View Full Version : Poltergeist movie - neg attack?

12th March 2012, 08:44 PM
I would like to know if anyone has ever experienced something similar:

At the age of 9 and 11 I watched the movie Poltergeist. I still can't believe my mother let me watch it at that age because that movie scared the living daylights out of me. I had never had an ear infection before in my life, but both times in the night after watching the movie I developed what was diagnosed as an ear infection. I don't know if it was, but I remember excruciating pain in my right ear on both occasions, as if someone was stabbing a dagger in my ear.

Needless to say, I never wanted to see that movie again. I don't know if this was a coincidence but ...what are the chances, is what my logical mind thinks.

I started doing Robert's hand and foot energy exercises two weeks ago and developed a flu...WITH an ear infection! Thus, the third in my life. So I started thinking, could I have been 'neg infected' through that movie?

12th March 2012, 09:01 PM
Hey Bexy,

I think that flick did a number on a bunch of us, myself included. I'll never forget the looking under the bed scene. Ugh.

While I can't possibly say there's a definite relationship to your flu (it's going around big time this year), I can tell you that when I get hit with a neg attack, or when one is around, my left ear begins to ring something fierce. I'll spare you the story on how I put the ringing together with negs, but there's a clear link. Sometimes we just have to keep developing our practice before we can rule something in our out. So my advice, just keep focused on the work and don't let potential connections like that distract you.


12th March 2012, 11:13 PM
I would like to know if anyone has ever experienced something similar:

At the age of 9 and 11 I watched the movie Poltergeist. I still can't believe my mother let me watch it at that age because that movie scared the living daylights out of me. I had never had an ear infection before in my life, but both times in the night after watching the movie I developed what was diagnosed as an ear infection. I don't know if it was, but I remember excruciating pain in my right ear on both occasions, as if someone was stabbing a dagger in my ear. I am pretty sure (or rather I'd have to say that it's my opinion) that watching this type of movie when young or vulnerable can open you up to attack, because the fear and the use of imagination makes you tasty to opportunistic critters. Especially if you watch them in the movies with a bunch of other scared people- imagine the smorgasbord of anxiety would attract them.
So even though it's hard for me to know whether the earache had anything to do with it (were you prone to those? Did your parents smoke in the home?) it's possible that you were attacked at that time. But...

I started doing Robert's hand and foot energy exercises two weeks ago and developed a flu...WITH an ear infection! Thus, the third in my life. So I started thinking, could I have been 'neg infected' through that movie? Even if you did all those years ago, I don't think your flu has anything to do with a neg- it's been years, and you'd have other things happening in your life for it to suddenly become active with energy work- it is going around, in many places, after all.

13th March 2012, 08:12 PM
Well the reason why I tied the two together is because I was never prone to ear infections. Those were the two only ones I'd ever had. Indeed the flu is going around and perhaps the tiredness caused by the energy exercises made me more vulnerable to the virus.

Stlll never watching that movie again LOL!

13th March 2012, 08:20 PM
I wouldn't either. Certain type of scary movie messes with my head, and even though that one didn't, I know what you're saying.