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View Full Version : An EXTREMELY Scary Experiment With Mental Projection

1st May 2006, 06:36 PM
My Fiance, has a lazy eye. She has a hard time seeing with both eyes straight. But I think that has helped her along the years with her meditations. She is years ahead of me in meditation etc. She literally can see with her 3rd eye, almost AT WILL. She thought everyone could see images like this.

I have worked so hard and have to be really deeply in trance to be able to see any hypnogogic images.

Well sometimes we travel and in certain "nature" type environments she can see clearer than normal.

But couple nights ago, we were cuddling in the dark and I asked her what she was seeing. She can often describe to me exactly what her 3rd eye is showing her while wide awake. This is quite weird. So I said, let me try and project a thought into her head. We have always known that both of us were on the same "Wavelength" when it comes to everything. But her skills are more highly developed in some areas.

I held onto her head and rubbed her temples and tried to project an image of one of our largest local churches. I tried to think of the inside with its high ceiling and the large steeple and the concrete feel to it.

She said she was seeing a cathedral.

I was spooked.

I decided to try again, this time I pictured some newly bloomed flowers we had growing outside, and looked at it from different angles in my head as I tried to project that thought into her head.

She said she was seeing a flower that was morphing or changing shapes.

I was REALLY fricken spooked.

I told her she was right again. We were both thinking this was really cool. So we tried again and again.

She got 4 or 5 of them right. It seemed the more excited we got the less accurate she got.

The final one was quite funny actually, and we laughed histarically. Nothing worked after she said she saw a large snake by 2 rocks. I had been trying to project an image of my .. you know what.. and that broke the ice we couldn't get anymore right after that.

I have never EVER thought the human body was able to do this. I am still shocked to this day.

Has anyone else also experimented with something like this???

1st May 2006, 07:12 PM
Hi Lone Crow,
I've done the same thing before. Mostly in psychic workshops. One time, I was partnered with a guy who had only read one metaphysical book and was interested, and so signed up for the workshop. I'd never met him before. We were practising psychokenisis, in particular, psychometry. He gave me a ring he had on his finger. I sat there with it for the longest time and nothing came to me. I was about to give up, when things started popping into my head. I saw a dark haired man, in his mid to late thirties. I saw one of those red and white, round fishing bobbers. I saw water rushing and flowing. I saw the man getting into a shiny new car and then a horribly beat up old car. The man was extremely sad. Then he just burst with joy. I told the guy I was partnered with everything I saw.

He sat there looking at me with a totally blank face. Ok, I felt stupid. He said he didn't know any dark haired men in their thirties. Ok, now we were both uncomfortable. The pictures had been so clear, so I thought, "Wow, I've got an active imaginiation".

All of a sudden the guy burst into tears. Whoa...what's going on here? He told me his dad used to take him fishing when he was young at a rushing river. They used those kinds of fishing bobbers. His dad had dark hair back then. When his dad died the year before we did this workshop, he had grey hair. He had driven a beautiful, fancy car when younger, had fallen on hard times, and had to get a very beat up old truck. At the funeral, this guy I was partnered with, had felt extremely sad and hopeless. He then had a burst of joy go through him that felt like his dad had touched him. Everything I said confirmed to him that it really was his dad showing him at the funeral that he was ok and was happy. And, his dad had given him the ring I was holding. This was my first experience in mediumship.

BTW, laughed pretty hard at the snake and rock thing! :lol:

1st May 2006, 07:42 PM
heheh yeah we had a good laugh. I was being spunky and figured I would picture something she wouldn't be able to guess at.

That odd too though. I've never tried picking up on objects before.

Maybe I'll give that a try.

2nd May 2006, 03:17 AM
This is a very interesting topic, I posted a copy on my site and got some responses for you here

http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/cha ... &p=0#10392 (http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/chat-forum/viewTopic.jsp?t=10383&p=0#10392)

2nd May 2006, 03:59 AM
Thanks I've replied over there.

It was a very odd happening. I've had some of the most incredible things start to happen to us in the last year or so. It all started when I started dating her. We saw UFO's, all sorts of psychic phenomenon..

2nd May 2006, 04:00 AM
PS we saw the UFO's because she called them down, she neve saw any before either but just meditated and asked them to show themselves so we could have proof..

2nd May 2006, 04:16 AM
PS we saw the UFO's because she called them down, she neve saw any before either but just meditated and asked them to show themselves so we could have proof..

I don't doubt that's possible and it's probably even the case that it's required to a degree to invite them, otherwise they might not ever appear. I think there are probably two basic types of UFOs, there are the nasty ones that Stuart Wilde writes about. These are probably lower level beings who are somehow trapped near our plane and are using the physial plane as a source of energy.

There are probably also more developed UFOs who don't need our energy but do need our permission to show up. They probably also require that the poeple they meet be in a certain state of mind of being at ease in a playful sense.

And there's probably a whole range of UFOs who are somewhere in between.

