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29th March 2012, 01:01 PM
In a dream, I met Ms Blavatsky (http://www.blavatsky.net/) (I guess most here know who she is/was). She told me in order to manifest sth it is a good way to visualise the word(s) or affirmations in FIRE LETTERS (probably while meditating).

Anyone ever heard of this manifestation method? Possibly in connection with occultist, hermetic, eastern, alchemical, magickal, any esoteric or even theosophical teachings (all of which I have not a great knowledge of)? I wouldn't ask here if it wasn't exactly this lady that suggested this to me, so maybe there is much more to it then I can know of.

My own "google desktop" research so far yields no direct connections and so it all remains a bit unconclusive still. I already heard about the Hebrew Fireletters spoken about in the Keys Of Enoch. They are also presented in graphics there. I have this book but only started on the first pages and then put it aside, months ago. It's a 'bit' difficult. Moreover since I am not a native speaker of English. Maybe I should pick it up again? But how does it connect to Theosophy, Blavatsky? Above all, she did not mention that it must be Hebrew letters, so I guess she meant just our Western alphabet and numbers (couldn' do it any other way anyhow).

Here's e.g. one source I found, but the connection between those FLs and Blavatsky is not too direct:

"One toolkit available (a highly interactive and magical one) is the utilization of LANGUAGE itself. (The relationship between the words Verb and Verbal should not be overlooked). Many treatises have been written on the “Hebrew Fire Letters”; Madame Blavatsky and others have focused on humanity being given 5 magic or root languages. All point to a “top-down” presentation of reality, with Language being the emissary of universal current in form. It is a gift of the Archangelic realms."

So can someone more versed in these matters give me an explanation?

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_meY2heWzqss/Si3SOsMFWPI/AAAAAAAAANU/ik9QlRLgDhE/s400/Fire+Letters+Wallpapers+HD+3000+X+3000%28G-L%29%7Bwww.freelatestwallpapers.blogspot.com%7D.bm p

29th March 2012, 01:52 PM
Anyone ever heard of this manifestation method? Possibly in connection with occultist, hermetic, eastern, alchemical, magickal, any esoteric or even theosophical teachings (all of which I have not a great knowledge of)? I wouldn't ask here if it wasn't exactly this lady that suggested this to me, so maybe there is much more to it then I can know of. I have a 'sort of' answer- From two different disciplines.
In Kabalah you are asked to meditate on the sacred letters (Tetragrammaton), and in Hermetics one of the exercises is to manifest different elements.
Part of the Hermetics exercises deal with forming elemental shapes in front of you, and at some point you get good at it. (I have described very vaguely some of this in my blog). I imagine that this can be part of this practice, as letters can be used, and if combined with the intent of the Kabala meditation, could probably be very powerful.
Sounds like you have some work ahead of you, if you choose to see it thusly.

29th March 2012, 02:03 PM
Or it could be that you are supposed to utter your affirmations emphatically ("fiery") and spell them out very clearly ("letters"). :)

Blavatsky was probably only a symbolical standin denoting the spiritual status of the teacher. There might be no (direct) connection to her or theosophy in this case.

30th March 2012, 10:41 AM
I was wondering the same as Korpo above. Perhaps the "letters in fire" is a great way to emphasise the importance of a desired "whatever"? Somehow, "letters in fire" seems so dramatic, important.

30th March 2012, 12:41 PM
This remindes me when I was told to use my body to shape letters....so for me it ment to use my body to take out the knowledge it has.....My dream was that I shaped a swedish word ...H ...E....J.....I had to figure out to shape it with my body....and I was so happy when I did succeed.....What comes to me when reading your post....to melt down knowledge throw meditation....or to meditate so you reach the knowledge by intent....strong intent...make up your mind what is important to you and then want it as much that it flames to fire....or keep your inner fire alive....that is possible throw meditation I guess.

