View Full Version : Copy of An unsettling experience.

28th May 2012, 05:59 AM
Hello Robert

I have one more question for you. A few nights ago I found myself awakening from sleep, to a fully conscious state. About thirty seconds later I experienced the very strong falling sensation when the projected double reenters the body. For a split second it seemed as if I was experiencing the reentry from both my fully conscious physical body and mind, as well as from the projected double. This left me feelng quite unsettled, plus with the sensation or feeling that another part of me - another projected double was still outside of me, but close by. This too added to the unsettled almost anxious feeling I had. I fell asleep again soon after. Is it normal to feel this way when you experience dual perception like this, or when you find yourself fully awake after sleep but unaware of any projection, only to have the projected double reenter? I am yet to have conscious exit projection, but when I do I would hate to get out of body only to have this dual perception happen, and be pulled immediately back into my physical body due to it feeling anxiety. So is there any way to stop this from happening so that my awareness is in my projected double only, and not in both double and physical body?

Thanks so much

28th May 2012, 07:28 PM
Yes, it does happen- it's also known as astral feedback, and it can sometimes cause sheer terror for no apparent reason. It is theorized that the feedback energy 'tickles' the fear part of the amygdala and that's why the sudden 'uneasy' feeling.

29th May 2012, 03:47 AM
Yes, it does happen- it's also known as astral feedback, and it can sometimes cause sheer terror for no apparent reason. It is theorized that the feedback energy 'tickles' the fear part of the amygdala and that's why the sudden 'uneasy' feeling.

Thanks so much CFTraveler.