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22nd March 2012, 10:56 PM
(English is not my primary language)

I have doubt/problem and I would like to know if someone here has some experience in this. My first goal with astral projection is to obtain information about physical plane. I have none special interest in this,I want not spy anyone or any place, but I think that this goal a interesting because the information you obtain can be checked, so, supposing that you regularly can obtain verifiable information you can admit that your level of conscious is clear enough to no be much affected by illusions of the mind when you are in a astral experience. Maybe my supposition is wrong, but, anyway I cannot imagine other way to “calibrates” this. I think that to try travel in time(past events are my main interest) or astral planes without have none idea if I am able to sustain a illusions-proof mind can only produce uncertain experiences. I don’t like to “experience anything unusual” , it is the practical aspects of astral projection that really attract me. In some post here some user commented about to try find disappeared people, and this is what I think is practical enough, but, obviously, only if SOME degree of exactitude can be obtained. Maybe I want more than is possible, I don’t know.

In Amazon.com, when I did review about a astral projection book, a reader cited the book from Draja Mickaharic. Magic Simplified, because he though that I was thinking like Draja about this matter. After read that book I agree, my way of view astral projection is analogue from him, so, those of you that know that book can understand better what I am trying to do. But, sincerely, it is hard…

I had maybe 120 projections until now, since May 2011. Usually I have 2 or 3 by week, some weeks almost daily, some weeks only one, lasting usually 5-10 minutes. My method is usually to choose some building directly in front of my window, and to try enter there, to perceive so many details that I can, to check after when I return.Well, it seems a very simple thing, but it is very hard, because although my home don’t show more any reality fluctuations, after arrive in the street,several times I discover a different street, different buildings, and sometime I really believe that I am in another city. Never is STRANGE, and usually I believe to know in what city I am. Other times I fell that I am in the right city, because I can see my home at distance, but in the place where should be the choosen building, there is a different building, or a completely different corner, o simply there is only a empty space, ground, grass, sand, but the building is missing. When I am there I know that the building should be there,but it is not. Once I tried to “change the planes”, because I supposed that I was in the right place, but in a different “band of frequency” , in time or level, anyway, so, I tried to “tune”the right band, but not in me, in the place itself. Maybe it was a not very friendly attitude, because some people that are walking there, usually ignoring, tried stop me, like I was some kind of terrorist…(Was I attacking his "world"???).

So, someone has some idea how “tune” the right place when you are in front a supermarket in the corner, for example, but all you see is a empty corner or a very different building? Draja suggest that you impose the memory of the building on what you see, but I think that doing this you are imposing a memory or a mental creation, not sure that you are in fact tuning the right place.I tried once and didn`t worked anyway, but I did it only once for while.
I expect I was clear enough. Thank you for any idea with this.

23rd March 2012, 08:36 AM
If you see a clear variation (different building is a good example) of what should actually be there, my guess would be you're on the astral plane, not in the RTZ. The astral plane equivalent is probably more like the energetic blueprint of the physical plane, if anything, and you might only confuse it with the physical plane for its similarities.

You could go to "Ask Robert" and pose a question - maybe Robert knows how to ensure getting to the RTZ instead of the astral.

23rd March 2012, 12:42 PM
If you are only keen on getting verifications, I recommend trying to learn Remote Viewing instead or additionally, since this is even more suitable to get verifiable information from the RTZ - actually, it is made for it :thumbsup:.

There are many sites on this on the internet and some providers that offer systems (DVDs, online / E-learning, books, - or a combination of it all) of how to attain it.

In order to motivate you and show that verifications are well possible (although not always easy to do) here a little website for you to check on verification accounts by Astral Travel (only, RV not included): http://reconnection.lima-city.de/OBE-Verification/index.html

Good luck in your travels.

23rd March 2012, 06:34 PM
Yes, I know that verifications are possible, because I had maybe 4 until now. But the problem seems to reach a "verifiable" situation/place.I posted this in the "Ask Robert ", maybe he has some idea. I have some books about Remote view, thank you anyway.

2nd June 2012, 03:24 AM
The fluctuation can be soo slight/subtle that they can be unnoticed. Keep a sharp "eye/sense". If you have the slightest clue, do the reality check. My favorite trick is to try and fly.

Its hard to remember to apply the reality check.