30th March 2012, 03:30 PM
Yes, as was mentioned here by most of you, that is of course a way I understood it as well: It's a kind of re-inforcement of the affirmation / words to make it branded into my memory, subconscious or whatever. Or to re-inforce the intention expressed (or both).

I just thought that maybe there is something 'magical' to it, too. Especially due to Ms Blavatsky's appearance. But maybe it is really more simple than that. Just making the verbalisation stronger and 'stick' (as an inner "brand mark" - so to speak).

Yeah, CFT, there's maybe some work to do for me. I'll try to shape fire letters when I meditate (which is a hard thing to do at the moment) and when doing my pre-bed meditations verbally, closing my eyes and visualising them. Let's see what happens. Seems I'll have to don my inner :cool: from now on when meditating. ;)

30th March 2012, 03:57 PM
Didn´t Blavatsky create her own cult??

30th March 2012, 08:58 PM
She was a founding member of Theosophy, but I wouldn't call her a 'cult' figure.

31st March 2012, 06:00 AM
For me, the fire in mysticism, evokes the fire within, the spiritual fire, and makes me think of qualities such as ardent feelings, purity of intention, unshakable faith, devotion (desire to be of service), and so on...

Maybe she is actually pointing out to a desirable state of being to reach in order to manifest something, one involving the fire within.

31st March 2012, 07:52 AM
She was a founding member of Theosophy, but I wouldn't call her a 'cult' figure.

Okay, is it because of jeallosy they did put her down claming she was a faud??...I have not done my own investigation only now when her name come up what did come to me....and therefore my asking.

I´d like to know the difference between thought-formed knowledge and real knowledge....is there anything like this??

Neil Templar
31st March 2012, 09:58 AM
This thread brings to mind an experiment i did with telepathy a couple of years ago.
I was trying to send a thought to someone, so what i did was to imagine that person being HUGE, like Godzilla, towering over the buildings as i walked around the city. I could see her wherever i went, and was constantly sending the thought to her. After a couple of hours i checked with her, and indeed it seemed the experiment was a success.
I'm quite sure that the reason it worked was that i had made that person "bigger" in my mind than everything else around. It's basically the same as what's being discussed here, a way to intensify the focus upon the subject of the manifestation.

12th April 2012, 12:31 PM
Tonight, in a mix of dream-state and half-lucid state with me still aware of lying in my bed, another luminary came to me and gave me a hint, as it seems. That's why I put it here again although it does not deal with fire letters.

It could be about a method I asked for. I try hard to get into the vibrational state (or "exit state" if without vibes) from sleep state and was asking (my helpers, HS, etc.) how to accomplish this.

Yesterday I looked up Robert's ebook again for communication with entities or helpers (hence my question regarding grimoires). One of Robert's book recommendations was Lon Milo DeQuette and it is about communication with Angels. I looked up this guy on the internet and also saw fotos of him.

So then in dream state this guy seemed to stand next to me and hold my hand. He explained to me sth I cannot (unfortunately) render perfectly:

So as he was holding my hand, he told me to look up into the dark starry sky (or outer space) and to search for a point there to vibrate/resonate with and the vibrations would start / be induced. I looked into the dark night sky with lots of stars and told myself to get vibrations. This, indeed then worked and I felt the vibrations, but did not manage to exit, instead I then went back into dream-state or woke up.

I don't know what to make of this 'technique' or method. Maybe 'searching the night sky' alludes to sth astrological? But how can sth astrological induce vibrations for me? And what do LeQuette and Angels have to do with it?

12th April 2012, 01:45 PM
There is a technique in Pathworking in which you want to connect with cosmic energies, in which you fly out into space, and ask for contact, and then connect with whichever star appears for you, and then something else may develop (that I will not go into in this context). It is possible that this is what is being alluded to, which is a 'fairly' advanced step in Hermetics, I am led to understand.
I'm not sure how you feel about structured study, but I think you're being led that way. I guess if you're being led through dreams perhaps you can ask for clarification in dreamstate about whether this is where you're being led.

