View Full Version : Less dreams in week 3

1st February 2012, 07:19 AM
I am currently doing MAP all over again. The last time i got to week 4 but my time was sparse so I had to quit. This time I'm going through it all.

I have noticed that in week 2 my dreams became much more frequent and in week 3 it wore off. I know the affirmations are different.
Another thing I thought about is that perhaps it has to do with energy raising. I have slept worse since I began doing energy raising which in itself is'nt very strange since more energy = less tired. But that would mean less deep sleep and more dreams since I sleep more softly. That's not the case here.
All I can come up with is that I have'nt got enough energy to remember the dreams or that my energy body is'nt developed enough.

What do you think?