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20th February 2012, 08:12 AM

Sometimes I feel my whole body vibrating from head to toe at random times during the day or night. I especially sometimes feel vibrations when I feel extremely emotional. For example if I feel really sad, sometimes I will feel like a wave come over me, and my body will start vibrating rapidly all over. But when I start vibrating I usually start to feel better and the emotion passes. The only other time I've ever experienced a similar type of vibrations was after lucid dreaming and returning to my body. I also sometimes feel vibrations in located spots especially under my left armpit and behind my right shoulder blade. I don't understand what is causing them during normal daytime hours, or what they are exactly. Are the vibrations from my own astral or emotional bodies? I also had a passing thought that maybe I was sensing some other entities or beings, and that my body starts vibrating when they are near? Any help clarifying what I am experiencing would be much appreciated.


20th February 2012, 08:30 AM
In case it's not adrenaline my only guess is that its your energy body vibrating. I say adrenaline because when I get extremely nervous I can feel the adrenaline beginning to shake me up, very annoying.
Other that that I can get minor vibrations sometimes, but only during very calm conditions. Like when listening to meditation music or focusing on something.

20th February 2012, 05:28 PM
When this happens get your blood pressure checked. A sudden rise in bp can mimic vibrations- like small tremors. Some people have normal bp but a sudden emotional impact can raise it suddenly.

22nd February 2012, 12:43 AM
Hello bpusok,

Have have posted/described similar bodily vibrations in a post that pretty much no one answered effectively, so I will try to do so for you. First off I want to point out that dream and emotional vibrations are different. Now I want to point out that this is just observations that i have made on myself because I didn't get the answers either. AP, OBE, LD, and vivid dream vibrations are a standard occurrence caused be many factors such as meditative state, relaxation or SP. Other people in this forum will be able to provide you with a concise reasoning on that matter. However, when it comes to an emotion causing an entire body vibration, I would attribute this to an energy body response. A response to heal, tune and balance itself. I would also consider this a more advanced energy body at work as most people that know little of spirituality tend to store there emotions in their energy body. This also in a weakened state that does not show any symptoms. Consider yourself lucky that your sensitive and your energy body responds in a healing way.

24th February 2012, 01:54 PM
I don't understand what is causing them during normal daytime hours, or what they are exactly. Are the vibrations from my own astral or emotional bodies? I also had a passing thought that maybe I was sensing some other entities or beings, and that my body starts vibrating when they are near? Any help clarifying what I am experiencing would be much appreciated.

Hi Bonnie,

I became energy sensitive about 6 years ago and now can always feel energy moving, vibrating or shifting around within myself. As to what is EXACTLY happening.... i am mostly unsure...

So i am guessing you have become sensitive to subtle energy and your subtle energy bodies and this is what you are feeling and sensing.

When i am extremely emotional, it also seems that i am also very sensitive to feeling subtle energies at these times too.
(Don't forget CFT's blood pressure advice)

Sometimes i can sense / see beings in spirit around when i feel energy vibrations, but most of the time, i don't.

Hope you are able to gain some answers :-)xx