenly can see the object including all shapes like my fingers in negative colors.

Example: I held a big bottle of Epsom Bath Salt in my hands and looked at the front cover. The color of the bottle is green, the letters of the title BATHERAPY are white and there was a symbol with white outlines surrounding it. When I look in the center of the bottle and then close my eyes, my vision blurs and then out of nowhere the bottle including my hands glow up again. The title is now black as is the white outline of the logo, However it was astounding to me that even the title letters were glowing up again. I wonder if this is an ability which can be trained. I wonder if it is possible to actually see without seeing the object beforehand! :)

23rd November 2015, 09:08 AM
Hi Tanjeria, I found an exercise yesterday with a black circle that had the same results you had with the bottle but mine didn't include colour.
http://38.media.tumblr.com/3ea8c4b87f780e778106d245b28b81a7/tumblr_inline_nctyt71mcg1rauqfx.png m

Even if it is an after image or whatever ( don't know much about eyes) it's still exciting to be awake, have your eyes closed and witness this shape taking place in front of your closed eyelids.
This is all good practice for developing the third eye.
I was once in a developing group and we took turns seeing someone else's aura. My first time of trying and saw bright yellow shoot around the shoulders of the person left then right.
Have never seen this again even after much practice on my own. This has had to have been due to the amount if energy created in the room by all of us as we all saw but had not had experience before.

23rd November 2015, 10:44 PM
Hi Tanjeria, I found an exercise yesterday with a black circle that had the same results you had with the bottle but mine didn't include colour.
http://38.media.tumblr.com/3ea8c4b87f780e778106d245b28b81a7/tumblr_inline_nctyt71mcg1rauqfx.png m

That is interesting, I tried it now with this picture and you know what I saw? Since I had the forum window in the background, I saw the whole screen of my monitor glowing up including white background with black circle. So exactly negative colors! Also when I look in the mirror and I happen to wear a red shirt and then look someplace else I see my silhouette with a green shirt lol