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View Full Version : AP or Dream?

10th April 2012, 10:45 PM
It's been a while since I projected. I have been thinking about it again the last couple of months. One morning I noticed I was vibrating but than fell back asleep. :( A week or 2 ago I had strong brow chakra vibrations. (never had this before) It was pretty intense and went on for a long time.

I couldn't remeber if I was supposed to wait for them to stop and then do an exit technique? That's what I tried but they went on for a long time and I fell asleep :(

A couple of times recently though I was sleeping and became aware that I was sleeping so did a roll out technique, with no exit symptoms. It worked but was very short and I just fell asleep. The other day it the same thing happened. It seemed to work well but it was almost like an astral projection into the RTZ but I wasn't able to control floating very well and ususally I can, plus very quickly the clarity of the experience seemed detailed but disconected like a dream. I had characters in my bedroom.

Either characters or entites?? Not sure which as I was having a pretty detailed conversation with one of them. He was annoying the crap out of me. My memory is vague and don't know what we were talking about. But I remember he was insulting me and sort of looked like a boss I used to have a couple of years ago. I have never in the past had any characters or entities in the room with me. I am confused if this was a projection or a dream, maybe a combo of both?

11th April 2012, 02:57 AM
At some point the distinction blurs and it's hard to catalogue- I would call it a projection (not necessarily an OBE, but an astral projection or simulation) without dislocation. Depending on what you learned from the characters, the distinction may not be necessary. And of course, the entity/character could have been a dweller, which makes it technically a self aspect born of the interaction of your physical and energetic body.