View Full Version : Need your help.

5th June 2012, 11:46 PM
Bruce, tell me please how can i restore my energy level. So i`m starting with OBE and frankly know only few ways:
walking in the park
visiting concert
But they are not enough.
Thank you.

6th June 2012, 02:30 AM


Robert Bruce
22nd July 2012, 06:22 AM
Good health and energy is quite an art these days.

First, see a doctor and get a physical, so you can eliminate health problems that can cause low energy, like Diabetes type 2.

I suggest you see a naturopath or similar and get some advice and good supplements. Colloidal supplements are far superior, you'll find, as the bio-availability is much higher.

Also, get some sun every day with no sunscreen, to keep your vitamin D levels high (your immune system is solar powered) and or use something like cold liver oil if there is not much sun available.

Follow your bliss, is key to happiness and higher energy states.
