View Full Version : OBE novels, films, stories

15th June 2012, 07:14 AM
Hi All,

I'm having trouble finding novels or films that directly explore astral travel.

Can anyone help?


15th June 2012, 12:40 PM
Hi Yepyo,

Amazon lists plenty, just search "Astral Projection" and "OBE" in the Books section, then click the Fiction link on the left. I'm an admitted literary snob, so I don't spend much time with fiction that doesn't absolutely compel me, but I think you'll find plenty of options there. You can do the same for movies.

While this documentary isn't specifically about the OBE state, it's well worth a view: http://www.amazon.com/Something-Unknown-Doing-Dont-Know/dp/B002XFDKUM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339763862&sr=8-1&keywords=something+unknown+is+doing+we+don%27t+kno w+what

Of course, once there you can click around on other recommended links to dig deeper. I'm sure there's more out there that I'm not aware of.

Now that I think of it, there was that scene in Beverly Hills Ninja where Chris Farley astral projects...but I doubt that's where you're interests lie :-)


15th June 2012, 04:42 PM
If you've ever heard of F. Paul Wilson (he writes the Repairman Jack novels that are my favorite), one or two in the earlier part of the series explores it a bit. Of course, it's not about that (just a literary device in a far 'bigger' story).
One of the problems that I have found with fiction that has spiritual devices is that it's just a platform to promote a viewpoint (which of course, is not a problem for me, as I already have a viewpoint) and sometimes the storytelling just isn't that good, but Wilson is not in this genre- it's my favorite of all fiction authors, at the moment anyway.