View Full Version : how is it possible to capture an OBE on film?

30th May 2012, 09:47 PM
Ive never seen one myself, but seen many thumbnails on youtube that says "obe captured on film" and there are many of them. most of the time turns out to be some lame joke, but I am just wondering if its even possible. my understanding is that when one have an OBE, its a frequency change. so you're moving your awareness from one frequency body to another frequency body which already exists at another dimension. so my understanding is that there is no physical movement, only a change in frequency. so how is it even possible to capture it on film? and what do people expect to see, a cloudy shape thing coming out of the physical body? if so wouldn't the camera then be capturing something from another dimension?

30th May 2012, 10:42 PM
Ive never seen one myself, but seen many thumbnails on youtube that says "obe captured on film" and there are many of them. most of the time turns out to be some lame joke, but I am just wondering if its even possible. my understanding is that when one have an OBE, its a frequency change. so you're moving your awareness from one frequency body to another frequency body which already exists at another dimension. so my understanding is that there is no physical movement, only a change in frequency. so how is it even possible to capture it on film? and what do people expect to see, a cloudy shape thing coming out of the physical body? if so wouldn't the camera then be capturing something from another dimension? I think using physical terms such as "frequency" and "moving from here to there" are not exactly literally what happens, but it conveys the idea satisfactorily.
So yeah, I don't think it can be captured on film, because there is nothing physical to capture, and photography captures principally light waves.
I think the expectation of seeing a 'wispy' thing has to do with when people see ghosts- because often what they see is either wispy or transparent- but I think this is an 'inner' seeing, and not physical either.
Just my opinion, of course.

1st June 2012, 06:08 PM
Hallo averyniceman
If you watch some of the ghost hunting shows on tv, like "Ghost Adventures" and "Ghost Hunters" you will notice that every now and again they Do catch a spirit or ghost on camera. This is usually done either with an infra red camera or a heat sensitive FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) camera. So it IS possible to do this.
In fact if my memory is correct I remember reading about someone who claimed to video himself getting out of body. If I can find that anywhere then the link will get posted here.
