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View Full Version : Talisman magic recommendations

1st April 2012, 09:35 AM

I don't know if this fits into this forum but I'm looking for some recommendations for good reliable talisman magic resources so I may learn about it, as I was advised to do this.

I've Googled but I have no idea whatsoever which resources are worth reading, and a lot of it seems dodgy.

To give a better idea of what I am trying to achieve, I have a nice amulet which is made from copper and brass, and it has an Eye of Horus symbol engraved in it. I need to find out how to use this amulet to bring protective energies closer to me.

I hope that made sense.


1st April 2012, 04:18 PM
Hi Gemma.
I don't know a lot about talisman magic per se, but I do know about Egyptian Mythology, not the stuff that's out there, but the stuff you learn in school, because Egyptology is one of the things I studied in college.
I'd have to look in my (very old) notes as to the meaning of symbology (hieroglyphs had more than one meaning, like ancient Hebrew; the literal (phonetic) meaning and the symbolic meaning of what the figures meant, and I know that's in there somewhere.
As to the mythology, this is what I remember: There were quadruplets- Osiris and Seth, and Isis and Nepthys. Osiris married Isis and Seth married Nepthys. Osiris was the fertility god, and Seth was the death god, and Seth was jealous of Osiris, because he had a better job. So Seth killed Osiris and chopped up in many bits, Isis found his penis and impregnated herself with it, and she got pregnant with baby Horus.
In this context Horus is the inheritor of the power, of both life and death, and is symbolically the 'cosmic child'. Many black madonnas are actually statues of Isis and baby Horus.
When I find my notes I can get more information, and possibly correct any inaccuracies I might have put up there.

2nd April 2012, 03:20 AM
Just a little weird input here. A "talisman" is to DRAW something to you, so, you might might have a talisman to draw luck, money, romantic interests, angelic guidance, some specific thing you need/want, etc. An "amulet" is to REPEL something from you, so amulets are for protection of various sorts (they can be general or specific, depending on the talisman).

Some objects or materials are considered to be more naturally aligned with some purposes. For example, amethyst has a reputation for being protective, and so amulets are often made with it. Other stones have different reputed properties.

Also the shape/design of objects may make them more aligned with a specific purpose. The "all seeing eye" is a symbol that goes back millenia and is strongly associated with protection. It takes various forms, including the Eye of Horus, Eye of Providence, Shiva Eye, etc. Other ancient symbols include the Tree of Life and the Hand of Fatima (just off the top of my head; there are lots of these). Holy symbols (such as a cross) are often used as amulets. Other symbols might include things like a four-leaf clover or similar. Really, though, any object can serve as an amulet or a talisman. People often like to use jewellery because it's easily wearable and can be very discreet.

My experience of talismans and amulets is that they and do work, but I'm to the point now where I understand HOW they work, and I know it's based in my own worldview, beliefs, etc., and the object just serves as a focus for that. However, there's nothing wrong with that sort of focus! It's like any sort of ritual or belief-based result: the energy you put into it is what makes it happen, what makes it work. As an aid to changing your reality, a talisman or amulet (or many; I've got a very big collection of them!) can be very, very useful.

7th April 2012, 02:18 PM
Thank you for the replies. But still, I don't know how to use the amulet to protect me at night from this low-level demon. Very little of Robert's countermeasures work well enough, even though I sleep earthed, I've had mega salt baths, I've slept with sea salt and water in several hot water bottles, I've tried rare earth magnets, crystals, sulphur, fumigation, and just about everything else I could think of. I've tried the LBRP using an earth pentagram, which the neg managed to get around, so I don't think this is an earth element type I'm dealing with.

To give more detail, last July I was meditating when a being came and cleared energy from me so that I may quit smoking (and I quit smoking painlessly and effortlessly a week later, as in no withdrawals, no cravings and no drama, despite the fact I'd been smoking since I was a teen, with a 2 year break). He also showed me on the back of my left hand an Eye of Horus symbol. I didn't understand it at the time, so kind of forgot about it for a while.

But last month, I was shown again the same symbol on the back of my left hand by another mystic via clairvoyance sight and communication, and he told me to figure out how to use it to protect myself against the neg at night (because spirit advised me a while ago to find a way of protecting myself at night during sleep as that's when the neg does the greatest damage). I'd all but forgotten about the experience in July, so this experience brought it back into m y focus. I emailed the same mystic, recounted things to him and his response was to learn about taliman magic. I felt inspired to buy the amulet, so I did.