12th April 2012, 02:35 PM
Thanks, CFT, very interesting. But what exactly would the structured study be then in your view, regarding the hints I got so far (fireletters, space)? So it's Hermetics, Pathworking? You mentioned also Kaballah above regarding the letters. Are the fields (Hemetics, Kaballah, probably Theosophy and Enochian Magick) connected?

12th April 2012, 05:08 PM
In a way, but it depends on interpretation.
I think they are connected because Hermetics and Kabbalah have 'common' foundations(that is, Jewish Mysticism is based on the emanations of the Godhead and permutations of the Tetragrammaton [to super oversimplify here] and Hermetics is another structured approach that is based on Elemental qualities of nature, and both came generally from the same part of the world (Egyptian Mysticism and Jewish Mysticism have common origins) and look at different ways to understand and work with fundamentals.
Enochian Magic is a little different than the two, in that it deals with Specific entities and how to call them, but in a way, the theology behind it is common to all, I think.
I only know a little about Hermetics because I am presently studying it (slow but steady) so I can't speak much about the other disciplines, especially Theosophy.
Since IIH utilizes various exercises such as developing a ritual that can be borrowed from your favorite tradition, I'd say that they can be connected.

12th April 2012, 05:56 PM
Since IIH utilizes various exercises such as developing a ritual that can be borrowed from your favorite tradition, I'd say that they can be connected.
Sorry, IIH - you mean F. Bardon's first book, right? So is Pathworking these 10 steps described by him or sth different? (Sorry but I haven't read too much about it yet). So maybe his book (which I have in German) is a good starting point.

12th April 2012, 09:59 PM
I'm not sure if Initiation into Hermetics is his first book, I do know he wrote a few more. If you have it you're ahead of the game, so to speak.
Pathworking is a structured approach to practices, and it's a general term I use to mean 'following a specific path'. There are many paths, if you know what I mean.

13th April 2012, 10:16 AM
I'm not sure if Initiation into Hermetics is his first book, I do know he wrote a few more. If you have it you're ahead of the game, so to speak.
I checked websites and it is his first one (title is different in German but it is the same as IIH). I kind of "have" the book (all 3 of him, actually) for quite a while now, because they are available online, at least in German - so I have no book but bookmarks ;). So far I did not bother to start reading. I have heard many good things said about it, also in this forum, so I might start reading it now. I am a parallel reader of quite a few books, switching between them, so another one added to the pack does not matter anyway.
Regarding pathworking, have you got any good book on that or an online resource, it should be just for an overview of it to get the concept? As for the time being, I cannot do deeper studies, since as my time is a bit limited, but some overall info would be interesting and helpful for me. Many thanks in advance.

13th April 2012, 02:32 PM
In my blog (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/entry.php?7-Pathworking)I give a book title that I used when I started pathworking (and the reasons I started it, you may find that boring lol.)

What I have found in the past is that when you look up online resources for pathworking, you will find specific information for a specific path, and that wasn't helpful to me, because I was looking for a generalized approach. The book I used (which eventually led me to Hermetics, btw) does just what I needed, at the time I needed it.

In AC's forum she has a very specific division for Pathworking, in which the following themes are included:
Initiatic Magick
Ancient (African, Sumerian, Egyptian, etc.) paths
Eastern Paths
Pagan and Druid
Monotheism (Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity and Islam)
Ceremonial Magick (Ritual)
Manifestation Magick (what we call manifesting or Law of Attraction or Law of Mind Action)
It can be found at the bottom of her forum's home page, but each one is specific.

I hope this helps somewhat- I was led down this path years ago, but i specifically had to do it in a certain order, which is still developing.
My order was- lucid dreaming, spontaneous projection, reality shift, manifestation training, learning deliberate projection, some more reality shifting, Pathworking (which brought me back some at first)- Hermetics, and my reality framework shifts every day, a work in progress.

That's how my path has been, I'm sure everyone's is different.