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10th March 2012, 05:00 AM
What a nightmare last night! It started as a dream. My family and I were at a resort on an exotic island. Our cabin was far from the beach, very far, but all of a sudden my mom got our attention and pointed that the water has come very close. I looked and the waves were washing just few feet away from us. At that moment we looked around and saw that the ocean level has risen so drastically that only a small portion of the island was still above. There was a hill side with statues on the top, Greek garden like. We ran to the top of the hill with other people, but the water started closing on us rapidly. I climbed on one of the statues and when the water started touching my feet, I really started panicking and at that time, in great disbelieve that this was happening, I said to my self. “This is too bizarre, it can’t be happening. I just want to wake up. Please let this be a dream, please”. I have a tremendous fear of drowning and as I started anticipating the lack of air I was about to experience, I started pinching myself on both arms, desperately wanting to wake up. Nothing happened, then I gave a command “ I am out of body and I am flying” And so I did, I lifted myself up above the ocean and that reassured me that I was indeed OBEing. As much as I enjoy every OBE opportunity, this time I was so frightened, that I gave the command wake up.

10th March 2012, 03:21 PM
That's an interesting use of fear to get lucidity. I know it wasn't pleasant, but well done nonetheless.

12th March 2012, 03:10 AM
I had that many times happen to me. Nightmares often help me become aware of the dreaming, but when I do, I would much rather wake up than use that awareness to conquer the dream.

12th March 2012, 10:13 AM
IIRC, End of world and catastrophe dreams can help process survival fears. I wonder what effect becoming lucid has, energetically, on such occasions.

12th March 2012, 10:29 AM
That's awesome.

When I was a little boy I used to always have the lucid dreams where I would give the command to wake up. Whenever it sometimes wouldn't work to wake up in my dream I would have to "kill" myself to wake up. Always I remember only jumping off things like buildings. It seemed I would wake up just before I hit the ground but its hard to tell. I did used to have a reoccurring dream of just sitting patiently in a child's swing in total darkness... when I would want to wake up i would stand up and simply jump out of the swing and plunge into the dark. After a while of falling I would wake up. I also seemed to know what time it was which is how I knew to wake up (I woke up to go watch cartoons)

I don't dream like that anymore... but occassionally I have been able to have an awareness of time/clocks while dreaming

12th March 2012, 03:43 PM
Wow, as I am writing this reply, I am watching on National Geographic a documentary about tsunamis. The story they are showing is about the island Crete in Greece, which was swallowed by a giant tsunami 3000 years ago. The buildings and the statues were the same like from my dream. And the way they portrayed the event was just like I experienced it.
It is so weird that few days after my dream/OBE I choose to watch a program which is showing almost the same type of event.

12th March 2012, 03:56 PM
That's a wonderful synchronicity. I like these moments where I know that I and the reality I experience are very interrelated. :)