8th April 2012, 12:46 AM
In my experience the best "talismans" are stones/ crystals. Usually for me I go into nature some where and "feel" for the stones I will usually get strong tingling energy sensations similar to what is felt when a person touches you lovingly (laying on hands as its sometimes called) then I will hold and focus on the stones while doing various spiritual activities like hiking through nature, meditating, chanting, or praying :)

Sometimes I put the stones back in nature if I feel like I "drained" the energy out of them or can't use them anymore for some reason and then I pick out new ones :) usually the more isolated and beautiful the area is where you find the
Stones the more powerful/energetic they will be also. I was just reading about these stones the other day, liga or lenga I think they were called that are supposedly only supposed to be found way up in the
Tibetan Himalayas somewhere and have to do with Krishna. I almost bought one but didn't want to shell out the 5 dollars but I think u see my point (although I admit I didn't feel much of anything from the stones at the time)

30th August 2013, 11:33 PM
I understand that, but I was specifically shown the Eye of Horus on the back of my left hand, and I was told to use that symbol to protect myself. Then I was advised to look at talismanic magic. I still haven't found the answer yet, but at some point it was hinted I should look into Egyptian witchcraft. :lol:

Any Egyptian witches around here willing to divulge some juicy info? :lol:

I'm sure I'll get answers at some point. ;)

30th August 2013, 11:38 PM
For some reason this reminded me of something Aunt Clair saw on my hand years ago- something called 'Eye of Fatima' that was supposed to be protective. I never quite found out what exactly it was. I hope you have more luck with this.
Fr. Akenu might have some input.

31st August 2013, 02:35 AM
well, wrote three differently angled lectures. oh lordy, tmi and no doubt, unpopular opining.

31st August 2013, 04:21 PM
well, wrote three differently angled lectures. oh lordy, tmi and no doubt, unpopular opining.You know, to avoid not being received in the spirit of which you offer, perhaps you could have a thread in which you write comments that pertain to what people are talking about and then link to them. Like start your own blog and then link to them, that way people can choose to read it and nobody's feelings get hurt.

31st August 2013, 11:08 PM
well, wrote three differently angled lectures. oh lordy, tmi and no doubt, unpopular opining.



1st September 2013, 04:02 AM
i am trying a different approach in writing. but i keep on writing broad lead-a-ways to bring the topic back in toward the end. but basically, all three "lectures" read like i was scolding Gemma, but wasnt, just read that way. i wrote a comparison between The eye of horus, all seeing eye, hand of judgement, hand of fatima, hand of mariam, hamsa...yeah it was a blow out.

tryin to lighten up a little, dont seem possible though.

anyhoo. busted a huge obstacle for me today. woohoo. first time since 83, i smoked some [You know]with friends at a (hippy) music festival. wanted to last year, but didnt. then regreted it, so this year, busted. still high....whew. still be there, but for the storms and flash flooding. caught us a break in the rain and scidaddled. had to walk out 3/4 of a mile, tree covered pitch dark muddy road, with all kinda stuff to carry and a cooler on wheels to pull. had a blast.

Gemma, the whole topic boils down, after much deeply personal lesson, to it's outcoming finish creed, "turn the other cheek". this is because we are hard put to understand our/the deep intentual origin, and this symbol for protection may also outcome as wrath that feels to protect by calling down judgement upon another, which is why one utilizes the symbol to begin with in avoidance of the evil eye upon themself. that'd be why you were advised to study further, or beyond just accepting the symbol alone.

this may be more about what's coming out of one's mouth towards others, thus this one is advised, as to have said, "if you're going to carry on like that, you're going to require protection". like tellin folks to wear protection when having sex with more than one partner, thus warding off stds of perhaps the surprise pregnancy. like that.

stuff like this, always seems as if we've earned something, by being good. however, it is more often a message that is quite the contrary, indicating come-up-pence. a form of discipline, not to harm prehaps, but definitely to hurt enough to bring about the personal change requiring one to become faithfully true, which requires no protection, unless of course you ask for it in a specific time where you have no doubt about the need. yet, that's a good call from understanding the need, which is also the intentual origin. as "need" is not otherwise understanding, nor is one connected to their personal intent reactively operable without their awareness. might say that awareness and understanding are one and the same, as being aware...one also understands where or what they are looking upon, and therefore navigates as it is.

it's like Einstein productively touched within himself...need, necessity...the mother of invention. yet, others took,take and will keep on taking from his product creating destruction. the difference, einstein was contemplating for all in kind, others were superficially thinking to grab for themselves as a grouping of common self-interests. reciprocally, the intent cannot but meet "it"self, face to face. caution is the by word, always self-examining toward uttermost intentuality. so, it's not who am i, but, where am i? where is my ideation and my ideation's investing interests? a who does not require an ideation, for a who is a predispositionment, therefore, who is any one but them ding dang self?

