View Full Version : Questions about Ishta Devata

22nd February 2012, 10:27 PM
Not to long ago King Kandazi told me some things that seemed to imply I should find an Ishta devata which should be able to help in psychic development, for more information on what an ishta devata is go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%E1%B9%A3%E1%B9%ADa-devat%C4%81

The one in question appears to be Shiva based on the clues I have gotten. Now from what I hear in this practice there is a special sort of mantra to be used for the being in question called a dvadakshari mantra. however I have run into a couple issues.

First, I heard that before doing anything for Shiva I first need to ot o Ganesha since he's sort of a gatekeeper one needs to pass through if anyone read up on voudoun he is similar to Legba in that respect. I'm really not sure what to do here. I read a bit about dvadakshari mantras in a pdf explaining the concept of Ishta Devata. So would I do Ganeshas dvadakshari mantra before doing Shivas or is there something else involved here? Also so for I have been unablet o find the mantra for Shiva or though I may have been able to find Ganeshas. I did a search and did find some mantras associated with Shiva, but I think these may be the wrong ones based on how the ones I have been able to find are structured in comparison.

But yes any help in figuring this out would be appreciated.

22nd February 2012, 11:10 PM
The operative word is 'worship', and you have to be moved to worship. I remember in reading Yogananda's autobiography and he described the emotions that he felt as he gazed adoringly at the Holy Mother- this was sincere love for an expression of divinity- it came from his heart. IMO if this is for you, then you have to find what inspires you to cry with joy, and you may find which aspect of Divinity to focus on.
Looking for 'rules of the game' won't help you, because worship/adoration has to be sincerely felt.
IMO. :-)

22nd February 2012, 11:28 PM
You can compose your own mantra.

26th February 2012, 06:08 PM
Hmmm... well I'm not really someone all that easily moved. But just the same both King Kandazi and my guides seem to think I should look into this so there's probably a good reason. Also I was able to find out some more info about this in a book I found the other day so I'll try to implement this some.