View Full Version : Posessions

9th January 2012, 07:19 AM
This night i had a rather disturbing dream. I was in the woods with some friends. It was quite dark. I could sometimes see a dark shadow with the shape of something human float around between the trees. A ghost. Nobody else could see it but me. It came closer and closer to me. I got quite scared, if not terrified. All of a sudden it tried to enter my body. It was like it was entering the space my, err, dream body had at the time with its more ethereal body. My voice started to change and sentences started to come out of my mouth that werent mine. I felt like i was fighting for the control of my body. The others were witnessing the scene without being able to help. Then i woke up.

So, for some reason i dont know if this is my fear of rhe unknown or if this is a real posession. Im open to both. It felt real enough in the dream. Im going to do a dream reentry to see if i can get some answers, but i would also love to hear others experiences on this subject.

9th January 2012, 04:38 PM
I've had similar experiences, and I decided it was a neg trying to convince me (it) was going to. Once I stopped being afraid it showed it's face, and it wasn't scary at all- I ejected it forcefully and it went away.
I think if a demon wants to possess you it will not announce itself, and negs work by "fluffing up" and scaring you to get all that tasty fear energy.

9th January 2012, 08:25 PM
Hmm, that resonates with me. It really felt like some external entity. However, it can be a guide trying to get me to work fith my fear of the unknown.ni had an experience last summer when i was camping in the really wild nature of Norway. Between wake and sleep there were something trying to touch me. I got really scared because i could hear and see them. I was terrified for some time. However the next night i could sense they were coming again and i worked with my breath and calling in my other helpers. This time i managed to relax more and be there in the light and then it turned out that it was only my fear of what i dont understand that was playing my mind. What i conclude from this experience is that i tend to project my fear, rather then my light, onto the things i cant understand with my rational mind. That way, i will react with fear.

When i deal with stuff that way, and dont work on the fear itself, my mind will fill in the blanks by adding fear provoking stuff. I believe through my experience that we are all from the source. Everything we concieve of as from the light or from the darkness. When we stop to discriminate between the two, the distinction will go away. Its all lessons to learn. We need to go further than the mind to do this as the mind needs to categorise to make sense of things. Its a function of the mind and when it doesnt get to divide, it does not compute it seems. Anyway, When we face the dark, like u did in your experience, it often turns out it is nothing fearful, but rather a source of strength and power. Thats how i see things at this point in time. I may be wrong as i havent ventured i to the astral yet, but ive done many travels using lucid dreams, shamanic drumming and other methods of trance induction and i think they are as valid as AP:wink:

9th January 2012, 08:34 PM
I've often woken up during neg-dense times of life and felt a neg trying to speak through me. I used to live with a bunch of guys in a dorm situation, and late one night during a rather nasty sleep paralysis I felt the thing take hold of my voice and I screamed "KILLLLLLLLL!" about as loud as I could, yet, it wasn't me. Let's just say my friends were careful around me from that point on, and I'm not your everyday oddity.

This has happened multiple times since, with different words coming out, but I don't think you need to fear possession. The more I focus on the whole thing and understand, the more I think it's a hijack on the throat chakra. Nothing more. But I could be wrong there.

If it keeps up...sing. Sing, chant, and speak love in the dark.


9th January 2012, 08:56 PM
Nice advice! I also said some very strange words, that werent coming from me. Im curious about these negatives u are mentioning. I wonder if they truly are negatives or if we see them like i mentioned in the previous reply they will change character. For some years ive had the impression that the Cosmos is divided into the ligh and the dark. And everything in between. We here on Earth exist in the twiligjt in one sense. There seems to be 50-50 of light and darkness. Just look at the how the day and night is equal when considering a whole year. That one example. And i believe there are beings in the dense darkness, maybe the negatives reside there(?). What im sure of is if these entities are there to cause us harm or if that is something that happens as a result of us being afraid of them.

When i was practicing with a shaman from the amazon, the black sorcerers often attacked my master and other students, myself included. I found that the fear of the sorcerer and what he could do was so internalized in the tradition, so his attacks had a lot better results. If u dont fear, it doesnt affect you and the sorcery returns to the sorcerer. Also, the sorcerer can bring up stuff from the dense darkness and put into us. But that doesnt make the things negative in themselves. Its intent that makes them negative. They have their purpose where they belong.

I believe the Universe and Cosmos is fundamentally good, since we are all from Source. And i believe in a Grand Plan. I believe we head towards none duality. There, dark and light is an expression of the same source. And ive had glimpses of how that condition is. its hard to explain through words the unexplainable that cant be experienced through the mind. What im doing is trying to see things from a new perspective that has come to me after a year of struggeling with death, life, darkness and light. From the depth of dispair and darkness ive grown into a bigger understanding and overview. Ive made a synthesis of light and dark. A lovely shining grey, Where ive come to see all as equal and as lessons waiting to be had. So, wonder if my theory holds true. I will just have to be patient and wait to see what will reveal itself.

Thanks for having the oppurtunity to share my thoughts with you!:loveyou: