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1st March 2012, 08:50 PM
I don't understand manifestation and the law of attraction. How does it work? What are the rules to manifest and attract things into your life?
Can you manifest or attract anything you want, or just certain things? If so, why? What are the conditions? How would you know what you can manifest and what you can't? How much time/effort does it take? etc., etc.

It all has been very unclear to me and I would greatly appreciate any relevant input.

1st March 2012, 10:13 PM
I don't understand manifestation and the law of attraction. How does it work? What are the rules to manifest and attract things into your life? The concept of the LoA aka Manifestation, formerly known as the Law of Mind Action is an extrapolation from a more generalized metaphysical concept- that the physical universe is the expression of a 'Higher Power' aka Spirit, or God, depending on what 'flavor' of religion/philosophy you look at, and that we, as creatures of will, have the ability to create what we experience. The extrapolation or conclusion are based on observation on things that happen and a look at things that are written in scripture(s), and lately in what physics seems to be discovering about physical reality.

The underlying concept in this (and most metaphysics, if you think about it) is that matter is mind expressed, and most metaphysics (I should say 'orthodox' metaphysics, considering how terminology changes) divides the human mind as being divided by three aspects:
Conscious, Subconscious, and Superconscious.
The conscious mind is the part of the mind that you use to observe and form opinions, to doubt and to question. Most decisions are made using this part of your mind.
The subconscious is the part that stores all your memories (where is another theme, please let it be) and retrieves memories- it takes sensory stimulus and sorts it out to store. It's like the data retrieving system. It receives most of its 'instructions' from the conscious mind.
The Superconscious mind- this is the part of your mind that is connected to the Universal Creative Power; which depending on your bent you may call the Higher Self, the Spark of God, or just the creative concept.

In manifestation theory, it is said that the world is constantly being created (and physics supports it, in some of the quantum theory, but that can be addressed in the science part of the forum) and we are the ones who are cocreating all the time.

This doesn't mean that you create the chair you sit on every time you look at it- although early theories of QM 'sort of' implied it (once again, this is sciencey stuff and we're doing metaphysics now) what it means is that all physical reality depends on a consensus interaction of observers that reinforce it, and it all manifests in time and space.

Theoretically it is unknown why God/Us/The Greater Whoever/ decided to manifest reality in the way it does, but some people, a long time ago, either realized or observed that when you put your emotion on a specific outcome combined with the thought of having/doing/manifesting it, there are better chances of it coming to pass than if you simply wish for it.
This was called the Elijah effect (I think it was Gregg Braden's book that called it that) and it basically stated that most ancient prayer manuals always stress that when you pray for something and instill emotion in it that it has a better chance of manifesting.

Now, experiments have been done (there was one in which random number generators were used) that seem to show that focused thought and emotion seems to affect matter- many modern scientists have done them, I can think of Deepak Chopra for example talking about this using medical equipment on tissue samples, and the random generator number one (can't remember who did that one, but I'm sure you can google this).... so it seems that focused attention can affect matter, possibly (as has been theorized by some) as creating patterns in the noosphere (also a metaphysical concept coined by scientists a few years ago) that facilitate changes in material reality.

But back to metaphysics- the theory is that if material reality is shaped by the collective thought patterns that are already existent (aka the noosphere) by applying focused intent coupled with emotion, we can affect the outcome of a situation, sometimes making something happen.
Now, I am not speaking of what some people think as magic 'poof' and you make something appear- I am speaking of a methodology for facilitating an outcome using physical and metaphysical laws.

For example: A lot of our beliefs come from how we experienced reality as young, and this includes beliefs. Some are 'closer to true' than others, and sometimes false beliefs can cause us to either experience certain things more than others, or notice the ones that support our beliefs.
If this is a positive belief (and by that I mean that it supports us) then good- but if it's a negative belief (such as 'life sucks' or Murphy's Law, for example) then it will cause us to make negative decisions that cause us to get into more situations that will support the notion.

Can you manifest or attract anything you want, or just certain things? It's not a matter of 'what', it's a matter of what you believe, and what you believe about what you want. Oliver (Korpo) just wrote an excellent blog article just about that, you should read it. I think it's called 'If you want something ask for it' or something like that.

