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View Full Version : Boy in my room

16th March 2012, 01:23 PM
It has been a long time since I've had any experiences, but this morning I had four or five exits. I had been up at around 3:45am and went back to bed at 4, frustrated because I didn't think I would fall asleep. I thought about getting up again but decided against it. After what seemed like an hour or so I realized I could see through my closed eyelids. I was looking beyond the foot of the bed and a leg in a pair of jeans with a pale white foot was sticking up. That got my attention and I started slowly peeling myself out from my body. It took considerable effort. I sat up in bed and I could see who the leg belonged to. A young boy of perhaps 13 years or so was doing a head stand in my bedroom with one foot pointed up and one leg bent. He wore a dark colored shirt and bluejeans. His face was pale white and frozen still, looking straight ahead, not at me. His body was frozen in this position. I felt a moment of intense fear but I pushed through it, got out of my body, floated right up next to him and upside down. As soon as I saw his face I ended up back in bed looking through closed eyelids. I saw his leg sticking up again in the same spot. This time I peeled out of my body and tried to go through the door but it felt solid as it does on real life. I knew it was only in my mind but no matter how much I willed myself to push through it I just couldn't. I tried to fly through the ceiling, but then everything faded to black and once again I was in bed. I got out several more times and each time things would fade to black and put me back in bed. There was one time I was in bed looking through closed eyelids and a beautiful large window with cross-panes and amber glass appeared, but only briefly. So, I didn't have much trouble getting out but I just couldn't get the experience to last more than 10 seconds or so:( it was still fun, although that guy in my room was unnerving to say the least.