Two resources I think worth checking out are Stuart Wilde's articles in order to give a bit of caution in dealing with UFOs:

http://www.stuartwilde.com/articles/sw_ ... emerge.htm (http://www.stuartwilde.com/articles/sw_articles_ufos_re-emerge.htm)

And for a more trusting approach, this book seems to be in a good direction:
Visitors From Within
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/189318 ... e&n=283155 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1893183041/103-5451926-9856659?v=glance&n=283155)

2nd May 2006, 04:34 AM
Trust me.. I know ALL about UFO's, I've studied them all my life. I have every book .. uhh in the book hehe. Anyway a large bookshelf.

I was always the "Scully" the science type but a guy. I always was into aviation, astronomy, spent so many hours outside, I had seen everything there is to see pretty much. From sats, to bolides, to actual meteors in the atmosphere slowly breaking up. Never saw UFO's and I wanted to so bad for so long. To make my point. I studied.. I wanted to believe, but I couldn't get any proof

When I saw them it confirmed everything I had read abotu UFO's were true, and maybe even some of the other stuff about alien abductions as well. I had relatives have a close encounter etc,

I honestly think she's an abductee. (my fiance) But she says she's not.

When we got together and both wished that we'd see UFO's I had in mind what I needed to see, in order to believe. I needed to see some intelligent movement of some sort up there, with at least a 90 degree turn at a high rate of speed etc. I got exactly what I had wanted. 4 of them flying rapidly merging into a formation and then darting off into a 90 degree turn at a speed beyond anything we've ever seen.

I doubt she did it too. But the timing of it was extremely suspicious. It was our first time out under the stars together. I had joked at her that I thought she was an abductee and she'd say she wasn't. So I said "come on.. call down your little friends" and she said "oh all right I'll try" and literally 30 secs later.. poof they were there.

2nd May 2006, 04:37 AM
PS I had tried to call them down myself after all the frustrating years with no luck but here she did it. We've tried again since but no luck. I think they made their point.

From the point of the UFO's I had a spiritual awakening. A whole bunch of weird stuff has happened since.... Mostly positive.

4th May 2006, 08:58 PM
Are there any books or sites you recommend on UFOs that mesh with what you've seen?

5th May 2006, 03:05 AM
We just saw the orangish red lights darting around brightly in a town where viewing the stars is difficult because of all the light pollution from a nearby city.

The thing that backed is up, is that the place we reported the UFO's to, we checked other reports and there were people reporting similar lights all the way out in western canada too. The same red lights shooting around and turning on a dime.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/156171 ... oding=UTF8 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1561719722/sr=8-1/qid=1146798114/ref=sr_1_1/103-9390380-3301426?%5Fencoding=UTF8)

Clifford Stone gives you alot of stuff the gov has been covering up. FOIA documents about UFO's in his book. Off the top of my head, theres so many books I've read over the years from John Mack, to Jim Marrs, Bud Hopkins are some classic authors. I don't take Whitley Strieber too seriously, but he knows whats going on too.

The Disclosure Project is also very important. over 200 eyewitnesses and government employees that are willing to testify in front of congress...

5th May 2006, 03:42 PM
Thanks for the book link, I'll check it out

5th May 2006, 04:48 PM
I don't take Whitley Strieber too seriously, but he knows whats going on too. Why?

6th May 2006, 11:42 AM
That's really cool! We do this, too. We're seldom as accurate as you guys are, though. I think the most accurate we get are things like, "I saw myself falling into a lake" and "And then I watched someone falling through water," etc.

I have also experimented with sending images of sexual arousal while he's sleeping and have had some success, though it wasn't easy. This is a pretty handy technique to use on a sleeping man because ... well, to put it politely, guys have a way of physically showing whether or not they are picking up on that particular thought! :shock:

6th May 2006, 06:18 PM
Don't get me wrong I think he's a great guy etc. He's expanded the awareness of people in the world. But for what purpose I don't know.

After reading the Key, and other books which were totally great reads, I am still suspect as to the entities that are behind him, and whether or not they are "good" or evil yet. I've always got the impression of a dark cloud around everything he does.

I know he tries to make sense of it too, but the answers provided to him seem like they are coming from a dark place.

Thats a whole other discussion though.

6th May 2006, 06:22 PM

Yeah. Well as a guy, night time and morning are easy times to try and arouse a man.. for some reason..

8th July 2006, 02:36 AM
That's fun stuff, LoneCrow! Sounds like you've had some interesting experiences; I hope you'll post more about 'em.

Lately I've been having some funny Babelfish kind of moments... I was riding in a car with relatives and they were talking away in Korean, and I perked up and asked "Hey, are we going to get to see Biwan?" Unbeknownst to me (and my Korean is VERY shoddy), they had just been discussing palaces for the last 30 minutes and had forgotten that I didn't speak any Korean, and just thought that I was continuing the conversation.

At work yesterday, my coworker was working on a Spanish dub of a Moonlighting episode, and I watched the characters talking for a few moments and then I asked my coworker "Hey, when are they going to talk about the pequeño?" It felt like an odd thing to say, to pick a random Spanish word, but I just said it. Somehow it just struck me that with the words I was hearing, a common word that came up was pequeño. So my coworker explains to me that they're talking about Bruce Willis' wife and how she had a son by him, and it was just odd to me because I had no idea what a pequeño was, and that's what they WERE talking about... a child! (Without ya know, having said the word pequeño yet)