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1st February 2012, 07:09 PM
I have been for some weeks with few regular NEW work... and all of a sudden I went to the bed last night and I WAS ABLE TO TRIGGER VIBRATIONS without any effort. Ironic!

It happened like this:

1.I was very tired, but mentally excited. I went to the bed with a BW preset (to induce a theta state).

2.Suddenly I started to feel a vibration coming from my left arm. The vibration started to spread, but very slowly.

3.I quickly realized what it was going on, so rapidly I thought: "let's do some bouncing or climbing or whatever to trigger the AP".

4.But, I don't know why I had some fear feeling, so my heart chakra seemed to contract, and the vibrations disappeared.

5.I thought: "I've been so close that I have to insist as many times as I can", so I put an eye in the first source of them (my left arm).

6.Very rapidly they appeared once again, but this time they wrapped my body very fastly.

7.Not to commit the first error again, I started to activate my heart chakra (I wasn't feeling it clearly enough).

8.So I was inside a cloud of vibrations (no sound), and feeling NUDE.

9.I was about to AP (the vibrations were more and more excited), but all of a sudden I had another feeling: I felt like being raped (yes, it's odd, but that's what I felt), so the process cancelled.

10.But, during all this process, I tried to insert a mental anchor linked to the vibrations (a phrase: "vibes activated!"). I am going to try to trigger them again tonight through it.

11.After all of that, my body was in a deep trance state. I was unable to move, and I was feeling as if my body was being bended, deformed and reformed, as it would be of plastic or the like. The vibes won't appear again.

12.Tired, I adopted a fetus position to sleep, and I started to dream. At some point of that dream, I had some kind of LD, and I found myself again in a turmoil of vibrations, but this time they were buzzing like hell.

13.I don't remember anything else, so I guess I fell asleep.

SOOOOO COOL... not only the vibrations, but the feelings triggered because of them. Now I know my real mental blockages...

2nd February 2012, 02:36 AM
Good for you! Once you find that which blocks you, it's a lot easier to release it. ;) Great progress. :)

2nd February 2012, 03:33 AM
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this.

Also, I'm putting the following out because the sexual, physical sensations thing has been repeating here with some frequency. I'm not trying to hijack the thread, but figure it sort of fits here.

Of course now I'm fishing for the link, can't find it, but I will do my best...

In short I read an AP article that went into great detail on the nature of why people feel touched, raped, violated, etc. during exits. As I recall, the premise is that sexual contact is so intensely personal, it only makes sense that we would experience some measure of it during an exit given the conscious mind's attempts to keep our friend, the subconscious mind, from taking over too soon. It's a glitch. The conscious mind(male energy) is tuned to block the subconscious (female energy) from doing her thing--putting you into the astral at dream time or during projections. Ditto for most of the hallucinations and fear that come with AP.

I'm not doing justice here, but thought I'd share for the benefit of others. If you think something "out there" is on you, and you're about to abort, keep in mind that thing might just be your conscious mind trying to rouse you, and so reassert itself.

Exceptions and rules apply where appropriate. Your experience may vary...etc.


2nd February 2012, 07:24 AM
11.After all of that, my body was in a deep trance state. I was unable to move, and I was feeling as if my body was being bended, deformed and reformed, as it would be of plastic or the like. The vibes won't appear again.

I have felt this several times without first enetering the vibrational state. In this stage Im still able to move my body. Guess that tells us that one could be in a deep trance state without trance paralysis and still trigger AP, as CFT have explained to me in other threads. Its really interesting because I have always searched for the paralysis first, and thought that it would come after the trance. Guess some of us either have no paralysis or first get into a deep trance and then paralysis, or the other way around. The important thing here seems to be that everyone is different and we have to find out how it works for us individually.

11th February 2012, 12:40 AM
Hello, iadnon.

I think the irony is that many people have these experiences after following a training program of some sorts, but I don't think that the training program is directly causing it. I don't know what, beyond intense intent for having these experiences, causes it, but if it were the training programs themselves only, it would be a lot more reproducible.

The feelings and sensations experienced need interpretation. In fact, the conclusions you come to about what happened or how it felt like are already an interpretation - of an energy into a seemingly matching, similar physical plane experience. You could call it a physical-nonphysical translation going on, and especially in the beginning it's far from accurate. You would broadly hit the same or similar "mental category", but that's all. You're only just developing the vocabulary and interpretation skills needed to make sense of this, so anything experienced, felt and understood at this stage should be taken with a grain of salt.

I'm sorry you felt violated during your experience. At this stage it might not be possible, however, to tell what happened here. I liked the attitude you had towards these experiences, making the most of it and playing with what came up.

Take care,

11th February 2012, 03:38 PM
but all of a sudden I had another feeling: I felt like being raped (yes, it's odd, but that's what I felt),

It's possible to feel violated from kundalini awakening energy too...

12th February 2012, 09:39 AM

So glad for having received such an interesting and close answers.

I want to share one more thing. In fact, the vibrations thing caught my eye so tightly that I thought I could go even farther with them. After some days of trial and error I've found out that vibrations can be "triggered" (or so) just seeking them.

I mean, go to the bed, relax (no deep trance), and observe your skin. Expect vibrations to come from somewhere. You won't need much time to find them. Last time I felt them in my face. Once you fix your eye in them, they tend to expand. So you know what happens them.

I've not completed the process. In fact, I've been searching then, finding them, feeling them, and letting them go to just start it over.

There's another physical sensation I've been feeling. Something happens with my hands. It's a feeling not of relaxation, but of tasting them black... yes, a kind of "sense overlapping" or so. I feel them black (the colour), and then the vibrations pop up somewhere.

That's all I can relate.
