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2nd May 2012, 07:09 PM
How can people be unaware they are dead if there are constant anomalies?

Robert Bruce
18th May 2012, 01:08 AM
Because they have no idea what the anomalies mean. This is not common knowledge in the world today. It can take a long time before this is realized through experience. Added to this, most deceased people are in denial about the possibility that they are deceased, so they tend to ignore the anomalies.

18th May 2012, 06:00 PM
Then, ¿he's on Hell of his own lack of knowledge?

At such a situation ¿Higher Self can introduce some sort of help (perhaps under the form of suitable bibliographic references) in order to overcome it, ¿or is attitude from H.S. totally passive allowing recent deceased enough time in order to search explanation of such peculiar environment?

Let's suppose deceased try to commit suicide falling from a high altitude, ¿failure can give him the notion he's in a environment that nothing has to do with reality? ¿Surviving the fall he can come to conclusion he's Superman and try to flight and after doing it reach to conclusion he's mad?

In itself some scenaryo is fearful. Never ending source of food, drink, sex, life, etc., ¿how any entity can avoid to went mad? Is like to move in a limitless spiral or labyrinth without exit.

My best regards,

19th May 2012, 05:48 PM
Because they have no idea what the anomalies mean. This is not common knowledge in the world today. It can take a long time before this is realized through experience. Added to this, most deceased people are in denial about the possibility that they are deceased, so they tend to ignore the anomalies.

So for discusion's sake, lets say I discover some reality fluctuations and figure out I'm dead.

What should be my next action?

Robert Bruce
29th May 2012, 12:44 PM
The best thing to do then, is to look for and focus closely on the anomalies.

This is a bit like how your hands melt if you look closely at them during OBE. The action of observing something closely changes it.

When you do this in the afterlife, the reality you are in will begin to break down, and you will move to the next stage of your afterlife experience.

Most people I have visited with in the afterlife have noticed the anomalies. But they are in subconscious denial. Denying the suspicion that they might be dead. This is difficult for most people to face. So they cling to whatever semblance of real life they have at hand, even if this does not make a lot of sense. Eventually, of course, when they are ready, they will look more closely at the anomalies...curiosity being what it is.

And there is no hurry for this. There is no deadline. And no one gets left behind forever.

Btw, I wrote a feature on this, The Afterlife Experience, for the April special edition of NEW DAWN Magazine 2012.


30th May 2012, 09:38 PM
that afterlife sounds pretty damn cool, i rather just be stuck there having fun than to "move on"