For example: Physics say you can't fly, but you can go into a plane and fly in it. Now, the collective mind created a universe in which gravity causes a warp in spacetime because of mass, therefore the human body has too much mass and is attracted to the earth. So to fly we have to use the laws of physics to fly- aerodynamics, engineering, and mechanical disciplines/talents to get around it- and now, if you can afford it, you can fly.
Can you manifest yourself flying by thought?- you betcha, but it may not be in the way you think it is or should be, because the rules say that it takes spacetime to manifest in physical reality.
What can manifesting processes do for you? It can arrange things to happen so that you get a raise, get vacation time and get your honey to decide to go on vacation with you and you may just find yourself flying somewhere.
So it's not a matter of pulling something out of your proverbial 'behind' (although sometimes miracles happen, and that's why they're called miracles), it's a matter of knowing the metaphysical laws that we think rule the universe and learning how to tweak them to your benefit, and hopefully, for everyone else's benefit also.

As to 'how long' it all depends- what are you starting with, what are you trying to do, what are you working with. If you are starting with something that seems impossible and you don't think it will ever be, it's going to take longer than something that you think can be done and you believe you can do.

3rd March 2012, 03:37 PM
Now, experiments have been done (there was one in which random number generators were used) that seem to show that focused thought and emotion seems to affect matter

I have read about those experiments. The results have been anything but conclusive. The researchers claimed they had something like 1% success rate. When other groups analyzed those results they came up with success rates even smaller than that - around 0.1%.
0.1%! That's one supposedly non random reading in a thousand! Such small success rate should be well within the margin of error of that experiment.
Here's an article about those experiments: http://skepdic.com/pear.html

Thanks CF for the answer. You seem fairly certain about your position. I would be really grateful if you could tell me how did you come to those conclusions? How do you know it works like that?

Opinions from others are welcomed as well, btw ;)

3rd March 2012, 05:16 PM
Thanks CF for the answer. You seem fairly certain about your position. If by 'position' you mean 'I'm pretty sure it's how things work', then I'd say it's the worldview I've adopted for now, precisely because it works for me.
I believe Tart calls this type of thinking 'provisional belief'.

I don't want to go into a life history, but suffice it to say I've always had what psychologists call 'magical thinking'- that is, the idea that things affect other things in ways that don't seem linearly connected, and my life (as a young person) has been one series of 'things happening to me after I wished for them'- until, in my early forties I came across the LOMA and decided to apply the techniques to stop being a victim and start deciding what happens to me, and ever since it's been completely different.

We all come with different worldviews that we acquire as we grow up and some of them are more helpful than others- I decided to apply what made sense to me (once I cleared away ideas that were not helpful to me) and so far it's worked well.

3rd March 2012, 06:11 PM
I'm glad it worked well for you :)
I personally am not looking for something that works for me though. I am looking for the truth. Cold, hard truth. I want to know how Universe works, how metaphysics fit in. WHICH metaphysics fit in. What works and what is wishful thinking. What are the rules, and there are rules. Even 'no rules' is a rule.
It all works somehow, the Universe I mean. I simply want to know how.

3rd March 2012, 08:53 PM
You mean 'want', right?

4th March 2012, 03:05 AM
I personally am not looking for something that works for me though. I am looking for the truth. Cold, hard truth.
This is making an assumption that "truth" (whatever that actually is; so far nobody in the history of humanity has been able to define it) is somehow separate from "what works for you". In other words, that "truth" is "out there" somewhere, and you are apart from it.

I want to know how Universe works
I suggest a course in astrophysics. :)

how metaphysics fit in.
So you're going on the default "Objective Universe With Optional Metaphysical Extras" model. That's a really difficult model to work from, just for the record. It requires a lot of bending and twisting to get stuff to fit.

It all works somehow, the Universe I mean. I simply wont to know how.
Well, that's a worthy goal. But you're not that likely to find answers from or within the model you're using. Generally speaking, this kind of comprehensive view requires some shifts in perspective before any progress is made.

And if I'm speaking in riddles, I apologise. It's difficult to articulate what I'm trying to say. But the bottom line is, so long as your basic framework is grounded in the default model, you're going to have a difficult time achieving your goal, because much of the accepted pillars of the default model of reality block the answers you're looking for.

