View Full Version : Moving scroll

5th April 2012, 10:15 AM
I was awake, but saw (probably hypnagogics?) very clearly, a moving screen or scroll of unknown "writing", similar to hieroglyphs or symbols; the scroll was grey & the writing a darker grey. It was very detailed, & went on for several minutes, all the while I wished I could record it. . . the writing seemed to be in columns that moved downwards. Fascinating but frustrating as I can't share it!

5th April 2012, 12:54 PM
Isn't that how Chinese is written? (Or the Matrix... :P )

Sounds very interesting. Perhaps one day it will appear in a legible version.

5th April 2012, 03:17 PM
I have had similar visions, but in what appear to be round slabs of stone with writing in it, that slowly rotate. That's the kind of thing that doesn't happen very often to me, but it's always notable when it does.

23rd April 2012, 05:01 AM
Just to update this, I had another "vision" over the weekend; like an old black & white movie, the numbers 0 1 00 11 1 0 etc (randomly?) depicted very clearly, white on a black background, as the "film" scrolled upwards; then the words, "The Lesson" appeared, with a paragraph of writing - which annoyingly, I can not remember at all.

23rd April 2012, 10:34 AM
You seem to learn to decipher information in forms you were not accustomed to translate before. This is your lesson for now, it seems. The clue is that both representations you saw were unintelligible to you, but might have after translation. Think of it like being fed energetic raw information to get your inner senses to activate this skill.

24th April 2012, 04:11 AM
Aha! Makes sense, thanks!