View Full Version : Creatures with guns

4th May 2012, 03:17 AM
I dreamed I was driving to work; it was dark (as it normally is as I start so early) & as I drove down a deserted stretch of highway, the headlights of the car just switched off, although the engine kept running. There was no light from anywhere, & the moon was behind clouds (as it really was as I drove in this morning). I had to swerve suddenly to avoid a huge motor bike (?) parked in the middle of the road, & felt very anxious as I still could not get the car lights to work. Then I noticed several small figures, about the size of 6-year old children, all dressed in dark jumpsuits; they were swarming along the side of the road, & some were carrying what looked like very large guns. I realised there were dead bodies there as well. I became really afraid, & woke myself up. . . . .odd, I don't usually have nughtmares. . . just thought I'd record it here.

4th May 2012, 04:22 PM