4th March 2012, 08:52 AM
the theory is that if material reality is shaped by the collective thought patterns that are already existent (aka the noosphere) by applying focused intent coupled with emotion, we can affect the outcome of a situation, sometimes making something happen.

what C told us is .......in a word? "amazing" http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-cool04.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

4th March 2012, 10:53 AM
In manifestation theory, it is said that the world is constantly being created (and physics supports it, in some of the quantum theory, but that can be addressed in the science part of the forum) and we are the ones who are cocreating all the time.

This doesn't mean that you create the chair you sit on every time you look at it- although early theories of QM 'sort of' implied it (once again, this is sciencey stuff and we're doing metaphysics now) what it means is that all physical reality depends on a consensus interaction of observers that reinforce it, and it all manifests in time and space.

These implications of quantum machanics make you think about a subjective reality and the analogy of reality as a dream world .
I was reading an article about these implications of quantum physics, it's well written i think ,easy to understand .


Neil Templar
4th March 2012, 01:18 PM
I personally am not looking for something that works for me though. I am looking for the truth. Cold, hard truth. I want to know how Universe works, how metaphysics fit in. WHICH metaphysics fit in. What works and what is wishful thinking. What are the rules, and there are rules. Even 'no rules' is a rule.
It all works somehow, the Universe I mean. I simply want to know how.

How about getting on with experimenting with it then?
What works for you, is your personal truth.
Your truth doesn't have to be the same as mine, or anyone else's, for it to be true.
It seems to me, you're asking for a meta-physical answer, but you want it to come in a form that fits within the physical reality you believe to be the truth.
There is no cold hard truth. There are 7 Billion individual truths, being perceived by a single human each.

For me, manifestation has become easy.
I don't try to manifest, as if manifesting is something i can make happen, by sheer force of will, or focused thoughts.
I'm sure that path would yield results, but i don't reckon they'd be the quickest or most useful results.
I simply ask, sometimes quietly, to myself. Sometimes aloud, vocally. Sometimes publicly, perhaps on my facebook status.
I make a request, for the desired outcome, whether that be a new bike i need to get around cheaper, or more money coming my way. A suitable partner, or some information regarding something i need to know about.
I request the desired outcome, then step out of the way, and trust the Universe to do the work.
I trust the Universe (or my higher self, i see no difference, as i believe we are co-creators with and of the Universe) to know exactly what i need. I don't try to tell the Universe how to go about fulfilling my needs, as i truly don't know. If i did, i wouldn't be asking for help, would i?
I simply make the request, and let it get on with it.
The results can be astounding. Sometimes within a few minutes, sometime a year later, and never in the way i would have expected, had i had any expectations. ;)
And that's the key - get rid of expectations.
Expectations, will only create resistance. Resistance to the Universe's quickest easiest path.
It'll utilise the people around you. It'll utilise your environment. It'll utilise your awareness. It'll bring opportunities your way, but if you're not aware enough, they might just slip on by, when the Universe has set them up perfectly for you...

I'd suggest getting over this idea that you need to know how it works. It works however it needs to work.
Get yourself (ego) out of the picture, and you'll find better results.
Try it.

4th March 2012, 04:56 PM
It seems to me, you're asking for a meta-physical answer, but you want it to come in a form that fits within the physical reality you believe to be the truth.
There is no cold hard truth. There are 7 Billion individual truths, being perceived by a single human each.
Well said. Wish I could have said it that succinctly.

4th March 2012, 10:02 PM
How about getting on with experimenting with it then?
What works for you, is your personal truth.
Your truth doesn't have to be the same as mine, or anyone else's, for it to be true.
It seems to me, you're asking for a meta-physical answer, but you want it to come in a form that fits within the physical reality you believe to be the truth.
There is no cold hard truth. There are 7 Billion individual truths, being perceived by a single human each.

Thanks Neil for your input. I think what I meant by truth is different from what you mean here. I am not talking about personal perceptions, interpretations, views or tastes each person has. What I mean by truth is reality - how things really are, for everyone.
For example: Is there an afterlife - either there is or there is not. Are there aliens currently on Earth - either there are or there are not. Can objects be moved with power of the mind alone - either they can or they can not. etc.
That's what I meant by reality, the truth - what is and what is not.

