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View Full Version : orgonecrystals.com products and neg entities

2nd May 2012, 10:55 AM
i am not receiving any reply from orgonecrystals.com and its website product info make no mention of its use in repelling neg entities(dark entities), so i would like to ask anyone in this forum on whether orgonecrystals.com
products (such as nano lemurian hhg, pendants, black tourmaline and orgone home shield) are effective
or not in repelling neg entities (dark entities) ?

2nd May 2012, 11:05 AM
Believe me, you will get your orgonite if you have ordered it. if you cant get in contact with them, look to THE FORUM (http://www.warriormatrix.com/) for answers.

The way Orgonite works is by taking negative energy and make it positive. So if a negative entity is made of negative energy, then I suppose logic makes it work. But I am by no means an expert in this area, just writing down my toughts here. I have no clue how to use orgonite to make negative entities go away or anything like that. Orgonite works automatically, and I don't know if one can control its effect.

One thing I do know however, is that the better and stronger the orgonite is the more ffect you get out of it. If you have serious problems I don't know if orgonite is the answer, but I'd go with a HOME SHIELD (http://www.orgonecrystals.com/store/products.php?cat=Orgone+Home+Shield) or something like that.

2nd May 2012, 04:43 PM
Many neg sufferers (Here in the PSD and PSNA forums) use orgone and orgonite and seem to be happy with the results.
That's all I know.