View Full Version : Distracting Head Energy

17th March 2012, 10:05 PM

I posted this in "Ask Robert", but I have a job interview on monday so kind of need a quick answer so was wondering if anyone here can help.

I keep on getting a throbbing feeling on my forhead, with a pressure feeling like a big blob of warm energy is just sitting there throbbing away. It's quite distracting, because I think it makes my eyes look funny, and I feel ungrounded when it happens. It seems to happen when I'm in public, which is when I'd least want it to happen. It happened at two job interviews I had recently, and the interviewer started giving me a bit of a weird look.

Is there any way I can quickly and powerfuly pull the energy down into my dantian and feel solid and powerful again in like 10-20 seconds? Sometimes when I try and pull the energy down, it works for a little bit but then a minute later my forheads throbbing again and I feel ungrounded as a result.

Thanks a lot,

17th March 2012, 11:44 PM
Sounds like an over active brow center. It sounds like it's on autopilot which can be a bit of a conundrum. I'm sure some people here can give you better advice then what I'm about to give but I'll give it a shot. I would start off by affirming that "My brow center is calm and centered". This of coarse is not a quick fix, but it should help over time and in addition to other things. I would also ground yourself as ofter as possible/have time for (lunch break etc.). Imagine your feet beam light into the center of the earth. This will ground and center you and should help with excess energy. This being said I have been working on similar techniques as I have vvvvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyy frequent body vibrations and energy movements all day and sometime all night. My head has had a lot of pressure in it lately. Anyways my point is that I have an idea of what you are going through. In my case there are no quick fixes because my energy body is developing and beginning to resonate at a higher rate.

Best of luck!

18th March 2012, 01:53 AM
Here is a quick fix; rub the area that throbs with your hands, and if it attracts attention tell them you're getting a headache. When you can try to ground or even think of your feet, but when it gets annoying just keep rubbing the skin- it may dissipate some of that energy- 'burn' it off.

Then at home try to cleanse your chakras with air energy before you do any work, and try to avoid working on the brow center at all- until the problem ceases to be one.

19th March 2012, 01:30 PM
Did you have any success with these methods?? The rubbing one I can understand, and the light through the feet technique helps me a lot, unfortunately I didn't have a problem to begin with to find out if it's that effective, all I know is that it's relaxing, haha.

24th March 2012, 03:02 PM

I have cut back on chakra meditation a bit and have replaced this time with gassho meditation. This will stimulate the energy body greatly and will also balance you primary centers. Do this while utilizing the grounding technique above.

24th March 2012, 04:22 PM

Very cool Archimedes. I'm going to see about incorporating this in my routine.
When I'm done with my Kundalini Yoga at the end, there is a similar meditation to this (only similar) that I find very relaxing, using different fingers and feeling the pulse beat on them. It's different enough, but similar enough in that it brings the mind to a single point.

26th March 2012, 12:08 AM

Very cool! I hope the meditation is enjoyable for you. I have recently received my Reiki level 1 training and certificate. I find the energy to be different and powerful. I like doing a double meditation. A NEW chakra meditation and then immediately after a gassho meditation. I then send reiki energy into (what ever I want) say a single chakra. I have physically felt a change in frequency in my heart chakra and I also get a huge body buzz from this routine.

Enjoy, and love your energy body!