Thanks for your input about manifestation. Your method doesn't seem very goal orientated or under your control. You ask something of the universe and the universe makes the decision for you. Apparently in the end it's not up to you, it's not your call.

And if I'm speaking in riddles, I apologise. It's difficult to articulate what I'm trying to say. But the bottom line is, so long as your basic framework is grounded in the default model, you're going to have a difficult time achieving your goal, because much of the accepted pillars of the default model of reality block the answers you're looking for.

Thanks ButterflyWoman for your input. If I understand you correctly as long as I am restricted to certain default views I won't get the answers because the answers I'm looking for are not accepted in the default model. Is that correct?
Well the thing is I have no default model, no set views. I want to know haw thing really are and specifically if manifestation works. If it works then how does it work and how do you know it really works? Simple, no?

5th March 2012, 12:08 AM
Simple, no? It would be simple if we all knew the hows and whys, but we don't- we all get clues that either sound good to us or don't, and then just take it from there.

Neil Templar
5th March 2012, 02:32 AM
Thanks Neil for your input. I think what I meant by truth is different from what you mean here. I am not talking about personal perceptions, interpretations, views or tastes each person has. What I mean by truth is reality - how things really are, for everyone.
But what i'm saying, is that reality is different for everyone, because everyone has differing beliefs, and therefore, creates a different reality for themselves. I know what you're asking. You want to know about the rules that govern the entirety of reality, but i would say the only rule is this - that your beliefs shape what is possible within your own co-created reality. That's the rule. The only rule. Within the scope that that rule provides, anything is possible, if you can deprogram your belief system enough to de-stabilise the group-consensus-created-reality around you. Which would basically mean you are existing in a different dimension form everyone else. I think ;) In that case, the only limit to what is possible, would be your imagination.

Thanks for your input about manifestation. Your method doesn't seem very goal orientated or under your control. You ask something of the universe and the universe makes the decision for you. Apparently in the end it's not up to you, it's not your call.
Only if you consider yourself to be something separate from the Universe, which i don't.

5th March 2012, 03:17 AM
Thanks ButterflyWoman for your input. If I understand you correctly as long as I am restricted to certain default views I won't get the answers because the answers I'm looking for are not accepted in the default model. Is that correct?

Well the thing is I have no default model, no set views.
You live in a complete vacuum? Not possible, sorry. You definitely have a model of reality, and you definitely have a point of view. You wouldn't exist, your reality wouldn't exist, without that.

I think you might get some benefit from reading up on quantum theory. There's a lot of stuff out there about the nature of reality. For example, the theory that the universe is actually composed of information can be helpful in understanding how thoughts/beliefs become our physical reality. Manifestation is not like baking a cake, where you have set ingredients and you mix them up and cook them a set length of time and, voila, a cake! It's an inevitable consequence of living in a reality which is fluid and generated out of information (data, energy, etc.). Until the inherent fluidity of reality is grasped, deliberately manipulating that reality (or attempting to do so, anyway) is very hit-or-miss. It comes right back to what I was already trying to convey, really.

That which we think of as "reality" is not that unlike a dream, in that it is generated by the Dreamer, and is interpreted by the Dreamer. You, as an aspect of the Dreamer, can intentionally manipulate aspects of your individual portion of the dream. What you experience and how it is interpreted is down to your unique mind. Things that are not experienced are things that are not allowed by the current configuration of that mind; things that are experienced are things which are allowed, or even generated with more or less conscious awareness. Simple, no?

6th March 2012, 06:22 AM
I dont like the term "Law of Attraction"

6th March 2012, 07:36 AM
I dont like the term "Law of Attraction"
I don't, either, for what it's worth.

Neil Templar
6th March 2012, 08:31 AM
That which we think of as "reality" is not that unlike a dream, in that it is generated by the Dreamer, and is interpreted by the Dreamer. You, as an aspect of the Dreamer, can intentionally manipulate aspects of your individual portion of the dream. What you experience and how it is interpreted is down to your unique mind. Things that are not experienced are things that are not allowed by the current configuration of that mind; things that are experienced are things which are allowed, or even generated with more or less conscious awareness. Simple, no?
Well put. :)

11th March 2012, 07:01 PM
Things that are not experienced are things that are not allowed by the current configuration of that mind; things that are experienced are things which are allowed, or even generated with more or less conscious awareness. Simple, no?

