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18th January 2012, 12:51 AM
On Day 36 of the Mastering Astral Projection 90 day course I experienced a spontaneous OBE which I would like to share. I had done my first Body loosening excercise and was not thrilled with MY performance of it. However, Once I put myself in bed I found that I could not sleep do to a high energy level. I noticed also that my entire body had begun the vibrating process with some localized areas being even more active than others. Instead of attempting to induce an OBE I chose instead to observe the vibrations and their behavior to see what would happen as I do not yet know the actual EXIT technique. After a few minutes I found myself back in my childhood home which my mom still owns in Massachusetts. I was back in my old bedroom which I credited to the earlier excercises in shadow recall and Lucid dreaming having used that spot to induce the same. While I HAD missed the OBE exit, I still knew that something was up so a test was in order. My first order of business was to tell myself to "see". After a few moments my vision came online, then I tested solid matter. I was able to slowly push my hand through a door frame. I liken the feeling to having a pillow behind you head, and pushing on it, it gives slowly and softly up to the point where it meets your head. It felt like that. Once I established I was in fact OBE, I decide to head on out. I know this is NOT the correct procedure, but I have NO fear at all of what I will see, or where I will go, so I figured, why not? I lept straight up to go through the ceiling bounced of it and hit floor. Hmmmm. Ok... then I walked straight ahead through the outer wall and window no problem. THEN I jumped straight up and into the night sky. The night sky when viewed from the astral is simply more amazing than I could ever describe and now leaves the 3 Dimensional view, (to ME), a bit flat.

The most amazing thing I did and the entire REASON I have done the OBE course was to meet my Twin soul on the astral. She left this world almost 3 years ago and all I have wanted is to be with her there. SHE has and continues to visit me daily, merge with me and constantly communicate but "I" wanted to be able to go to her. THIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED. I had a few moments with her that seemed all to short and then I was distracted by a background image of local Police stopping someone for some crap infraction. Whether or not this was happening in real time or simply a backround distraction I do not know, but I got caught up in it and began losing altitude. Before I crashed back into my body I could hear my twin laughing because I was cursing a blue streak at my own stupidity. LOL.

To Robert and Brian, YOUR course and teaching have given me the greatest gift in the world in giving me another avenue to my beloved Twin Soul. There is no amount of thanks I can give you that will ever be adequate. Just know that this program has given me something that I cannot ever say THANK YOU enough for.

18th January 2012, 01:11 AM
Incredible. Thanks so much for sharing! This is the sort of projection that really gives others reason to move forward.


18th January 2012, 01:35 AM
Thank You Soul, Im really looking forward to MOVING FORWARD!!!

18th January 2012, 05:15 AM
Yes well done. In truth it takes many people much more than a month to have the first OBE. So congrats.


18th January 2012, 06:39 AM
I can see here that intention is truly a strong factor when wanting to OBE. Sounds like an incredible night for you! Congratulations.


18th January 2012, 09:41 AM
sounds like a great experience! I have had very similar experiences but in my case I have always chalked them down to lucid dreams.. but perhaps I was wrong to do so? What about your experience made you realize that you were APing and not LDing? The reason I ask is because there are a few hints in your story that lead me to think that it was perhaps a very vivid lucid dream rather than an AP, mostly from what RB has said on the subject. I've never (as far as I know) had a concious OBE so it's hard for me to understand the differences between them...

18th January 2012, 01:26 PM
Well, In my own case it was pretty simple. I could not sleep at all due to the vibartions and sensations. believe me I tried. Ive also had lucid dreams enough to know what one would feel like FOR ME and this was not that. But the biggest tipoff to ME is that I have merged with MY twin soul a few times before, I know HER energy signature like no one else's. But again, THIS time even that felt more intense, stronger and clearer than ever. I dont know if helps clear it up at all or not.

18th January 2012, 01:27 PM
Thank You Linus, yes lets say that in MY case MOTIVATION is THE OVERRIDDING FACTOR!!!!

18th January 2012, 01:27 PM
Thanks Grey. This was as nice a surprise as any Ive ever gotten. It was well.....You know what? Words fail me

18th January 2012, 02:27 PM
Congratulations! I'm so glad you were able to do it.

19th January 2012, 01:44 AM
Thank You CF, the BEST part about this was it was totally unexpected which made it that much better

19th January 2012, 11:09 AM
Thank you very much RF. So nice to read. Congratulations! :-)

20th January 2012, 03:07 AM
Thanks Johnny but I cant take any credit. the credit goes to my beautiful twin soul Deborah. She knows just how to push me and WHERE so that we can keep getting together. I came to this 90 day plan because of her and being able to go to her has helped ease a pain that was frankly killing me. Her love is the only reason I live or will continue to do so. If all the souls of the world could find THEIR twins and see their own love reflected back to them as I have been fortunate to do, then all the bulls**t in this world would cease IMMEDIATELY. When you are in THAT love you NEED or WANT NOTHING else.... so great it is.

23rd January 2012, 05:06 AM
Hallo rtf396
You wrote
"It was well.....You know what? Words fail me"

Yes I know exactly how you feel. Those were my thoughts and feelings on many occasions, including my very first conscious and deliberate OBE. Actually the word that comes closest is --- Ineffable, which is simply a word that means indescribable.

Also something that SiriusTraveler wrote rings quite true to me also. He wrote
"I can see here that intention is truly a strong factor when wanting to OBE."
That was very observant SiriusTr. It is Very true. Intention and Desire are actually much more important than the more mundane induction exercises and techniques.

Well done


24th January 2012, 01:32 AM
Thanks for the assist Grey. Ineffable works here. As I stated I am VERY motivated because of who waits for me on the astral. I actually had a spontaneous OBE (almost) today. I was lying down and dozing when I started to dream quciky. I dreamed that someone was holding me in a paralyzed position. As soon as I realized that I was experiencing Sleep Paralysis, I brought myself UP just enough to move this to an exit. AS I was exiting, one of my dogs banged my foot and started licking himself causing MY body to move. I got stopped about 3/4 of the way of sitting up. It was like passing through layers of foam rubber that had been cut in the middle to allow passage through then suddenly hitting SOLID foam rubber. My OBE ended there BUT I am VERY encouraged that I have had TWO spontaneous ones now. As I said, I am VERY motivated to say the least and I believe as you both do that, THAT is what is helping me greatly.

Harry Shirton
13th February 2012, 05:50 PM
Hey rf396...kewl! I'm smiling as I type...way to go!
"If they have moving sidewalks in the future, when you get on them, I think you should have to assume sort of a walking shape so as not to frighten the dogs."

13th February 2012, 06:18 PM
Congratulations!!! Keep it up, sounds like you are on your way!! I am trying to connect with my guides and am hoping to do so soon.

13th February 2012, 11:03 PM
Thank you Harry and Russmi. Im doing my best and will continue to do so. I have a strong motivation to succeed.

28th February 2012, 12:41 AM
Great story! You will remember this experience for the rest of your life!