Who am I? I am Me, of my Self being mine for Me.

"What the Father has given Me is mine, and no man can take this away from Me". ~ Jesus...paraphrase

understood, this gives way to a mine, not unlike Solomon's Mine...

H'Self, the self, or even given as a garden of, as Geh-Tzem-Ani, where Ani indicates Self

H' = Ha = The [the genuine article]; H'Self|fleS'H

Gospel of Thomas: 29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the
body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this
great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

so, everything any one needs, they came into the world with, aye...even AS. therefore, as the world with them has delivered them again, the need has become, unclothing unto originality...predispositionality, unlearning, not carrying a ding dang "thing", as it is, they as one are everything having been humanly birthed as nothing, that from that birth within everything, that within them first is, they come to...conscious awareness of.......everything ~ nothing ~ everything, simply because everything became as a cross to bear just as did they as everything [hOMe]...come. make place and place same [tzemani], make your self home, as well, make your self at home. tzemach

Tzeman or zeman ~ time, namets ~ delicious; "It is not that which goes into a man that delfiles him, it is what is coming out of him" ~ Jesus, paraphrase. the vicariousness of our nature is beyond animal, may be beastly as the sole beast within nature's givens; however, this beastlyness is what is coming out of us, if we but understand, to therefore, make peace with from within to, as "coming out" outcome from which is to be as our delicious income. our collective obe

Coming Out of the Dark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzO11KQLskM

imagine coming out with peace held from within, such that...that which had been without, is now that which from within coming out...is Peace...as Well. i'd drink that well water, wouldnt you? ya see, the House is a bicurrent affair, torid perhaps, but none-the-less an affair of the heart. "Where two in one house make peace, a mountain may be moved" ~ Jesus, paraphrase.

dreamer and the dream, self-same, or tzemani. tzemach, or same-brother/sister. all children of one god, one spirit, being one in body, familial, therefore familiar, as in the image of. the soul is considered feminine, yet also is the flesh given of the mother, in the womb beginning as female, to then either stay as female or exact as male. the sole of a shoe is there to protect upunder the foot, the rest of the shoe gathered upon the sole is given to cling the whole of the shoe to the foot. therefore are two working together: protection and clinging, clinging first that protection upunder fixedly stays. is this not how every child upunder it's parents is ever within secured safety?

The Human is a Spirit ensouled [fleshed out] within a body. InDwelling, OutWelling. what is your water like?

songs with good content, they seem contradictory, however, they speak the same message...

Hold On, We're Going Home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dls6lgpBDyY

Holy Grail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns6r0WNLaYQ

choice, ya know?

tis a mighty leap of faith from 555_________777, but ya gotta own it, ya gotta love it even as "it" seems marked as enemy missing the mark. 5 is the number of life, 555 implys thrice born, birth indictates entry into new life. 7 is the number of finish, thus is the FINISH of three as well. in the twain are the redeemable's redeemed as redeamer, toward the re-dr.eamer, physician heal thyself ~ 8. dream8....dreamed8 as ONE8 [888] place, one self...etc. everything~nothing~everthing; Y - convergence 888 the hand in the hand of one choosing.


She is upholding everything from upunder, He is downover, Christ is the Head of the Bi-Current Affair, that affair to be Under-stood. Life is a ZigZag affair.

and, gettin the point of that 5 inch heel is for every man to get, lest her unknowable mystery keep him ever of himself alone undone; because she will conquer him right in his own nether-region. ZZ Top, LEGS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vduBtNIvv-c

and he fell upon one knee....aye, and they together fell on both knees to get down face to face with their child, to as children...play.

there ya go, for what it's worth,


sounds like good advice CFT. thanks

12th September 2013, 04:50 AM
It might be worth looking at hermetic kabbalah :-). The thing with talismans is that they work best when charged with intent, and that means attaching emotional intensity to ideas you have about the protection you desire. The ideas of reference should make deep personal sense to you. The next thing you need is a well developed imaginative power and an ability to resonate with a sense of will, purpose and authority. Then know what power to call upon and evoke - a holy name of power - and attach to your chosen talismanic material. Its best to take the time, energy and effort to make the talisman yourself.

I suggest researching a lot before trying what I'm talking about. There's also other ways to shield and protect yourself. Here's some reading: Modern Magik by Michael Kraig, the Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie, Psychic Self Defense and the Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune.

Good luck