And how is that configuration changed?

12th March 2012, 09:01 AM
Ask one simple question: "What if...?" Speculate beyond your usual beliefs and ideas. Try on a new beliefs for size. Consider a course of action you have not considered before. This will open up your mind to new impulses and provide the gateway into different experiences.

12th March 2012, 01:45 PM
And how is that configuration changed?
In a nutshell, intention. And willingness to change.

13th March 2012, 01:34 PM
In a nutshell, intention. And willingness to change.

How do you deal with the brick walls (the "facts of reality") you keep bumping into? I intend a change and am willing to change but I don't see it reflected as a change in actual objective experience (experience relating to the objects of perception, as opposed to the meaning/value we give to those objects). I'm finding it very hard not to lose hope in life, especially when I wake up in the morning and realize another day has gone by.

13th March 2012, 04:38 PM
Hello, lycan.

Maybe it helps to realise that in physical reality reality creation is slowest. It takes time. Maybe you would benefit by having multiple reality creations going on, monitoring for visible changes, keeping track of each. This way I usually have something to work with most of the time and don't feel like time is just passing.

14th March 2012, 06:44 AM
How do you deal with the brick walls (the "facts of reality") you keep bumping into?
It's in the way you perceive "reality" and also "facts", partly. But mostly, intend and surrender. That is, sincerely intend change (and you don't have to be specific about what needs to be changed!) and then let go and allow the process to happen. You, as an ego-self, haven't got much ability to change much of anything, to be perfectly frank. It'd be like a cartoon character picking up a pencil and erasing bits of themselves and redrawing them. It's not possible.

The intention-plus-surrender process just paves the way for the changes to be made (you can say by God, by your own Higher Self, really, however you feel comfortable characterising it). Intention plus surrender just allows you to drop resistance, although, the fact is, if you sincerely want change powerfully enough (real change, change to YOU, not just your circumstances, which are merely reflections of you), and you set that it motion, nothing will stop it, although resistance can make it a lot harder and make it take a lot longer (that's the voice of experience there, by the way).

Also, as I noted in another thread, you seem to have a belief which goes something like this: Until/unless that which I perceive to be my objective reality changes to suit me, I will refuse to be happy and I will refuse to experience lasting peace.

You'll never find joy or peace from the events of so-called objective reality.

4th April 2012, 07:27 PM
But what i'm saying, is that reality is different for everyone, because everyone has differing beliefs, and therefore, creates a different reality for themselves. I know what you're asking. You want to know about the rules that govern the entirety of reality, but i would say the only rule is this - that your beliefs shape what is possible within your own co-created reality. That's the rule. The only rule. Within the scope that that rule provides, anything is possible, if you can deprogram your belief system enough to de-stabilise the group-consensus-created-reality around you. Which would basically mean you are existing in a different dimension form everyone else. I think ;) In that case, the only limit to what is possible, would be your imagination.

I wonder how literal ìs that beliefs shape our reality , i mean if i started to believe in flying elephants would i start seeing them ? 'Cause i seem to grasp this concept only till a certain point like there's a range of possible outcomes for an event and my beliefs make one more probable and real ,okay ,but what about things that look impossible like flying elephants ...? Just beliefs would make them real ?

4th April 2012, 08:37 PM
You could think about this, turn on your TV and lo and behold, there could be a Disney movie with Dumbo the flying elephant playing. The universe is tricky like that, which is why questions like these make me cringe- do you think you can make yourself believe that flying elephants are possible? I don't think I know anyone that does, so I don't see the outcome you're proposing likely, but the outcome I'm proposing much more likely, and within the consensus reality rules.

5th April 2012, 11:54 PM
I think the possibility is there to allow yourself to believe in anything and everything, but there are few, if any, personalities that would hold together in such an extremely fluid reality. Imagine if life was as fluid and inconstant as a dream, where you suddenly change location, you hang out with "friends" you don't really know, you might even be someone else entirely for a while, etc. The coherence of your identity would probably not withstand that for long. So, sure, it's probably possible, but to what extent and for how long? I doubt that there are or have ever been many human beings who can answer that firsthand.

