View Full Version : Can't reproduce these feelings

14th April 2012, 11:34 PM
Hi All,

So I have been stuck on the stirring actions for like a whole week now.

If I imagine the stirring the action then I get the heavy sensation along with some buzzing etc.

However, I read that you have to FEEL the action, I can't do this no matter how long I spend highlighting the area with my finger or ruler beforehand.

If I concentrate on a certain body part it starts to get that familiar heavy feeling.

I don't feel like I can progress until I can FEEL the stirring action. Is this right? Should I just keep trying or is what I'm doing enough? Please help, I'm going a bit stir crazy


15th April 2012, 06:38 PM
Hi All,

So I have been stuck on the stirring actions for like a whole week now.

If I imagine the stirring the action then I get the heavy sensation along with some buzzing etc. That's what feeling the action means.

However, I read that you have to FEEL the action, I can't do this no matter how long I spend highlighting the area with my finger or ruler beforehand. It doesn't mean that you have to feel exactly the same as when you do it physically- it means that when you do it mentally, there is a response. This is what 'feeling it' means, and nothing more.

If I concentrate on a certain body part it starts to get that familiar heavy feeling. That's a good thing. What you're looking for is feedback .
You're doing enough. I think it's time to move on.

Thanks. You're welcome.