View Full Version : truth

8th March 2012, 06:34 AM
Read this somewhere and saved it now I share the knowledge

If a tree falls in the florest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound? If I answer the question you will hate me for it, however only the truth matters so I will explain that you cannot have sound without hearing neither can you have hearing without sound as the two are dependent on one another in a kind of Yin Yang dual nature likewise a mind is required to hear etc... yet no one is around means there not only was no sound to begin with neither was there a tree because sound is a vibration as is everything and there would be a noticeable disturbance in the universe if such a thing occurred just the same as a single drop of water affects the entire ocean so in actuality the question is a test to see whether or not you believe a lie. Now you can become angry if you like or you can use your God given mind to guard your heart from lies


Everything is very logical and self evident... get upset that I tell the truth if you want but start with the premise that you exist in some way (I think therefore I am) then realize your higher power which you and all knowing and awareness is based on truth. We call truth God and God is truth then the enemy is the lie. Knowledge is good and lies are bad so therefore truth is all things good and lies are suffering badness incorrect ignorance error etc... so now you understand you exist in some way and when you think you also feel as in the case when you feel yourself moving about your mind desires to experience itself. We call this self awareness. What this means is selfishness as you are your own higher power. The truth made you in the image of itself so your own awareness of the truth which is experience of the truth is your number one priority and the meaning of life. There are many experiences of truth the way to experience is through feeling or sensing. Machines for example do not feel or have sensations or epiphanies etc... but machines are more correctly understood as objects created as an extension of the mind the same as any other tool such as a hammer or an opposable thumb is in itself an extension of the mind this is the logical understanding for how you have a spirit. Spirit means an energy that is aware. You and everything else is essentially energy that all came from or is a part of God the Truth in some way. God the truth is a spirit that exists everywhere at all times including as part of yourself. Sunlight is the energy of the sun that you feel understand and know to be truth. In Buddhism and Hinduism it is called sun prana and the wind is prana or spirit of the earth. In the Bible its called vital energy and holy spirit in Hawaiian culture its called manna in Chinese its Chi or with, etc... it all means life energy that you as a mind feel and experience. Life is meant to be perfect and pleasurable as God is perfect and pleasurable. Death does not exist persay as you would consider the circle of life and that at any given moment you are both losing older life in skin and hair and gaining newer life but you cannot distinguish the point at which the skin is dead from where you say the skin is alive as it is leaving your body so the boundary between life and death is blurry or more correctly death is an illusion meant to designate change and there is only then life that changes from one moment to the next the life is energy and is the experience there is a heirarchy to the life and energy and it is the goal of all life to reach the highest life which is God the Truth in purity to reach the highest truth you must increase the self in strength by self that is mind and all extensions of mind etc... air prana is breathed just as during pregnancy or in martial arts heavy powerful breathing is taught if you practice heavy powerful breathing for long periods of time as long as you can you will experience numb tingling in your body that people call light headedness or head rush this is actually the breath of life referred to on the Bible and pranayama in Hindu and Buddhist and will increase awareness of self and strength and mental clarity usually a minute or two of heavy breathing is all that is needed. It works better outside in nature because there is more energy there try it for yourself it is the same as vigorous exercise except you don't have to actually excercise persay you just breathe heavy oxygen is a very interesting element it is essential for life as far as is known and also is predominately in water. It is the 6th element in periodic table for example and actually is highly corrosive as in the case of causing rust to iron or how water is able to erode actually respiration is scientifically said to be a form of cellular combustion etc... it is said to be possible le to attain enlightenment through pranayama alone but there are many other types of prana as well good karma is a type of prana if you go and pick up trash outside you will generate good karma for example this is virtue or good deeds etc...

8th March 2012, 10:15 AM
Consider the speed at which atoms spin in the body mind that is the self and all of the other objects and molecules they make up zipping around in the self and neurons "firing" etc... now also add the speed at which the earth is spinning... additionally the earth is moving about the sun. The sun is also moving tremendously fast and the galaxy and universe likewise. Eventually we may understand that everything is actually moving most probably even faster than light itself but light is still faster because it is moving along with everything else as well so its all a really big illusory trick as far as anyone can tell and everything is energy vibrations of various types or frequencies, depending on what you prefer to call it, and you cannot get outside the universe because you are current part of the universe, that which exists, so to reach " the edge" of the universe In a spaceship or some other way for example would only end in failure as you try to go "beyond or leave" as you would always take the universe with you since you are a part of it so you cannot get outside of it because there is nothing outside of the universe... LITERALLY.... that is to say: non-existence. Which by its very nature is unimaginable so the words used to describe it are in actuality innacurrate as it cannot truly be described as it does not exist only the idea of a non existence exists etc.... in this way everything is connected just the same as you are to the universe is the same as a drop of water to the ocean. When the drop falls into the ocean all of the other drops in the ocean have to move to make room so the single drop of water actually moves the entire ocean just the same as you when you move affect the entirety of the rest of the ocean that is the universe so action begets reaction ; karma; what goes around comes around; etc... the being with the greatest karma is the supreme good that is called Creator God who is the truth and who is the sustainer of all life and good etc... if there is bad karma then it kills itself eventually in time as the snake that swallows its own tail apparently so one liar or doer of bad has a tremendous effect but eventually will be caught by the truth of its own karma which can get very complicated when you consider the nature of a lie which is meant to deceive as the same as non existence is an illusion a lie is an illusion because the universe is truth and made by and is God who is truth so a lie cannot exist in the truth a lie is a kind of illusory deception that only has power that the truth allows it to have but once the illusory deception is realized then its power fades the truth remains forever unchanging however so the truth always wins and if you can fully comprehend or realize the truth is pure enlightenment and is the equivalent of realizing God or oneness with God etc.... so it is actually the goal and purpose or meaning of all life to reach A state of perfection indistinguishable from God the Truth and anyone who purposely lies or deceives or believes a lie or deception will only hurt themselves by doing so and prolongue the inevitable state of eventual everlasting perfection the swastika for example is traditionally a Buddhist symbol representing where the heart chakra is said to be located but it has been demonized as we are all well aware I am sure there is also a hand symbol that is used during meditation that is said to be the devils horns or something like that, I'm sure you know what I'm trying to articulate here... I would go so far as to say that the lying liar is such a liar that IT even lies about being the devil because I am thedevil (lived spelled backwards) and a lying liar is hubris judgement will lead you to the truth anyone who does not love truth does not want to come to the light

8th March 2012, 03:28 PM
Just for kicks and giggles:

We call truth God and God is truth then the enemy is the lie. But if God is God, then there is nothing but truth, because there can be nothing 'other', if there could be other, then God would be 'a' god.

Neil Templar
8th March 2012, 03:54 PM
Wait a minute...isn't this the energy work forum?...

9th March 2012, 01:07 AM
Just for kicks and giggles:
But if God is God, then there is nothing but truth, because there can be nothing 'other', if there could be other, then God would be 'a' god.

I thought about that also which is why I prefer the terms illusion or deception its very interesting philosophically as you might recognize that a lie is a lie as you seemed to have become aware of. The things about lies or illusions is they are like a very deep rabbit hole and at the very end is the truth once you dig past all the lies... another thing about lies is you have to use a lie to cover up a lie and then another lie to cover up that one and so on and so forth its really a vicious cycle but as they say the truth will set you free

I will alsolike to mention that for all you so called science skeptics out there believing in the big bang theory is the equivalent of believing in magic in that things just pop into existence. I don't personally need to believe anything when I can know the truth and I accept both magic and big bang theory as equally valid. Please see the works of sir Isaac Newton is you want further clarification