9th April 2012, 02:10 PM
do you think you can make yourself believe that flying elephants are possible?

Don't know,maybe .Time to try some experiments ,just not with flying elephants,i am not too interested in them :-D it was an example.

Neil Templar
10th April 2012, 01:46 PM
The thing about beliefs is, you need a little evidence of something or other, to create a shift in your beliefs. For example, you can read a bunch of books on OBE, and certainly like the sound of it, and want it to be real. All the evidence provided seems rational, well presented by folk who are clearly not crazy. It can be enough for you to begin to believe in the OBE phenomenon.
From this point of believing onward, you are more likely to then experience it yourself.

There is evidence of much unusual activity in human history - levitation, telekinesis etc, so it's not too difficult to believe in these things.
Getting to the point where you dissolve the beliefs that hold your world together tho, like your sense of identity within this life or your belief that an elephant is a 10 tonne animal that gravity holds tightly to the ground, is the real trick. That requires a great deal of personal experience, taking you in the direction of knowing the ins-and-outs of the nature of reality, and work, deprogramming yourself of your limiting (yet essential for survival in this apparently physical world you've chosen to incarnate in) beliefs.

I believe i can fly, but i still believe in gravity. :roll:

11th April 2012, 09:35 AM
I remembered one instance of attracting a reality out of expectations. When I was first in the US I was surprised how much it looked "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" which I had recently played. The houses, the cars, everything. Which gave me the unpleasant thought that the game was full of criminal gangs...

Two days after I went for a walk with the dog. Not spotting the signs I walked along the sidewalk and suddenly found myself within a detachment of prisoners who the sheriff sent out to clean the park. Gave me quite a start when I realised they all wore correctional suits with "Sheriff's Department" on the back. One turned around, smiled at me and commended me on my nice dog and went on with his work. :lol:

Recalling this yesterday I found this to be a pretty funny example of how expectations can have an impact on the reality one experiences. "Criminal gangs" roaming the streets indeed... :P

11th April 2012, 11:24 AM
I found this to be a pretty funny example of how expectations can have an impact on the reality one experiences. "Criminal gangs" roaming the streets indeed... :P
:) This is actually a very good example of spontaneous reality creation. It wasn't intentional, but it was certainly an experience generated by your perceptions and thoughts. I love this story.

Stuff like that happens to me all the time, but it's often so subtle that if I try to explain it, I find I really can't. It's just something that you have to recognise by way of experiencing it. Lately I have an uncanny and continual experience with music manifesting. I'll think of a song and pretty shortly I hear it on the radio or a tv show or somewhere on the net (without me looking for it). In one case, I heard part of a song I don't even know, found the lyrics interesting, and wondered what the rest of the song was about. Within a couple of hours, I heard the entire song (and this is a song from the nineties, so it's not like you're going to hear it all the time these days). The same happens with questions (answers appear in all kinds of forms) and other thoughts. These things just manifest, sometimes very quickly, and usually in surprising ways.

But when I try to explain that sort of thing, it just sounds kinda lame and weird, you know? "Oh, yeah, I thought of a song and then I heard it, it was amazing!" :lol:

11th April 2012, 11:58 AM
Yes, I have the same thing. Sometimes I can consciously help things along.

I have 3,000 songs on shuffle. But I wanted to hear a specific one. It could have happened to be the last of the 3,000, but it turned out to be third after I stopped trying to influence it so much.

Often what's on my mind will in some form appear in physical reality, sometimes in hilarious ways.

11th April 2012, 12:30 PM
Often what's on my mind will in some form appear in physical reality, sometimes in hilarious ways.
I love when that happens. I've manifested a red car (it was a rental) and a black cockatoo (on a sticker, of all things!) and various other things like that in really funny, entertaining ways. I love that so much. :)

11th April 2012, 01:11 PM
I find it particularly funny when I imagine something scary to happen, and then get caught up in thinking that fear attracts the object of fear, and then it results in this miniscule event that came because of that but was nothing to be afraid of, just this little blip in consciousness. Makes one feel like a fool for being afraid at all. :)